The Ultimate Guide To eBay OPEN Las Vegas 2016!

The Ultimate Guide To eBay OPEN Las Vegas 2016!

It’s 8 days and counting to the eBay OPEN event in Las Vegas!

It is sure to be a time of celebration, renewing old friendships and making new ones.

eBay OPEN is also a great opportunity for learning and honing seller skills.

eBay OPEN starts on Tuesday July 26th. If you arrive on Monday July 25th there is an informal get together for all eBay sellers hosted by Stephanie Young Inge at Harrah’s Carnival Court starting at 8pm and going til… Stephanie asks that you RSVP so that she has a idea of total attendance. Click HERE to RSVP to Stephanie.

Registration for the event is at the Venetian Hotel July 26th from 12pm-6pm. There is a welcome reception from 4-6pm.

The reception offers an awesome opportunity to mingle with fellow eBay sellers including the SHINE award sellers and eBay staff.

July 27th kicks off eBay OPEN with much anticipated messages from eBay CEO Devin Wenig and eBay‘s Sr VP of North America Hal Lawton. The eBay General Sessions offer opportunities to hear eBays plans and vision for the 4th quarter of 2016 and the future.

July 27, 28 and 29th feature workshops on important topics to sellers. Workshops offer eBay seller opportunities to hone their skills for listings, buyer’s experience, global shipping and more. Tuanh Decroix eBay‘s Lead Product Manager promised me in the Listings and Orders Workshops her team will be covering how to streamline the listing process. She was excited to share that her team will be revealing some new fabulous features coming soon to eBay sellers! Click HERE for registration information for all the workshops.

Some eBay teams will have areas in the exhibitor hall. Those without areas will be floating around the convention to be available to sellers.

Tuanh assured me that her teams are accessible to sellers after and between workshops to help all sellers get their questions answered.

Look over the eBay OPEN workshops. Think about what you want to focus on. If you are attending eBay OPEN with eBay seller friends, consider attending different workshops and then compare notes.

Consider What You Want To Focus On

Consider What You Want To Focus On

Reach out to the eBay team that is most important to your eBay business. eBay staff is available face to face to sellers for 3 days to answer questions and help you with your eBay selling. If you are feeling shy, feel free to ask me introduce you to any staff that you want to talk with.

Click HERE for the current agenda for eBay OPEN.

eBay OPEN has 3 days of speakers, workshops, meals, Happy Hours and one heck of a party Thursday night with the Grammy winning band Fray. eBay OPEN also has event sponsors.

Sponsors offer sellers awesome learning opportunities. Click HERE for the complete list of eBay OPEN Sponsors.

During eBay OPEN there is time to walk the exhibitor hall and meet the event sponsors.

Sponsors offer awesome tools and products to the seller community.

Sponsors Offer Awesome Tools For eBay Sellers!

Sponsors Offer Awesome Tools For eBay Sellers!

Do you want some shipping tips? Visit with Mark and Robin Le Vine of Bubblefast. Mark and Robin are extremely knowledgeable about packing and shipping. They can help you know the best envelope and or box to safely ship your products.

If you want to talk listing, then you want to visit listing tools Inkfrog and Sixbit.

Do you want to learn how to research hot products on eBay? Stop at Terapeak’s table. Marco Alvarez of Terapeak assured me that he and the Terapeak staff are ready to give all interested eBay sellers 1-1 hands on tutorials on using Terapeak for product research.

Will Seippel and Robbin Levin of Worthpoint will show you all the amazing new tools that Worthpoint has for identifying and pricing collectible products, Robbin Levin let me know that Worthpoint is offering hands on training on all their tools at their table for eBay sellers.

Looking for product sourcing ideas? Then be sure and stop by BULQ and discuss how their pallets can possible help you and your eBay business.

There are many amazing sponsors offering sellers hands on tutorials and in depth product information.

You can’t come?

