Welcome Home Sellers ! ebay’s 20th Birthday Bash!

Thousands of ebay sellers and staff from around the world converged on San Jose California last week September 10 and 11 for a 2 day Seller Summit to celebrate ebay’s 20th anniversary hashtag #ebay20.

Happy Birthday ebay!

Happy Birthday ebay!

ebay and eCommerce have gone through massive changes in the past 20 years. Pierre Omidyr ebay’s founder remarked to me that in the beginning you had to have your own server to host pictures!

Pierre Omidyr spoke with me about ebay’s early history

Many different kinds of sellers with many different kinds of products are currently on ebay’s global platform.

ebay greeted all of its sellers with an open embrace.

Warm greetings from ebay staff at #ebay20!

From start to finish in every presentation the sellers and the entire selling community were acknowledged and thanked profusely by every speaker from ebay CEO Devin Wenig and ebay’s founder Pierre Omidyr to each of the Vice Presidents and then every leader of the 2nd day break out session workshops.

ebay CEO Devin Wenig & ebay Founder Pierre Omidyr Photo: ebay for business

Starting with the event’s opening video ebay turns 20 to the closing remarks the ebay team with CEO Devin Wenig at the helm turned backward to acknowledge ebay’s roots in social eCommerce and ebay’s heart to empower small and medium business.

ebay’s core values of empowering people were reaffirmed to be the same today but with different challenges and hurdles than what founder Pierre Omidyr faced not so long ago.


Devin Wenig set the tone by speaking to ebay’s powerful and vibrant selling platform that values people over drones.

ebay spoke to it’s sellers and ebay partied with it’s sellers!

ebay 20 party Thursday Night!
Photo – CampaignGo

I enjoyed one to one access to many ebay senior staff including VP of Seller Experience Jordan Sweetnam, Sr VP of  North America Hal Lawton , VP of Local and Seller Experience Heather Friedland, Laura Chambers VP of Global Customer Trust and more!

Chatting with ebay VP’s Hal Lawton & Heather Gordon Friedland

I wasn’t alone in gaining access to ebay senior staff! They made themselves accessible to sellers in the various public areas of the 2 day summit!

So now that the event full of information and parties is over, what do I think?

#ebay20 was over so fast!

I think ebay is in a very good place steered by informed and compassionate people that are taking a great deal of time to listen and respond to it’s global seller community. 

Seller after seller I spoke with liked the details of ebay’s Fall Seller Release and noted the openness and the consistent easy access to the senior staff. The Fall Seller release is full of actions by ebay to empower it’s sellers.

Over the next few weeks ebay is hosting numerous community chats and events to explain all the details of the Fall Seller Release and it’s impact on seller’s businesses.

Pinterest Board with Upcoming Events for ebay’s Fall Seller Release!

I’m left feeling very happy, full of information, tips, email addresses and hugs. I am very optimistic with a bit of caution in my mind.

ebay has started a massive reaching out to it’s sellers. It has opened the door to talk and listen. This is going to be some job! ebay staff spoke of using snap polls, surveys and social media to listen and engage with the seller community regularly. 

I’ll be watching to see how the ebay selling community
responds. I want to see the what and how of ebay’s corporate energy to continue and maintain this vital conversation. 

Well done ebay to remember ebay started with a man whose heart was to believe in people and to reaffirm that essential value.

I look forward to seeing how Devin Wenig and his team orchestrate a vibrant and ubiquitous ebay.

Happy birthday ebay! And thank you Pierre!


5 Secrets To Labor Day Sales On ebay!

Has the summer been a slow time for your sales on ebay? Are you having the best summer yet selling on ebay?

Has Summer Been Slow For You On eBay?

Whether your sales are up or down as a seller you want to make sure that your listings are optimized and ready for your customers over the upcoming Labor Day Weekend!
One way to help bring shoppers to your ebay listings is to make sure that you include shipping upgrades.

I will take care of you!

Regardless of how you ship it’s a wise choice to offer your customers paid shipping upgrades. Sometimes a busy shopper can be in a rush needing an item right away. With a shipping upgrade option you savvy ebay seller will score the sale! 

I’ve got 4 more secrets for great ebay Labor Day Sales for you!
Click on 5 Secrets For Labor Day Sales On ebay below and I’m give you all 5 tips for free to help you increase your sales this weekend!
5 Secrets For Labor Day Sales On eBay!

eBay seller are you ready to hear cha chings on your smart phone and tablet?! Get busy using my ebay sales secrets and welcome customers to your items all weekend long! Cha ching, cha ching, cha ching!

The Secret Of Periscope For ebay And Etsy Sellers!

As an online seller has Periscope caught your interest yet? Did you hear after it’s initial launch it had 1 million users sign up within it’s first 7 days! The first 7!
If you don’t know Periscope is a video streaming app you can link to your Twitter account. 
So, why as an ebay and Etsy seller do I want to be using Periscope?

Why as an ebay and Etsy Seller Do I Want To use Periscope?

I will tell you why, your potential customers are there!

What is Periscope’s secret? Why are so many jumping in and using it?

Periscope is new and the marketer’s have not taken it over yet and ruined it!

Who can forget social media marketing expert Gary Vaynerchuk’s infamous announcement, “Marketer’s ruin everything!”

