Tips For Attending Networking Events Near And Far!

Tips For Attending Networking Events Near And Far!

Attending networking  events is great for entrepreneurs and eCommerce sellers.

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved and think of arriving a day early and or leaving a day late so that you’re fresh and alert for the seminar.

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved

Depending on the budget you have, you might consider finding out if there are free shuttles and/or shuttle services to and from the hotel of the event so that you don’t need to rent a car or pay for a solo cab ride.

Once you’re at your meeting make sure you bring a sweater or light jacket and wear comfortable shoes as often there is a lot of walking to and from seminar rooms and temperature changes in the meeting rooms.

Having a jacket and or sweater with you and comfortable shoes is helpful.

Having a jacket and or sweater with you and comfortable shoes is helpful.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of the event speakers. Then google them! Yup google them.

Read their blogs, listen to their youtubes and or read a book they’ve published. What is their area of expertise? Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker if you’re able.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of speakers. Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of speakers.
Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker.

Lastly be sure an bring lots of business cards to hand out. I also find the smartphone app camcard very usual to scan business cards into my smartphone.
Link to free Business Card Scan App camcard

So with some preparation you’ll save money, have an idea of the content of the seminar and what questions you want to ask and be prepared to network for your business and have fun and be comfortable doing it!




Take a Break ! Yes You Busy Entrepreneur You!

Take a Break ! Yes You Busy Entrepreneur You!

Do you take a break busy entrepreneur? Yes you?! And no walking to the kitchen or your local Starbucks is not what I’m thinking about.

A quick walk to your kitchen or local Starbucks is not an appropriate break from work!

A quick walk to your kitchen or local Starbucks is not an appropriate break from work!

Meet a friend or relative who has nothing to do with your business for lunch, or coffee counts as a refreshing and restorative break.

Going for a nice long walk counts, preferably in pleasant surroundings that have nothing to do with your line of work.

Taking a few hours to soak in a museum, watch your child play a sport, play with a child and or go to a movie (preferably something silly) counts.

Too often an entrepreneurs and business people we work from dawn til dusk, constantly dealing with one aspect of our business or another eating at our desks and or on the run.

Go ahead, and walk away for a few hours, or at the very least 30 minutes.

Too often an entrepreneurs and business people from dawn til dusk we are dealing with one aspect of our business or another.

Too often an entrepreneurs and business people go from dawn til dusk constantly dealing with one aspect of our business or another.

When you come back, you’ll find you’re refreshed and so much more productive. I find I accomplish so much more after enjoying a break.

This week I had a nice 45 minute lunch with my grown son. I listened to the many events in his life. It was wonderful. When I returned my desk I accomplished so much more and I had a smile on my face all day and the added benefit of a loving text from him later in the day telling me what a great Mom I am.

So you, yes you… it’s time to take a break
And then… yes you can get back to that work you enjoy!

A meal with someone you love is a wonderful break from a long entrepreneurial wok day!

A meal with someone you love is a wonderful break from a long entrepreneurial work day!


The Power Of Inspiration In Business!

The Power Of Inspiration In Business!

One of the most powerful tools in business is inspiration!

Yes, you heard me right, inspiration!

Did you know we all need to be inspired?

Did you know we all need to be inspired?

You need it,  and  did you know that your customers need to be inspired? They do.

Also if you didn’t know it, inspiration to work and engage needs to be genuine.

Artifice can be smelled at a thousand paces.

What inspires you? Is it a beautiful painting, an uplifting quote, glorious music? Share what you love with your customers and followers. Encourage them to share back with you.

What do Richard Branson and Mark Cuban both do? 

They freely share their passion and what inspires them!

Take a look at their followers on social media and how much engagement they get! It’s not just because they are celebrity entrepreneurs and multi millionaires.

It’s because they inspire.

Actually one of the reasons they are uber wealthy and very successful entrepreneurial businessmen is because they know how to inspire!

Step out..go ahead and inspire! It’s a wonderful and effective business tool. And who knows, it might bring a big smile to your face and others and that’s a good thing.


Google Plus Tips For Business On eBay, etsy and more!

Google Plus Tips For Business On eBay, etsy and more!

Google search gives preference to it’s own products in Google search.

I’m not making that statement, rather Gary Vaynerchuk is in his widely successful book on social media Jab, Jab, Jab Right Hook.

So, as an ebay seller looking always to increase my sales and how well my items show on Google search, what do I do with this information?

Google owns YouTube and Google owns Google Plus.
As an ebay or etsy or eCommerce seller I ask you, are you on Google Plus?

What information is in your Google Plus profile?
Did you know in the about section of your Google Plus profile in addition to your social media information of your business twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram accounts etc, that you can also add custom links?