Lee Mirabel and Jim “Griff” Griffith will be broadcasting live from eBay OPEN on the acclaimed eBay Radio Show on

Betsie “eBetsy” Bolger the Creative Director of eBay Radio shared with me that eBay Radio will be live on Tuesday 7/26 from 4-5pm PT during the meet and greet reception. Lee and Griff will also be live on Wednesday and Thursday 7/27-7/28 from from 12-1:30pm PT. Betsie said the programs are PACKED with eBay execs you don’t want to miss hearing from.  You’ll hear live from your favorite eBay sellers and event sponsors.  I’m honored to be a guest on Wednesday at 12:30PT. Included in eBay‘ OPEN’s festivities will be eBay Radio hosting eBay’s Best Outfit competition! Click HERE during broadcast times to listen LIVE. eBay Radio can also be enjoyed on their iphone and Android apps.

eBay is also offering a free virtual attendance to sellers! Click HERE to register for FREE for the eBay OPEN Virtual conference.

During the event on 7/27-29 once registered for free at the above link,  sellers can attend eBay OPEN via their desktop computer and/or devices LIVE.Virtual attendees will miss all the 1-1 learning but get access to a lot of terrific content!

In addition to live coverage with the stellar eBay Radio Show team and OPEN Virtual Conference, you can also follow eBay OPEN on Social Media following the hashtag #eBayOPEN.

eBay OPEN is 4 days jam packed with networking, parties, workshops, Happy Hours, eBay Radio live broadcasts and many, many, many learning opportunities.

Take 10 minutes now and scan the agenda. Look at the workshops.Look at the Sponsors. Think about what eBay staff you want to speak with. Put the Sponsors in order of who you want to spend time with. 1-1 tutorials are a priceless opportunity for learning.

Take lots of notes. Take lots of selfies. Reach out to eBay staff and sponsors.

The best part of eBay OPEN is that it brings together an amazing group of people, eBay sellers and staff!

Those of us fortunate to attend, see you soon!


#1 Way To Score Back To School Sales On eBay!

#1 Way To Score Back To School Sales On eBay!

Do you know what the #1 way to score Back To School sales on eBay is?

The answer is to PLAN!

Effective planning and then executing your sales plan is crucial for success!

Back To School is a multi billion dollar sales season!

Back To School Is A Multi Billion Dollar Sales Season!

Back To School Is A Multi Billion Dollar Sales Season!

Sellers the time to get ready is NOW.

Are you thinking that Back To School is just about paper and pens?

Don’t fall into that trap and lose the opportunity to merchandise your items to eager shoppers!

Perhaps you’re thinking that Back To School shopping doesn’t start until August. Back To School advertisements are on the airwaves now. The shopping has begun!  Keep in mind that schools across the United States begin at many different times.

Don’t lose sales by starting your merchandising too late.

Don't Look Back To School School By Starting Too Late!

Don’t Lose Back To School Sales By Starting Too Late!

Back To School retail is products for students from Pre K- College. That covers a lot of ground. Sellers don’t forget teachers are shopping too. Savvy Back To School retailers are advertising clothing, electronics, dorm room supplies and more starting now.

You can compete with the big boys if you start organizing your inventory this month. I’ve spent weeks researching what customers want to buy during the Back To School shopping period.

I complied The Ultimate Guide To Back To School Products for you. It’s loaded with over 80 products that Back To School shoppers buy.

Click HERE to get your guide for FREE.

The Ultimate Guide To Back To School Products!

The Ultimate Guide To Back To School Products!

With The Ultimate Guide To Back To School Products in hand, take time to go through your eBay inventory. Select items to feature for Back To School.

With your curated items, create Back To School eBay Collections. Using tips from my blog post How eBay Collections Can Help Your Sales To Surge create tightly niched eBay Back To School Collections. Start sharing your niched  eBay Collections on social media to generate traffic to your items. Your niched Collections can also be found by eBay search and featured on eBay to shoppers!

Next week I’ll give you more power tips to get you Back To School Items searched and SOLD!

Step #1 is grab my FREE The Ultimate Guide To Back To School Products and start sorting your products!”

Don’t YOU miss out on this multi billion dollar retail season!


Your Secret Weapon To Ignite  Your eBay Sales!

Your Secret Weapon To Ignite Your eBay Sales!

eBay sellers do you know there is a secret weapon that can increase your sales?

This weapon is so secret many eBay sellers don’t even know that they have it!

