4th Quarter Sales For eCommerce Start Now!

4th Quarter Sales For eCommerce Start Now!

With the Christmas and the Winter Holidays selling season less than 6 months away entrepreneurs if you are not gearing your business for December now, you will lose sales!

Without strategic planning for 4th Quarter you will lose sales!

Without strategic planning for 4th Quarter you will lose sales!

Have you looked and categorized your inventory for the Holidays? 

Is your social media crafted and and targeted to bring you the shoppers you want?

Do you have reliable sources of inventory for 4th quarter? Have you considered how to make your inventory stand out in the crowd?

Do you have reliable sources of inventory for 4th quarter?

Do you have reliable sources of inventory for 4th quarter?

If you answer yes to any of these, or maybe, or I’m not sure, now is the time to  listen to the replay of an outstanding webinar I just took part in!  Are you ready to learn  success strategies from social media eCommerce star John Lawson and ebay power seller Kathy Keefe and myself?

Click For Webinar Replay For Less Than 2 Starbucks Coffees!

Webinar replay

Investing now in the right information, sets the table for the profits you’re looking for this 4th quarter. It’s time to get to work entrepreneur and click that link and listen to the information you need to skyrocket your sales!

Are You Ready To Ignite Your 4th Quarter eBay Sales?

Are You Ready To Ignite Your 4th Quarter eBay Sales?

The countdown to Christmas has begun ebay sellers and you know what that means!

No, not panic, it’s time to plan!

Without a plan unless you are selling the most recent ipad for an unbelievable price you will not maximize your 4th quarter sales potential on any selling platform.
Author of  the best selling book Kick Ass Social Media, John Lawson

is hosting a free webinar Tuesday July 21st at 7pm est with myself and top rated ebay seller and coach Kathy Keefe to help you in under 1 hour get ready to ignite your ebay sales.
And the cost you ask, well, it’s free.

Yup it’s free!

Just click this link and sign up.
Sign up link for Igniting Your ebay Sales Webinar!

You’ll get the replay for free too.

If you DON’T sign up, yes you’ll be able to get access to the replay later, but it will cost you a nominal fee. So, heh, save the money and sign up!

We’re all volunteering our time and knowledge of ebay selling to help you. If you sell in other arena trust me you’ll find plenty of invaluable information in our 1 hour power packed webinar!

So the question is, are you ready to ignite your sales on ebay?!

big money


How To Increase Sales Online With 6 Words!

How To Increase Sales Online With 6 Words!

Online sellers will ask me, “Kathy, I want to increase my online sales and get more repeat customers, what can I do?”.

My answer is, “deliver extraordinary customer service to each and every single one of your customers!”

But Kathy you’re thinking I want something more snazzy, more hip than customer service! I need something eye catching that will really grab my shoppers attention!

I want to excite and engage my customers!

I want to excite and engage my customers!

The answer is yes and superb customer service is that and more!

Why does someone shop with you? Yes you need to sell a product that the customer wants. Yes seller you need to be competitive in price and make sure your item can be found on the internet with a Google search.

With price and availability taken into consideration why is your customer shopping with you?

The answer is customer service! Shoppers can see from reviews and the content on your web site whether or not you are all about them!

Customers need to know you are all about them!

Customers need to know you are all about them!

I had an air conditioner delivered and installed this week. I was having some difficulties which it turned out were my fault as I misread the delivery date and time.

I called the delivery service and realized while I was talked to the owner it was my error. Do you want to know what his response was?

“I will take care of you!”

"I will take care of you!"

“I will take care of you!”


He did just that. He gave me an installation time immediately. A great crew was quickly dispatched to help me.

I went on the the delivery company’s business Facebook page and left a glowing review!

Guess who will speak to all her friends about this great installation service?

Guess who is happy and will now shop with this installation service for the rest of her life?

All of this because this very smart business man uttered 6 words.

“I will take care of you”.

Guess how to grow your business and repeat business? Let each and every customer know that , “I will take care of you” and then do it!

How To Increase Your Internet Sales Now!

How To Increase Your Internet Sales Now!

Online sellers will say to me, “Kathy, How do I increase my sales?”. My answer is simple, “Visit Macys!”
Macys Memorial Day Weekend 2014

“Visit Macy’s?!,  Kathy I don’t want to go shopping I want to increase my online sales!”

