Profitable ebay Auctions For Memorial Day Weekend!

Profitable ebay Auctions For Memorial Day Weekend!

First with Memorial Day weekend approaching in the USA, thank you to all who have served to protect and defend our nation and it’s precious freedoms.

Memorial Day Weekend we  thank all who are serving and have served to protect the USA!

Memorial Day Weekend we thank all who are serving and have served to protect the USA!

Memorial Day weekend this year in the USA is May 23-25, and most ebay sellers during a normal weekend of sales end their auctions on a Sunday for bigger profits.

When is the best time to end an ebay auction on a Holiday Weekend?

When is the best time to end an ebay auction on a Holiday Weekend?

However during a holiday weekend, though I would not advise you not have any Sunday auctions I would encourage the savvy ebay entrepreneur to end some auctions Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday which is May 25-27.

The reason to add Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is many Americans jump online and shop upon returning from the Holiday weekend, thus making the weekdays better for ending ebay auctions and maximizing the profits for the ebay seller!

In this You Tube video in under 2 minutes I give you selling strategies to maximize your ebay auction profits!

So successful ebay seller, schedule your auctions for bigger profits and enjoy Memorial Weekend, being grateful for the sacrifice of our nation’s military protecting our nation and the precious freedoms we hold dear!

Mothers Day Sales Aren’t Over Yet ! Tips For Profits!

Mothers Day Sales Aren’t Over Yet ! Tips For Profits!

Mother’s Day was yesterday, and as a savvy online seller you might be thinking it’s time to focus on Memorial Day and Father’s Day!

And the answer is yes BUT!

The But is many Moms got gifts of cash and or gifts cards, so now guess what Moms are enjoying doing today and all this week?!

Guess what Moms are enjoying doing today!

Guess what Moms are enjoying doing today!

You guessed right smart seller, they are shopping!

So whether you’re an ebay or etsy seller or have your own website keep those Mother’s Day items of fashion. collectibles and more readily available and front and center for Moms selecting some treats for themselves this week!

Here’s a youtube video I did to encourage you this week selling to Moms!

In less than 1 minute you’ll have to maximize your profits this week!

That’s right, in less than a minute!

Have you clicked it yet?

Holidays in May Are More Than Mother’s Day!

Holidays in May Are More Than Mother’s Day!

Yes, entrepreneur there are more Holidays in May that you can use to reach your followers and customers than Mother’s Day!
But what  other Holidays in May are there you are thinking?
This one is actually fairly easy to research, Google search May Holidays.

There are more Holidays in May than Mother's Day!

There are more Holidays in May than Mother’s Day!

A quick list of USA holidays in May that I found were Kentucky Derby Day, Star Wars Day, Cinco De Mayo, National Teacher’s Day, VE Day and Memorial Day!

Research each holiday and then look carefully at your products and think what can be best marketed for each holiday?

Create appropriate categories in your online store and Pinterest Boards. Co ordinate your social media posts with each holiday using trending hash tags!

Make your list now of your items and which Social Media Platforms You Plan To Use!

Make your list now of your items and which Social Media platforms you plan to use!

Now you’re ready with store categories and a social media campaign to jump start and super charge your May eCommerce sales!

In under 2 minutes I captured this information for you on youtube!



Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas, Help I Don’t Have Any!

Mother’s Day Gifts Ideas, Help I Don’t Have Any!

eCommerce seller’s will say to me , “Kathy I know, Mother’s Day is coming, but I don’t have any Mother’s Day gift ideas in my store inventory, help!”

And I respond, “it’s time to re-think Mother’s Day and let’s look at your inventory!”

Do you sell collectibles? Then you can offer your online and brick and mortar shoppers the gift of memories!
I recently blogged on this for my online store offering my customers gifts for their Mom’s of a beautiful ceramic dish from pre World War II and another choice from the 1980’s.
NYC Fitness Family Finds Online Blog on Mother’s Day Gifts of Memories!
Mother's Day Gifts of Memories!