Can you guess what it is?

It’s building HTML links to similar products or eBay store category.

You’re thinking “You want me to add HTML?” .I’ll explain.

Not All HTML Is Bad

Not All HTML Is Bad

With sellers streamlining their listings to be optimized for mobile, HTML has gotten a bad rap in recent years.

HTML is necessary to tag text and elements in your listing to be read on the world wide web. What you don’t want is EXCESSIVE HTML that bogs down your listing. Excessive HTML can make listings load slowing on mobile devices. A brief to the point listing loads fast and engages shoppers, which can translate to better sales!

In the past many sellers have build HTML links to their ENTIRE store to place at the bottom of their description.

The idea was that this eBay  HTML store link helped to direct shoppers to browse the seller’s store. With experimenting I have found rather than include a link to my entire store I get better results with an HTML link to the specific eBay store category that the listing relates to.

An HTML Link To A Store Category Can Bring Sales!

An HTML Link To A Store Category Can Bring Sales!

For instance if you sell men’s shirts, you can build a link to men’s shirts, or men’s clothing . If your clothes are broken down by size you could build a link to other clothing in that size. The point is to pick an eBay store category directly related to the item the customer lands on. Also keep in mind when  you’re selling a plate in a specific pattern. Why not include a link to the bowls in the same pattern at the bottom of your listing? An HTML link adds a mere 2-3 lines of HTML to your listing. To compare, most scrolling galleries add 12-20 lines of text!

Good HTML store links encourage your shopper to further browse and shop with YOU.

Your shopper may decide they don’t want the green shirt in their size you sell, but thanks to your HTML link they find a red shirt in their size you stock and BUY it!

Well chosen HTML links can keep shoppers in YOUR store shopping rather than hopping back to eBay search and OTHER sellers items! eBay‘s policy on building links changes June 1, 2017. The video below is complaint with this new policy as outlined HERE by eBay.

I walk you step by step through the process of building and placing an HTML link on your eBay listing in this short informative video.

Test and see what works for you!

Here’s to a summer sizzling with sales!

4 Simple Steps To Score Father’s Day Sales Now!

4 Simple Steps To Score Father’s Day Sales Now!

Sellers, Father’s Day will be here in less than 2 weeks!

There is still plenty of time to target eager gift shoppers so that they make their purchases with YOU!

Here are 4 simple steps that can work to increase your Father’s Day sales everywhere you sell!

This information is great for sellers on eBay. Etsy, Amazon and your own website.

Shipping Upgrades Score Sales!

Excellent sellers always ship quickly.

To score extra sales for Father’s Day offer your customers the choice of paid shipping upgrades.

If you normally ship 1st class, offer your people the opportunity that for a nominal fee they can upgrade their purchase to Priority or Express mail. Shoppers like choices. Offering consumers paid shipping upgrades is a win-win!


Get The Word Out!

Get The Word Out!

You have products for sale. You need customers to buy them. Social media is a great way to help shoppers find you!

Posting regularly on your Facebook Business page, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest is crucial to help shoppers discover your items.

To attract Father’s Day shoppers be accurate with great keywords. Great keywords enable consumers to find you on the sites you sell and using Google search. Be sure and mix great social content in with your product posts.

Grab my awesome free Sales Power Tips For Your Facebook Business Page for information you won’t want to miss to attract shoppers!


Customer service is always crucial for a successful business on eBay. Etsy, Amazon and your own website.

Smaller sellers can grab extra sales close to holidays by being very responsive to customer questions.

Super speed and professionalism in answering queries on size, fabric content and the myriad of things a shopper can ask, may get the smaller seller the sale over the large retailer. Large retailers often have auto responders and or delays in communication that can lose them business.The smaller seller that answers promptly gives the shopper what they need and gains the sale!


Run A Sale!

Run A Sale!

Shoppers love to save money!  Stand out in the crowd by running an attractive Father’s Day sale whether you sell with an eBay store, and Etsy shop or your own website.

A discount of at least 10% grabs the eyes of  busy shoppers!

Be sure and promote your Father’s Day sale on social media. My free Sales Power Tips For Your Facebook Business Page gives you the edge!