Right now Periscope is fun and fresh! The marketers have not taken over and ruined it. Periscope is virgin territory just waiting for the savvy ebay and Etsy sellers who will take the time now to learn and use it!
Did I mention that Periscope is free?! All you need to start on Periscope is your smartphone?!

Read my beginner Periscope tips to help prepare yourself!

My Tips Will help You Start Right On Periscope!

Periscope is a wonderful venue for ebay and Etsy sellers to show off their finds and or discuss their craft process if their items are hand made. Be authentic and show what and how you sell! Include some personal shares of recipes, the view of  your backyard, and even traveling to the post office! Think about what people might like to see that you perhaps take for granted. To you your day’s tasks are typical but to someone else it can informative and very entertaining!

Be Yourself On Periscope!

Be yourself on Periscope! You’ll enjoy it and so will your followers!

Follow me on Periscope @love2beselling and you’ll see live broadcasts and get ideas for yours!

Grab your phone and broadcast. Your eBay and Etsy customers are waiting for you!

Help! How Do I Get Followers on Periscope?

The twitter app Periscope is exploding and many including me are jumping in and having a blast!

Be sure and read my blog post date August 15th on getting started on Periscope!

Kathy’s Blog Post On Getting Started On Periscope!

“OK Kathy”, you say ” I’m broadcasting on Periscope, but I’m only getting 1-2 viewers. I’m discouraged, How can I get more people to watch my scopes?”
The answer is simple.


Yup ask and I’ll tell you who and I’ll tell you where!

20-30 minutes before you Periscope ( or scope) post on your Facebook Business Page and Instagram account that you will be on Periscope and for your followers to set their watches to join you! It helps to “tease” them with something they’ll want to watch.

I recently did a Periscope about some basic photography tips for ebay and etsy sellers. So my lead in was “tune in for a photo hack that’s perfect for sellers in small spaces!”

Then 10-15 minutes before my Periscope I then announced to my Twitter fans that I’d be on Periscope with a must see camera tip for online sellers!

The point is I was “teasing” or promoting my “appearance” just like all the TV shows and films do. Get your followers interested in what you’ll be broadcasting and pick interesting titles for your scopes!

Soon your Periscopes will be seen by dozens and then hundreds, and who knows, even thousands of fans?!

It starts with announcing and asking for folks to watch and giving them a reason to!

Here’s a recording of the Periscope I did with a great photography hack for ebay and etsy sellers in small spaces, like NYC apartments! How would you have teased this Periscope?


Follow me on Periscope @love2beselling for awesome live online selling and social media tips for entrepreneurs and sellers!

Comment below and let me know when you’re broadcasting!

The Power Of Hashtags In eCommerce!

eBay seller Kristin Swanson recently discovered the enormous power of one well chosen hashtag on Twitter!

The Power of The Hashtag!

When Kristin was at a White Castle restaurant on a recent trip to Las Vegas in July she took and posted a picture of her White Castle hamburgers with a beer with the hashtag #WhiteCastle!

A month passes and White Castle messages her can they use her picture for International Beer Day on August 7?

White Castle’s Tweet with Kristin’s Picture!

Of course savvy ebay store owner Kristin said yes!

When White Castle tweeted Kristin’s picture on International Beer Day they included her Twitter name @premier_finds in their tweet that went out to their over 70,000 followers and fans!

Premier Finds Twitter Account!

Guess who had record sales in her ebay store on International Beer Day?

Kristin’s eBay Store Premier Finds!

The take away from this remarkable event? When you are out and about at restaurants, movies, and shopping be sure to take pictures and tweet! You’ll want to include the establishment’s name in one of the hashtags that you chose!

Social media is social and big brands are always out and about and they are looking for authenticity and that includes you and photos from your smart phone!

Here’s a  toast to a well placed hashtag! Congrats Kristin!


How Can I Optimize My Social Media On Facebook?

I had a wonderful conversation with ebay store owner Serena Lee about her delightful store Quality Value Finds. Serena wanted to know how to optimize her social media posts for her ebay store on her Facebook Business page.

Quality Value Finds an ebay store

Like many ebay store owners Serena admitted to struggling with how to curate engaging content. I said I’d take a look at her accounts and see what I could suggest.

I looked at her ebay store inventory and spotted this classic McDonald’s Miss Piggy glass!

Miss Piggy Drinking Glass!

Well, in case you missed the big news on August 5th CNN news and others reported that Miss Piggy and Kermit had announced to their adoring public that they were calling it quits!

Miss Piggy and Kermit End Their Relationship!

This CNN article is the perfect post for Serena’s Facebook Business Page! After the CNN post later that day or the next, Serena could say here is the glass to toast their future, or reminisce about all their great moments!

What a savvy seller does is to note trends in the news post them in a timely fashion and then later post your own product that relates to the event.

Keep An Eye On News And Trends!

At times it will be right just to post your product, and tie it the current news event. So instead of posting the CNN article, Serena could go right to posting the Miss Piggy glass and say here’s the perfect glass to toast this classic couple, or something to that effect!

Do you get the idea? Look at the news and what’s trending, then look at your products and post some purely social content and then content that ties events and trends to your products!

Have fun with your posts and be engaging. Your followers will appreciate it and enjoy following you and your great content and products !

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