Essential Mother’s Day Sale Success

Essential Mother’s Day Sale Success

Hundreds of thousands of shoppers are on the internet now. They are looking for that perfect Mother’s Day gift. In short, sellers be ready for this Mother’s Day sale opportunity.

As can be seen, Statista reports Americans spend more than 23 billion dollars on Mother’s Day sale items!

Savvy sellers have their Mother’s Day sales goods ready to go. Prices are researched. Listings are optimized and promoted on social media. Good job!

Some sellers come to me  frustrated. They look at their inventory and note they don’t sell lingerie or perfume. Sellers state, ” Kathy, I have nothing to sell for Mother’s Day gifts!”

Mother's Day sale gift ideas #MothersDaySale

Mother’s Day Sale gift ideas!

I answer, “Ah, but I think you do.” In the first place, I have three keys essential to success for Mother’s Day sales for all my seller friends. To begin, these three keys work no matter where you sell.

#1 – Equip yourself with my FREE guide What Sells For Mother’s Day. It’s loaded with dozens of products that shoppers want to buy now!

No cost guide to hot Mother's Day sale products! #MothersDaySale

Complimentary guide to what sells for Mother’s Day sale gifts!

#2- With my tips in hand, go through your listed and unlisted inventory.

Sort what items you discover that are best to feature to attract Mother’s Day Shoppers. Are your most attractive Mothers Day items are unlisted? Make it a priority to list those items online now.

#3 – Get busy on social media.

Moreover, who is your ideal customer? In short, do you sell items that a millennial shopping for their Mom would buy? Then, it’s wise to be active on Instagram. Is it a husband in his 40’s or 50’s buying a gift for his wife? By and large you select to post on Twitter and your Facebook Business page.

Get busy on social media with Mother's Day sale items. #Mother's Day Sale

Get busy on social media with Mother’s Day sale items.

Spend your time wisely.

Use the killer tips in my FREE guide What Sells For Mother’s Day to discover inventory you have that’s perfect for Mom.

To sum it up, your nicest inventory is front and center for shoppers with great listings and social media.  To sum it up, welcome Mother’s Day shoppers and sales!

5 Minutes To MORE Sales On eBay!

5 Minutes To MORE Sales On eBay!

Yes sellers, with my tip you can improve your search results on eBay in less than 5 minutes! To use this amazing tip right now, you will need an eBay store. So how do you accomplish a boost in eBay search in under 5 minutes?  Optimize and use eBay’s paid search service Promoted Listings.  Starting in April all Top Rated eBay sellers will also have access to this boost in search with or without a store.

In 5 minutes or less you can set up a Campaign for qualifying listings using Promoted Listings. Promoted listings are fast to set up. Once launched within hours your selected eBay products experience an expansion in search to buyers you want. You have in effect with a few clicks of your mouse effectively boosted your search results on the eBay platform!

Promoted Listings is currently only available to eBay store sellers with multi quantity listings. This paid service will be offered to all Top rated eBay sellers in April. Promoted Listings are a smart choice for sellers looking to increase their visibility in search. The seller only pays the promotion fee to eBay when the selected product sells by a direct click from the Promotion. The seller gets a multitude of views from potential shoppers in effect for free. Many sellers experience a boost in search and sales to the ENTIRE category that has Promoted items in it. More views can lead to MORE sales! Cha Ching!

When setting up Campaigns with Promoted Listings it’s wise to niche a Campaign. The reason for this is that it’s easier to track and compare data in a tightly selected campaign than in a broad general one. I spent time recently in San Francisco with eBay’s Promoted Listings Team. I’ve put together some killer tips from my time in California. I’m glad to pass these powerful insights to you
for free. Click HERE for yours.

Winning with Promoted Listings

In under 5 minutes, with an eBay store and Promoted Listings, your selected products gain greater visibility on eBay. Using my FREE tips you can make great choices on what and how to boost your eBay listings with Promoted Listings. Your promoted products can then boost traffic and sales to your entire inventory. Get busy sellers!

