Why Giving Never Fails!

Why Giving Never Fails!

With Christmas here in a few weeks it’s a frenetic time of year for ebay and Etsy sellers!

The Holidays are fast approaching!

The Holidays are fast approaching!

Holiday shopping is a wonderful time of year for sellers meeting their customers needs with the special gifts shoppers want and that personal customer service they enjoy from your small business!

Amid all the Holiday events it’s good to take a tiny pause and think. Is there a charity I can reach out at this time of year? Christmas is a wonderful time full of work, family, friends and gifts. It is also the perfect time to remember our blessings.

It's time to count our blessings!

It’s time to count our blessings!

Giving money to the charity of your choice, and to shop ebay looking for businesses donating to great causes with ebay for Charity are thoughtful choices to make.

Shopping with charities is a great Holiday choice!

Shopping with charities is a great Holiday choice!

Don’t forget the gift of time. Is there an elderly neighbor that could use a nice phone call? Perhaps you know a military veteran that could use a plate of cookies or at single Mom that would love the treat of a manicure pedicure while you keep an eye on her kids for a few precious hours.

Frankly my schedule is absolutely packed full this time of year with selling online, consulting with sellers, working brick and mortar retail for clients and grabbing precious time for my family.

In the midst of the Holidays events it’s truly a joy to be helping a dear friend from my QVC days Marie Cisterino Ludwig . Right now Marie has a selling event on ebay through ebay for Charity for her 501c3 charity Stephanie’s House.

Stephanie’s House  was created by Marie as a loving and safe place for Marie’s adult autistic daughter Stephanie. Marie’s vision includes room for other women living with autism to share the home with Stephanie. While tirelessly raising funds to maintain the home Marie doesn’t stop there! She helps other families that reach out to her for tips on how to build similar homes for their very own adult autistic children. Stephanie’s House reaches hearts and needs for many families caring for autistic children.

Enjoy the sales ebay and Etsy sellers! Enjoy reaching your returning and new customers, and remember the Stephanies of the world.

All it takes is a phone call, a plate of cookies, or for Stephanie, buying a beauty cream or lotion from Marie on ebay!

Come shop with Marie and me at Stephanie's House on ebay!

Come shop with Marie and me at Stephanie’s House on ebay!

Count your blessings! Enjoy the fruits of your very hard work this year sellers. And enjoy the greatest gift of all, freely giving from what you are so blessed with!

4 Keys For Successful Online Holiday Sales Now!

4 Keys For Successful Online Holiday Sales Now!

The Holiday shopping countdown is on and it’s time to make sure your goods are sold and your online customers are thrilled!

Time to thrill online shoppers!

Time to thrill online shoppers!

If you’ve been using the tips found here on this blog and my hit class Secret Sauce for ebay Sales you’re busy packing ebay sales!

Follow these 4 tips to continue your successful selling on ebay, Etsy and your online website. These will work now and right up to Christmas!

  1. Answer any and all questions as fast and accurately as possible. This time of year fast, polite and calming customer service is crucial to capture the sale. If you don’t answer a  potential customer quickly, your shopper will find a seller who does!
  2. Whenever possible ship the same day that the item is ordered. Fast shipping is a must this time of year.
  3. Offer free and or paid shipping upgrades. If a customer wants an item overnight or in 2 days, you want to be the seller that offers that to them.
  4. Be sure to keep sourcing inventory to offer buyers! Online sellers ran away with Black Friday sales this year which means many brick and mortar retailers will be deeply discounting item to meet sales goals. Keep an alert eye out for inventory for you to acquire. Fresh inventory bring shoppers back again and again as they browse your newest finds!
Shoppers are tired and frazzled.

Shoppers are tired and frazzled.

Shoppers are tired and frazzled. Keep this in mind as you answer questions and swiftly pack orders.

Offering great products, kind and professional customer service and quickly dispatching customer’s purchases brings you happy and satisfied customers singing your praises.