Well, online seller I tell you why you should want to visit Macy’s regularly and any brick and mortar near you that sells your product lines.

Visiting retail stores is an amazing opportunity for you to learn merchandising and taking note of what inventory is hot and what is not.

Did you know that according to the US Census of 2014 over 93% of total retail sales are in brick and mortar stores! That means less than 10% of retail is online!

Less than 10% of retail sales are on the internet!

Less than 10% of retail sales are on the internet!

With these government statistics in mind an online seller has a gold mine of information inside any and all retail stores! If brick and mortar had over 93% of retail sales it’s time to learn from them and get their customers to shop with you online!

Questions to ask yourself when you enter a store is what merchandise greets you?
Is a season featured or is it a sale?

What merchandise, seasons. colors are being offered?

What merchandise, seasons. colors are being offered?

If it’s a sale what kind of inventory is being featured?
What colors do you see and what kind of display fixtures?

Do you have anything similar? How can you translate what you see in inventory, season , a sale event to your online store with design colors, store categories and banners?

How can you translate what you see in retail stores to your online presence to score sales and happy repeat buyers?

Look at what shoppers are buying and listen to what they are talking about to know what is hot and what is not.

Grab your tip sheet I’m offering at the end of this post to help you with these questions and more!

This valuable checklist is from a presentation I did recently in Las Vegas for hundreds of online sellers at the ebay radio party and conference.

The title of what I shared was “Are you Macy’s or Bergdorf’s, what you can learn from brick and mortar retail!”
Macys entrance 2
With this sales tips checklist you can learn and grow your online business from every retail store you walk into where it’s a department store or car dealership!

The question remains, are you Macy’s or Bergdorf’s?
Grab your free retail sales secrets tip sheet now!

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Father’s Day Sales Are You Having One?

Father’s Day Sales Are You Having One?

Father’s Day is fast approaching for eCommerce sellers so now is the time to be featuring your Father’s Day products for shoppers!
Father’s Day Is More Than Ties!
Fathers Day In More Than Ties!

“Kathy,” you say to me “I don’t sell Father’s Day products!” I say, “it’s time to expand your horizons and what you consider a Father’s Day item!”

Father’s Day is more than ties and pipes! It’s men’s clothes of all kinds, sports gear, collectibles, games, home decor as Dad needs more great items for his man cave! Don’t forget electronics, car and boat accessories and the list of great Father’s Day gifts goes on and on!!

Sort through your inventory and think how/what can be gifted to a man for Father’s Day?

Consider what in your inventory would make a great Gift For Dad!

Consider what in your inventory would make a great gift for Dad!

If you have’t done it set up a Father’s Day category in your webstore with a matching Pinterest board full of great merchandise for your customers to discover!
Father’s Day Pinterst Boards Engage Shoppers!
Pinterst Board Fathers Day more

Analyse your  available inventory, set up a Father’s Day web store category, match the category on Pinterest and welcome shoppers!
Now what was that about that you had no Father’s Day inventory?!  Time to get busy!

Content Creation For Facebook Business Pages That Works!

Content Creation For Facebook Business Pages That Works!

Entrepreneurial sellers are always looking for great ways to create content that engages their followers on Facebook!

Did you know that your Facebook business page has a tool that you can use to create a post that grabs your followers attention in minutes?!
clock 3

Have you used your Facebook Milestone feature?

Did you know in under 10 minutes you can create a milestone to share on Facebook?!

Think of all the news you can share! You can let your Facebook followers know about a record day of sales, a feedback milestone, new arrivals and more!

You can use the design site Canva
Link to design site Canva
9500 Feedback!

to design an catching graphic to announce your milestone quickly and colorfully! Most of Canvas design elements are free and or very low cost!

The use of Facebook Milestones is FREE on your business page. That being said you may want to take advantage of a Facebook ad campaign and for as little as $5 boost your milestone post to bring you new followers and shoppers!
Click for easy set up of a Facebook Ad Campaign!

I’ve done a You Tube for you on how to create a Facebook Milestone for your Facebook Business page and the video is under 4 minutes!



I said  the You Tube is under 4 minutes! Busy entrepreneur, what are you waiting for?!

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