Top Secret To Sales Success On eBay!

Top Secret To Sales Success On eBay!

Sellers come to me daily asking, “Kathy, how do I get more sales?”

We will talk about optimizing their eBay product listings. We will also discuss the many ways sellers can promote their items both on eBay and on social media.

Before we start the essential work of product sourcing and listing , I tell sellers this foundational secret to sales success must be in place. You’re thinking, “What is this crucial secret for sales success?”

I will tell you. It is to think like a buyer.

Sellers will sometimes look at me, not understanding what I mean. So I repeat , ” You must think like a buyer”. This is foundational for sales success anywhere. I will tell you why. Successful product sourcing is about your buyer. Every part of your listing is about your buyer. Successful promotions are about your buyer. Productive social media is about your ideal buyer. In short, it’s all about the buyer.

Even before your list your products, when you are choosing what to sell, you must think like buyer.

What do buyers want to purchase that you can source? Using top notch research tools like Terapeak can help you find what are the hot products to list and sell right now on eBay. When you research what to sell, you want to think like a buyer.

Once you discover a niche or line of products you want to sell, the next step is to source these hot products.

You can source products in thrift stores, consignment shops, auction houses and the sale racks at retail stores and wholesalers. A reputable wholesale liquidation seller like BULQ can be a great source for desirable merchandise. BULQ offers sellers wholesale prices on inventory by the pallet and case.

You have your inventory. Now you’re ready to list. Think about this.

What is your listing title about?

A good listing title is about helping your buyer find your product in search. Successful sellers know that selecting good title keywords includes researching and putting into place the words that buyers use when shopping for that item. Think like a buyer. Look at the item you are listing. What words or phrase would you use if you were shopping for that item? Be sure and include them in the title and or item description. My YouTube video will show you how to use eBay search to select keywords buyers use when shopping.


The photographs you take and upload to your listing are all about the buyer.

Listing photographs need to clearly showcase your item. This allows shoppers to clearly assess your product. Look at your product. What angles and views will help the buyer select your item? Is there a flaw or distinctive mark you want to show them. Your shopper cannot hold your item. Your pictures do that. Think like a buyer.

Next, you will need to fill in the item specifics. Accurate and complete information here gives the eBay and internet search engines structured data they need to display your items to the right buyer.

Now you’re onto the item description. Clearly detail your item in a few sentences. Include information on the brand, UPC, manufacturer’s number or part, color, condition and use for your product. Include size and measurements. Be simple, be clear, and be complete. Think like a buyer.

If you were shopping for this product, what information would you need in making the purchase. Include all of that in your description.

Fill in your payment information and list!

Once listed, take the time to push your products out in social media. Posting effectively on a Facebook Business page can help your products get found by search engines and shoppers. It’s all about the buyer! The Ultimate Guide To A Facebook Business Page For Sellers Mini Course will equip you to optimize your Facebook Business page to welcome buyers. I’ll show you how to think like a buyer on Facebook. Get instant access to Facebook sales power HERE.

Keeping your eye clearly on your buyer, keeps your online business successful. Forget your buyer and you will see your business lose it’s purpose and profitability.

Think like a buyer and watch your sales soar!


Where Are My eBay Sales?

Where Are My eBay Sales?

Do you ever struggle wondering, “Where are my eBay sales?” This can happen to any online seller, not just eBay sellers. You may wonder where are my Etsy, Amazon or  my website sales?

You pop into Facebook seller groups and it seems everyone but you is scoring sales. So what is a seller to do?

First thing to do is breathe.

There is an ebb and flow to eCommerce and retail sales.

Ever walk into a retail store and no one is shopping but you? Then 10 minutes later there are 20 shoppers surrounding you! You just witnessed the ebb and flow to retail sales.

If it’s not a temporary lull but a downward spiral of days with no sales, then it’s time to take action.

The next step is research is make sure that you are selling products that people want.