Grab Father’s Day sales now and in the coming week with fast shipping, great social media content, a quick response time on  customer questions and running an eye grabbing sale!

Isn’t it nice to be busy shipping?

4 Simple Steps To Score Last Minute Father's Day Sales!

4 Simple Steps To Score Last Minute Father’s Day Sales!

Do Your Facebook Business Page Like A Pro!

Do Your Facebook Business Page Like A Pro!

eBay has chosen to advertise on Facebook for a long time.

eBay is looking at using Facebook Messenger’s capabilities with end of auction notifications to eBay shoppers to increase traffic and revenue on eBay‘s site.

Hal Lawton the Sr VP of eBay North America spoke to these facts in a blog post he did recently for Channel Advisor.

What does this mean to the average eBay seller?

It means that eBay has done extensive research into where to find and engage with eBay shoppers. eBay finds its consumers on Facebook. If eBay with it’s astute and thorough research has chosen Facebook to reach shoppers, why not learn from eBay‘s example?

eBay Shoppers Are On Facebook!

eBay Shoppers Are On Facebook!

Just as your product listing is your foundation for reaching shoppers on eBay‘s site, so your Facebook Business page is your keystone for finding and engaging with your shoppers on Facebook.

There are several crucial areas in the Facebook Business page About section that many sellers skimp on or skip altogether.

The about section of your Facebook Business page includes entry areas that you can use creatively. It’s wise to include brand names and type of products that you offer for sale. As a seller you want to maximize these areas with great keyword choices to help Facebook search and internet search engine find you!

Don't Skimp On Your Facebook Business Page!

Don’t Skimp On Your Facebook Business Page!

Click HERE for my FREE Sales Power Tips For Your Facebook Business Page . These Sales Power Tips as a very special gift to you my seller friends.

With my free power tips you can get to work NOW on having a great Facebook Business page. A professional looking and sounding Facebook Business page is a tremendous tool for sellers. With my FREE Sales Power Tips For Your Facebook Business Page  you are on your way to more sales. A super Facebook Business page can bring YOU more shoppers for all your products on eBay!

Learn from eBay. Use the power of Facebook like a Pro!

Father’s Day Gifts Are More Than Pipes And Slippers!

Father’s Day Gifts Are More Than Pipes And Slippers!

The kids are graduating from high school, college and graduate school this month. If it’s graduation time that means Father’s Day is almost here!

Are YOU going to score some Father’s Day Gift sales, or will the customers pass you by?

Customers want to shop quickly and easily. To win at Father’s Day Sales this year as an eBay and Etsy seller, it’s important to set up your products so that’s it hassle free to shop with you!

Is It Easy To Shop With You?

Is It Easy To Shop With You?

 On Etsy review your shop categories.

Is a Father’s Day category a smart move for you? Team up with fellow Etsy sellers and create Etsy Treasuries featuring each other’s products and promote each other’s Treasuries on social media.

eBay store sellers, do you have enough Father’s Day gift products to warrant a Father’s Day category?

You may be overlooking items that are perfect Father’s Day gift items.

Grab my FREE 44 Killer Product Ideas For Father’s Day and go through your inventory selecting items that make great gifts!

Grab my FREE 44 Killer Product Ideas For Father's Day!

Grab my FREE 44 Killer Product Ideas For Father’s Day!

With or without an eBay store, eBay collections are a great way to put your gift products front and center for shoppers to discover!

eBay collections can be easily shared on your Facebook Business page, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram!

eBay store owners and Etsy Shop sellers don’t forget you can feature your gift items in your stores! eBay store sellers in Manage My Store, edit my store you can hand select your featured items! Etsy shop owners click the star on your selections in your Listings Manager.

Sort through your eBay and Etsy inventory looking to discover gift ideas for Father’s Day!

My FREE 44  Killer Father’s Day Product List helps you to accomplish this task. Once sorted, feature and promote your gifts items so customers can find and buy your items.

Ship with care and speed, and your first time shoppers will return to enjoy shopping with you AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Turn 1st Time Shoppers Into Repeat Buyers!

Turn 1st Time Shoppers Into Repeat Buyers!

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