Did you know in that custom link area you can add ebay collections, ebay promotions, ebay guides, etsy treasuries and blog posts to name a few ideas that come to my mind?!
Here’s how to do that.
Once added to your Google Plus profile the information in those custom links is now fed to Google search.

I’m going to repeat that. Any and all information your put in your custom links in your Google Plus profile is fed to Google Search!

Wow! I mean Wow!

Here’s an appearance I did on the nationally syndicated ebay radio show  recently discussing this with Lee Mirabel and Jim “the Griff” Griffith.
ebay radio show Kathy Terrill did explaining Google Plus Search Secrets For Sellers!

Now what are you waiting for?
Get over to your Google Plus profile and get to work!

ebay Sales Increase When Customers Can Find Your Products, Here’s How!

ebay Sales Increase When Customers Can Find Your Products, Here’s How!

Entrepreneurs will say to me, “Kathy, my ebay sales are down, what do I do?”

If they have an ebay store one of the first places I’ll look to help them increase their sales is at their ebay store categories.

As an ebay store seller ebay gives you 300 categories to use to organize your products.

The categories you chose matter. They help your customer find your items and also buy more than one item from you when they are shopping in your store.

I have found the two best ways to pick ebay store categories is first to check the ebay site and see what ebay category ebay is using with my item.

After I’ve done then I look at the large brick and mortar store websites. Macy’s  is one of my favorite places to go. I had pajamas and robes to sell for the Christmas season.

On Macy’s site the way they list ladies pajamas is under the primary category Women’s Clothing. The subcategory they use is pajamas and robes. So that’s what I used!

Macy’s spends thousands of dollars researching keywords. So, being a savvy seller I take advantage of their research! If I sold fishing equipment I’d be looking at Bass Pro Shop. Get the idea?

Your ebay store categories do not show in your store until you put an item into the category. Each item can be placed in two ebay store categories, so consider that when you’re setting up your categories.

For instance back to my pajamas and robes. My ladies pink pajamas went into the pajamas and robes category and I also had a Christmas Gifts  ( with a Gifts for Her sub category).

Now once your categories are set up in your manage my store you can click to alphabetize your categories or sort by which category has the most items to appear at the top.
ebay tutorial how to set up, and then organize your store categories

I chose to alphabetize my ebay store categories and I find most successful sellers I recently surveyed do the same. After I alphabetize my store categories I then manually order one or two categories by dragging them to the top of my store categories to feature that category.

For instance at Christmas and the Holiday season I drag my Christmas category to the top. After Christmas I keep my Christmas category and alphabetize it and I drag Valentines Day to the top of the list.

Here’s a short YouTube video I did to show you easily how to do this!


So, with some quick research you can pick keyword rich ebay store categories and order those categories to help shoppers find your products easily and to browse your items increasing your potential sales and the size of your sales!

Here is a link to a recording of an appearance I did on the ebay radio show on February 10th explaining all these tips in detail for you.

ebay radio show appearance I did discussing optimizing your ebay store categories!

If shoppers can’t find your items they can’t buy them!

Valentine’s Day’s Gifts, yes you do have them!

Valentine’s Day’s Gifts, yes you do have them!

I know, I know you’re thinking it’s Valentine’s Day in a few weeks and your inventory has nothing to offer gift shoppers!

You don’t sell candy, flowers, lingerie or smartphones and tablets. You sell clothes, books, automotive accessories, collectibles and/or media let’s say.

What is a savvy entrepreneur to do?

Rather than writing off the holiday ( no, no no Nanette!) a smart seller pulls out the list of their inventory and starts thinking to themself,  “how can I re-purpose my items for Valentine’s Day shoppers?”

Do you sell collectibles?
If you do great! Now smart entrepreneur, which ones can be showcased for Valentines Day as collectible gifts? I feel a great Pinterest board coming on!

Do you sell clothing? Come on, who doesn’t want a great jacket, sweater or skirt for Valentine’s Day?

Are you an automotive accessories vendor? Terrific, now look at your inventory and ask yourself , “what would make that Mercedes Benz owner smile?”

Shoppers look for great and unique gifts to give their sweethearts on Valentine’s Day, so it’s time to step up and help them find what you’re offering.

Themed Pinterest boards are a great way to invite customers to browse and buy with you. If  you sell on ebay using the free marketing tool of ebay collections is another awesome way to help your items get seen and sold!

So select your inventory for gift shopping customers and enjoy pinning them on Pinterest onto tightly niched boards and creating inviting collection on ebay!

Valentine’s Day is not all about chocolate!

Well, maybe some chocolate and a thoughtful gift to go with it!


The perfect Valentine's Day gift is lurking in your inventory!

The perfect Valentine’s Day gift is lurking in your inventory!


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