Sellers will come to and say ” Kathy I don’t have any sales.” I will look at their listings and check sales for the brands and types of items they are selling. I will discover that a large portion of their listings are items that show no sales on eBay for weeks. If shoppers are not looking to buy what you have, it’s not about doing or not doing social media, it’s about listing products that are in demand.

I will ask the seller why XX product is listed. I get a variety of answers. The answers range from “I’m cleaning out my closet, to ” it was only one dollar at the thrift store.”

It is far wiser to spend $30 on an item that sells for $100, than to spend $1 several times over on inventory that doesn’t sell.

Research is key. When you’re shopping check solds on your smart phone with eBay‘s advanced search or a professional research tool like Terapeak.

Let’s say your item IS in demand BUT you have a lot of competition. To do well in eBay search you’ll want to gain and maintain Top Rated Seller status on eBay.  A good handling time of 1 day or less will help your listings, as will a 30 day or better return policy. Ship your inventory internationally through eBay‘s Global Shipping Program, or ship internationally yourself. Add to this check list, an optimized listing title, 4 or more pictures, filled in item specifics and a clear and concise description. My hit guide, Secret To eBay Search For Sellers will walk you line by through your eBay listing to make sure you’re optimized for every nuance of eBay search.

Now here comes the icing on the cake. If you have more than 1 of the item that you’re selling, use eBay’s paid Promoted Listing program available only to eBay store owners. Not only does it help to get your item sold, it will increase traffic to your listings. Learn more about Promoted Listings in my blog post The Secret To Boosting Sales On eBay.

So, when sales are slow after taking a deep breath, successful sellers take action and they R.E.A.P.
R is review. Review prices. E is evaluate. Is your listing optimized for search? A is alter. Make necessary changes to to your listings and inventory to be optimized and positioned to sell.  P is promote. Use Promoted Listings, eBay collections and social media to stand out and get found in eBay and Google search by potential shoppers.

R.E.A.P. and get sales!



5 Steps To Move Your Online Business To The Next Level!

5 Steps To Move Your Online Business To The Next Level!

Almost daily I am approached by sellers asking me ” Kathy how do I start selling online full time?”

My answer is “Have a plan for success”.

There are people that are super successful that seem to grow their business by somehow being in the right place at the right time. They may prosper for a while, but eventually they will face a hard lesson in numbers. If they side step learning and knowing their numbers they will fail.  Most sellers businesses will stop growing without a plan, grow haphazardly or die. If you are looking to be a full time seller then look to increase your profits in a professional business like way. Here are 5 proven steps to move your business to the next level.

#1- Do the Math

Let’s say you want to increase your eBay business by $1000.00 gross revenue a month. That may seem like a lot. Do the math. Most months have 30 days. So that would be an increase of roughly $33.33 a day. Can you do that?

That brings us to your next step.

#2- Make A Plan

If your goal is to increase your eBay sales by $33.33 a day how do you do that? Do you need to increase your inventory? Do you increase your sell through rate? Most likely it will be both.
Join Facebook groups and get tips from seasoned online sellers. eBay Basics Nothing But Selling Basics has thousands of eBay sellers helping each other plan and grow their business.

#3 Increase Your Inventory

The rule of thumb on increasing sales is that if you want to grow your sales by 20%, you increase your inventory by 20% etc.  If you plan to increase sales by 20%, do you have inventory on hand that is unlisted that you can list to accomplish this?  If you don’t, where can you access inventory? Does your inventory come from thrift stores, yard sales, consignment shops, auctions, retail stores, wholesalers, liquidators or drop shippers? You may need to have several sources of inventory to expand your business successfully.

#4 Execution Is Key


Many sellers write plans, dream plans, talk about plans but they don’t DO them. Look at your end goal. Then break down the journey to accomplish your goal into doable steps. You may want an accountability partner or seller buddy to encourage you and check on your progress. If and when you hit bumps along the way, don’t give up. Focus, re group and get back to work!