Aren’t happy customers the true goal of a successful Holiday selling season?

Fa la la la.

How To Grow Your Online Business Now!

How To Grow Your Online Business Now!

It’s 3 week til Christmas.

Are you wondering where are the shoppers?

Are you wondering where are the shoppers?

Sellers if you are enjoying great sales that is fantastic! You have 3 weeks to continue to do and grow what you are doing in your ebay and Etsy business! Continue to list, run sales, and create and use promotional coupons. Post your most attractive items to Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest, Google Plus and Instagram. If you’re not doing it consider taking it up a notch and boost some of your Facebook posts with a Facebook ad campaign.

For sellers that are a tad discouraged right now, take heart!

Time to stop and think!

Time to stop and think!

Pause for a minute.

Calmly take a look at your inventory. Decide what is gift worthy. What do you sell that is new and sealed or a wonderful collectible gift. Those are the items you need to focus on. Jump on ebay or Etsy and check prices. Prices can change with lightening speed at the Holidays up or down. In order for you to move your inventory quickly carefully consider the best prices to be offering right now. For some categories you may need to be checking  prices daily to stay competitive and sell with maximum profits.

If you’re on ebay use ebay’s Advanced search to see if the items you have listed are being bought by customers. Take some time to dig deeper and see what the hot items are in your categories. You can do this quickly and expertly with the excellent research tool Terapeak. It’s not just a matter of listing on ebay. As a successful seller I want to source and list what has a good sell through rate.

If you are having a slow Holiday season it’s crucial that you find out what is hot NOW and see if you can source it. Terapeak can help you locate the current top sellers so you can get profits quickly, not in a year.

In conclusion, if you having a banner year continue and look to take it up a notch.

If you’re floundering stop. Assess your most saleable inventory. Then check your prices and know that you may need to check prices daily in very hot categories. Do some research to see if the items you have for the Holidays are selling at all. Advanced search and Terapeak will give you this important information. To maximize Holiday sales use Terapeak to do a deep dive into ebay categories to find the current hot products and look locally and online to source these items fast and increase your sales now!
divingebay and Etsy sellers it’s time to jump in and grab those Holiday profits!


Top 5 Tips To Ignite Your Cyber Monday Sales!

Top 5 Tips To Ignite Your Cyber Monday Sales!

It’s here ebay and Etsy sellers, today is Cyber Monday!
Wow what a weekend ! First there was Black Friday, then Small Business Saturday and now Cyber Monday!
With my 5 tops tips for Cyber Monday sales you can be ready to ignite your online sales in under 30 minutes!
Let’s go!

It's time to Ignite your Cyber Monday sales!

It’s time to Ignite your Cyber Monday sales!

  1. Offer great deals.
    Flat out buyers are looking for great deals
    , so to be competitive you need to give it to them. If you sell on Etsy you can create a coupon and put the coupon offer in your Etsy shop header. You can also use an Etsy on sale app to create sales.
    For ebay store owners you have ebay’s Markdown Manager and the app CampaignGO to help you run an attractive short term sale. Short term sales create urgency and encourage the shopper to buy now.

    Feature Your Best Items!

    Feature Your Best Items!

  2. Feature your most attractive items.
    As an Etsy seller you can feature up to 4 items in your shop. Look at your inventory and pick the items that will grab the most attention.
    For ebay sellers with a store in the new store format you can select featured items that are displayed on your store’s landing page. From the items you have in Cyber Monday sales select attractive items to be featured to your customers!
  3. Design a special Cyber Monday Header for your ebay store and your Etsy Shop. This can be done quickly and inexpensively on Canva
  4. Create a Cyber Monday Sales Board on Pinterest for your sale items and pin them. ebay sellers can also easily create a Cyber Monday ebay collection!
  5. Using your featured items, Pinterest Board and or ebay collection in a matter of minutes you can create a gorgeous collage with the Twitter app PromotePictures.
    After you tweet your collage or single featured item, pin the tweet to the top of your Twitter feed for maximum exposure!

ebay sellers a good of Secret Sauce For ebay Sales further ignites your online sales. If you have it use it, if you don’t have it yet come grab your copy of this runaway hit class for successful sellers of all levels!

ebay Sellers Grab Your Secret Sauce!

ebay Sellers Grab Your Secret Sauce!

