Since January 1 I’ve been sharing very practical tips with you to build and strengthen your eBay business this year.

To grow an online business it’s essential for sellers to plan.

During January, I wrote about the importance of eBay sellers creating a business plan. A business plan is fundamental to your achieving and sustaining business success.  I wrote extensively explaining how your eBay business plan supports your online selling success in my blog post #1 Reason For Business Failure.

Did you take a few moments during your busy day in January to flesh out a business plan? Good for you if you did!  Now is the time to take it out, take a look at it and gauge your progress.

Do you have a business plan?

Do You Have A Business Plan?

Do You Have A Business Plan?

We’re almost through the 1st quarter of 2016. If you haven’t written out how you’d like to grow your eBay business you’ll find it’s easy for you to lose focus. Without a business plan it’s harder to chose what tasks you want to spend time on to build a stronger eBay online business for yourself.

Now is the perfect time to review your business.

How are your new eBay products selling? What do your customer’s say about you in customer feedback? Is your inventory system efficient? Are you getting likes, comments, shares and  repins in social media?

Are your social media posts getting engagement?

Are Your Social Media Posts Getting Engagement?

Is the answer yes to all the above?

If it is yes, GREAT! Carry on and continue to gauge your progress.  If it’s no, pause and grab a pen and paper.

What are the weaknesses you see in your eBay business?

Do you need to develop more inventory sources? Do you need better office organization? Would it be good to list more regularly? Is it time to update old listings? Do you want to learn more keys to search engine optimization? All eBay sellers want better search results for their listings! I’ve written a FREE tip sheet for you “How To Stand Out In eBay Search“.

Whatever you decide still needs work, pick 1 or 2 things to focus on.

Don’t allow yourself to get side tracked. Many eBay sellers sabotage their progress by trying to do and learn all things at once. It’s impossible and it hurts true growth.

When I was first learning social media I focused on 1 outlet at a time for 3 months. After the initial 3 months I moved to the next platform, then the next. Now years later I have a skill level in social media because I took the time to learn the fundamentals.

To grow your business you’ll find yourself chosing to attend webinars, read books and great information on SEO like my FREE ebay search tips, listening attentively in Facebook groups and working on your business with eBay consultants. Focused step by focused step you’ll build yourself a stronger and more vibrant eBay business!

With Focus You’ll Build A Strong eBay Business!

It all starts with a plan!

Take the time now to make your eBay business plan.

With your plan in mind, it’s time to step out!

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