But, you say to me, I sell auto parts or electronics! Well, don’t loving children buy their Mom a new set of hubcaps, or replace her spark plugs? Does Mom still play CDs? She might be due for a new CD player, as i tunes are not her idea of a way to listen to music.

The point is for you take some time and look at your inventory and think. 

After all, Mother’s Day is more than clothes, jewelry and perfume!( Not that those aren’t terrific gifts and I hope my son is reading this).
Moms Love A Huge Variety of Items!

Mother’s Day gifts are ipods, ipads, computers, a dinner out, plates, glassware, any number of collectibles, DVDs, flowers, jewelry, power tools, auto parts, books, crafts supplies, fabric, mugs, her favorite tea, bubble bath and and just about anything you can think of because there is a huge assortment of Moms out there all with different lifestyles and tastes in what they love.

So, entrepreneur it’s time to rethink your approach to Mother’s Day for your customers! Make sure you have a Mother’s Day category in your store and a Mother’s Day Board on the social media platform Pinterest.

Fill  your Mother’s Day category and Pinterest Board  With Your Finest  Picks!

Fill  your eCommerce Mother’s Day category and Pinterest Board with the best of the wonderful variety of goods you sell and welcome shoppers in!

Happy Mother’s Day, for your grateful customers and you!





Earth Day Green Tips For Your Business!

Earth Day Green Tips For Your Business!

Earth Day is April 22, 2015 and here are green tips for your business to use in social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and your blog!

For many businesses every day is earth day in that they daily implement environmentally friendly practices. Earth Day is a great time to post on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and your company blog your care for the planet  to let your consumers how you are working to help and protect our earth.

Earth Day is a great time to showcase your earth friendly business practices!

Earth Day is a great time to showcase your earth friendly business practices!

Post pictures on social media of your lunch area and the recycling bins. Show your water cooler area and your employees using their own cups and mugs to stay hydrated rather than consuming paper cups.

If your business does online retail, posting pictures on social media of your packing supplies and the recycled content can be worthwhile to showcase!

If you are a small business and repurpose and recycle packing materials obtained from free cycle and local businesses, earth day is a great time to post this on your Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Instagram accounts.

Let your consumers know when they shop with you not only do they get a great product they are also saving trees in that you re-use packing supplies!

Showcase how you recycling and re use packing materials saving trees!

Showcase  your recycling and re use of packing materials saves trees!

Use Earth Day to showcase your green practices with your consumers and community. Let the world know through social media how your business cares and uses green policies in the work place!

Post pictures  of your earth friendly and green practices on social media and encourage your customers to interact and share pictures of their own on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and your blog! People love to share how they too care for the earth and our environment.

For a green, planet friendly business like yours every day is Earth Day!

Tips For Attending Networking Events Near And Far!

Tips For Attending Networking Events Near And Far!

Attending networking  events is great for entrepreneurs and eCommerce sellers.

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved and think of arriving a day early and or leaving a day late so that you’re fresh and alert for the seminar.

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved

Depending on the budget you have, you might consider finding out if there are free shuttles and/or shuttle services to and from the hotel of the event so that you don’t need to rent a car or pay for a solo cab ride.

Once you’re at your meeting make sure you bring a sweater or light jacket and wear comfortable shoes as often there is a lot of walking to and from seminar rooms and temperature changes in the meeting rooms.

Having a jacket and or sweater with you and comfortable shoes is helpful.

Having a jacket and or sweater with you and comfortable shoes is helpful.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of the event speakers. Then google them! Yup google them.

Read their blogs, listen to their youtubes and or read a book they’ve published. What is their area of expertise? Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker if you’re able.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of speakers. Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of speakers.
Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker.

Lastly be sure an bring lots of business cards to hand out. I also find the smartphone app camcard very usual to scan business cards into my smartphone.
Link to free Business Card Scan App camcard

So with some preparation you’ll save money, have an idea of the content of the seminar and what questions you want to ask and be prepared to network for your business and have fun and be comfortable doing it!




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