#5  Celebrate!

You’ve take all the essential steps to reach your goal! Good for you. Plan a celebration and treat yourself royally.  Would you like a nice manicure-pedicure, or a special dinner out? It’s important to take the time to soak in your achievement. You’ve worked very hard. Take time and relish your accomplishment. Thank those that helped you on your journey.

Soon enough it’s time to set the next goal and start the process all over again!

Plan and  then take that essential first step and then the next. You’re on your way to another success!

Time Management That Works For Busy Online Sellers!

Time Management That Works For Busy Online Sellers!

Black Friday is less than a week away!

Online sellers are scrambling to have all their inventory listed and promoted on social media.

Shipping supplies are stacked and ready to be used. Inventory is stocked, stored and double checked.

With Christmas fast approaching, what is a seller’s most precious commodity right now? Is it money for inventory, learning a new listing software, or is it training Holiday help?

When I speak with sellers, hands down their most precious resource this time of year is TIME!

eBay, Etsy, Amazon and other online sellers come to me and ask, “Kathy how do you get so much done?” “Kathy I want to list more but I can’t find the time!” “Kathy I want to do more social media, but I don’t know how to fit it in my schedule!”

I will tell you what works for me. I plan yearly, monthly, weekly and daily. Success starts with planning!

Each year I set myself goals. I tweak and adjust my overall goals throughout the year.

Starting each month, I look at what needs to be accomplished that month towards my yearly goals.

Is my monthly goal making sure all my Holiday inventory is listed? Is it deciding what sales I’ll run during 4th quarter? Is it setting up a date night ( or several) with my husband? Once my monthly goals are set, I then look to each week.

Each Sunday, I check my coming week. I focus on any deadlines I have. I do create deadlines and challenges for myself. For instance, I make a weekly challenge for myself to list XX new items that week. I then plan backwards from my goal to strategize how to accomplish my goal.

Success Starts With Planning!

Success Starts With Planning!

With an overview of my week I then take 5 minutes the night before, or 5 minutes first thing in the morning to plan my day.

I think through what must be done in that 24 hours. I include personal activities such as a doctor’s appointment, my favorite Pilates class, or a play date with my grandson. I set my top 2-3 priorities each day.

Prioritizing each day is crucial for success. Without priorities important tasks can get overlooked.

What is that day’s most essential tasks? Is it listing products? Is it taking pictures of my products ( or training someone to do it)? Is it shopping for inventory at the 1/2 off sale? I chose my priorities.  I can also re-order my priorities as needed. Normally, I list and ship  sales every morning before I do anything else. If I need to leave home by 10 am for a client meeting, I look at the time needed to list and ship. I get up early enough to do my morning tasks before I need to leave home. I may only get 1 new listing up. I will then will schedule myself to get more listings done later.

Plan Breaks

Plan Breaks

I plan breaks and rewards for myself.

My break can be a walk around the block.  I also enjoy coffee with friends at a nearby coffee shop. I  set a time allowed for my work break and do my best to stick to it.

The task(s) I least like to do, I schedule as early in my day as possible to get them over with. If I think X should take XX time and I’m consistently running overtime, I look at the task to see if I can streamline it. If that’s not doable, I allow more time to accomplish it.

There are never enough hours in the day.

To help my seller friends set and keep priorities that lead to sales, I have developed my Holiday Sales Success Tool Kit!

In addition to my insider video that walks you through winning 4th quarter strategies, I give you tools to set and stick to priorities that ignite your sales! Click HERE for instant access!
Holiday Sales Success Tool Kit!

Setting and keeping priorities equips me for success!

I  set priorities on a yearly, weekly, monthly and daily basis. I monitor my progress monthly, weekly, daily and adjust. Without planning you’ll lose your day and your success.

With my Holiday Sales Success Tool Kit you’ll have proven tools that empower you for sales success!

It’s in your power to chose a day that leads to success for you and your online business. Choose success!




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