So sellers it’s time to run a great Cyber Monday sale! With these tops tips you can promote your sale in minutes and ignite your Cyber Monday sales!

Ultimate Guide To Small Business Saturday!

Ultimate Guide To Small Business Saturday!

Small Business Saturday is here sellers! Here are 3 top tips you can use for your ebay, Etsy and online business now to maximize your sales today on this special sales day.These tips take less than 10 minutes to implement!

Small Business Saturday highlights shopping with small businesses!

Small Business Saturday highlights shopping with small businesses!

The 3 tops tips you can implement now for your small business online are:

  1. Change your personal profile picture on your Facebook page to the Shop Small logo to remind your Facebook friends today is Small Business Saturday! This is a subtle and social way to highlight the day.

    Use the Shop Small Logo on your Personal Facebook Page!

    Use the Shop Small Logo on your Personal Facebook Page!

  2. On all social media posts for any content you post both products and social content use the hashtag #shopsmall. It’s currently trending on Twitter.
  3. Run a sale in your ebay store using Markdown Manager or CampaignGO. Run a sale in your Etsy shop. Run a sale on your website.If you run a sale on ebay add a matching event with Promotions Manager and share it on social media with the hashtag #shopsmall. If you don’t have an ebay store tweet your items, and post on your Facebook Business page with the hashtag #shopsmall.

The above take minutes to put into place and can help shoppers that want to shop small today find your products!




Get busy sellers and #shopsmall!

The Secret of Scoring Halloween Sales Using Pinterest!

The Secret of Scoring Halloween Sales Using Pinterest!

It’s October ebay, Etsy and eCommerce sellers and you know what that means don’t you?

Halloween should be selling now!

Halloween should be selling now!

It means if you are selling anything Halloween related it better be flying off the shelves NOW!

If your Halloween sales on ebay, Etsy and your website are on target, great! If they are not and or if it’s time to take your online business up a notch, look to Pinterest!

Pinterest is social media that is online scrapbooks created by users that boasts 100 million users as of September 2015!

If you’re not familiar with Pinterest or want to brush up on your pinning skill here is a video I did to help sellers optimize their Pinterest pins and boards!


You may think to yourself, “Kathy I have Halloween boards already on Pinterest! I’m finding that my Halloween boards are not getting repins and likes!”
Online seller you have come to the right place!

I find on Pinterest that you need to micro niche your boards and that as a seller you need to be social.

If you sell Halloween costumes don’t have 1 board with all your costumes. Break your costumes down by age. For instance create Pinterest boards for Halloween costumes for adults, Halloween costumes for babies etc.

Ideas to be social on Pinterest for Halloween!

Micro niche Your Pinterest Boards for Halloween!

Remember Pinterest is social media. So on Pinterest as on all social media platforms you want to be social.

So you say to me, “Kathy I have no idea how to be social about Halloween on Pinterest.”

As a business owner you should have a Pinterest business account. Business accounts on Pinterest are free.
Link to set up/convert for a free Pinterest Business Account!

One of the great free services that Pinterest gives business account holders is a list of interests of your followers!

Under the audience tab in your analytics dashboard you’ll find a tab for interests. Click the tab and voila free from Pinterest you are given awesome ideas for social and product boards!

Pinterest’s personalized statistics tells you as seller in your business dashboard what Pinterest specifically found that your people like to see and pin!

Pinterest Business Account Free Board Tips!

Pinterest Business Account Free Board Tips!

ebay, Etsy and eCommerce sellers jump on Pinterest! Be sure and check your free personalized business analytics! 

It’s time be social, get pinning and welcome Halloween shoppers!

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