Help! How Do I Be Social On Social Media?

Eager sellers turn to me and say “Kathy, help me! I don’t know how to be social on social media! I just know how to post my products!”
I hear you entrepreneur, I hear you!

Help, I don't know how as a business to be social on social media!

Help, I don’t know how as a business to be social on social media!

To be effective on social media just remember no one wants to listen to endless promotions. Don’t most TV viewers mute commercials or fast forward through them?

You don’t want to muted and ignored by customers!

As a successful online seller you want to find great content that engages and entertains your customers so they look forward to your posts, not mute them.

One fast and easy way to find trending topics daily is on your Facebook page! When you’re on Facebook look to the right of your main feed and you’ll find all kinds of stories on numerous topics!

You can use this free and hot trending information that’s happening in the moment to craft posts for your followers on your Facebook business page, Twitter feed, Google Plus and more!

These posts on events happening now can have the effect of bringing customer traffic your way!

In under 3 minutes I show you how to do this on this You Tube video!

Copy and pastes links to the stories you chose on your chosen social media platform. You can use this strategy for your Facebook Business page, Twitter account, Google Plus and/ or with a picture on Instagram and add a few hashtags!

You can also use this strategy tying events happening now to your products. Soft sell, engaging product posts linked to stories current in the news will make you an interesting entrepreneur and source of trending information rather than annoying retailer.

So, entrepreneur, are you ready to be interesting?

Ready To Be Interesting?


How To Set Up Your Facebook Page For A Business!

If you have a brick and mortar or online small to medium sized business a Facebook Business page is an essential free and invaluable tool for you to gain interaction with customers and sales!

Step 1 is create a Personal Profile on Facebook!

Facebook step by step instructions to create your personal profile
Step 1 for most sellers will be to start a personal page on Facebook.
Once you’ve done that ( and many sellers already have one), you want to add a business page for your website, ebay, etsy or other online sales venture.

Following this infographic and video you’ll know how to add a Facebook Business Page.
Setting up Your Facebook Business Page Tutorial!

Now that your page is in place if you are an ebay , etsy  or Bonanza seller there are free apps from esoftie that you can add to your Facebook Business Page to import your listings. Once installed there will be a tab for the listings on your Facebook Business Page.

Free Apps For to use with your Facebook Page for eCommerce Items!

But wait there’s more! You can also install free apps from Woobox for your Pinterest, Twitter, You Tube and Instagram accounts to your Facebook Business Page enabling  your Facebook followers to easily find you on other social media!
Free social media WooBox Apps!

Again once your apps are installed you’ll find them on your Facebook Business Page under “more”.

One last tweak for your Facebook Business Page is to add a “Shop Now”. Here’s how to do that quickly and easily!

Now that your Facebook Business Page is set, you’ll want some people to like your page! Here are two easy ways to gets likes! First is to message friends and family and ask them for likes.

Next you’ll announce your new page on other social media venues where you already have a following and invite your followers to come over to your Facebook Business Page and like it!

Welcome people to your page with engaging content tailored to their interests and some of your choicest products! It’s always wise to mix lots of social content in with your product postings while making your product postings very social.

Following big brands in your category can be very helpful for content ideas and strategies! Watching how they craft their posts will inspire you!

Watching Large Brands Can Inspire You!

Have fun engaging with and attracting your shoppers!

4th Quarter Sales For eCommerce Start Now!

With the Christmas and the Winter Holidays selling season less than 6 months away entrepreneurs if you are not gearing your business for December now, you will lose sales!

Without strategic planning for 4th Quarter you will lose sales!

Have you looked and categorized your inventory for the Holidays? 

Is your social media crafted and and targeted to bring you the shoppers you want?

Do you have reliable sources of inventory for 4th quarter? Have you considered how to make your inventory stand out in the crowd?

Do you have reliable sources of inventory for 4th quarter?

If you answer yes to any of these, or maybe, or I’m not sure, now is the time to  listen to the replay of an outstanding webinar I just took part in!  Are you ready to learn  success strategies from social media eCommerce star John Lawson and ebay power seller Kathy Keefe and myself?

Click For Webinar Replay For Less Than 2 Starbucks Coffees!

Investing now in the right information, sets the table for the profits you’re looking for this 4th quarter. It’s time to get to work entrepreneur and click that link and listen to the information you need to skyrocket your sales!

Are You Ready To Ignite Your 4th Quarter eBay Sales?

The countdown to Christmas has begun ebay sellers and you know what that means!

No, not panic, it’s time to plan!

Without a plan unless you are selling the most recent ipad for an unbelievable price you will not maximize your 4th quarter sales potential on any selling platform.
Author of  the best selling book Kick Ass Social Media, John Lawson

is hosting a free webinar Tuesday July 21st at 7pm est with myself and top rated ebay seller and coach Kathy Keefe to help you in under 1 hour get ready to ignite your ebay sales.
And the cost you ask, well, it’s free.

Yup it’s free!

Just click this link and sign up.
Sign up link for Igniting Your ebay Sales Webinar!

You’ll get the replay for free too.

If you DON’T sign up, yes you’ll be able to get access to the replay later, but it will cost you a nominal fee. So, heh, save the money and sign up!

We’re all volunteering our time and knowledge of ebay selling to help you. If you sell in other arena trust me you’ll find plenty of invaluable information in our 1 hour power packed webinar!

So the question is, are you ready to ignite your sales on ebay?!


Tips For Entrepreneurs From USA Women’s Soccer World Cup!

The USA women’s soccer World Cup champions made NYC history today being the first female team to be greeted with a NYC ticker tape parade down the Canyon of Champions!

NYC Ticker Tape Parade for US Women’s Soccer Champs(WSJ)!

2 top lessons jumped out at me for entrepreneurs and businesses to learn from these world class record breaking athletes!

1-Setbacks Don’t Have to Stop You!

Setbacks Don’t Have to Stop You!

The USA women’s soccer team was comprised of 23 women who have lived with the rigors of training while dealing with families, jobs and potentially career ending injuries!

Christie Rampone said it well,”Yes, I’m 39 going on 40. Yes, I’m the mother of two kids. Yes, I’ve torn my ACL and come back from it. I’ve also won three gold medals and now been to five World Cups.”

2- The Power of Teamwork!
While I watched the exciting final game of team USA vs Japan World Cup soccer and the numerous interviews with team players afterwards I heard a common theme from team USA and it was “Teamwork!”.


Hope Solo, Carli Lloyd , Abby Wambach, Ali Krieger and every team player interviewed accepted compliments on their skills and then immediately credited the entire team.

Ali Krieger summed it up, “Surround yourself with good people, surround yourself with positivity and people who are going to challenge you to make you better. If you just kind of let yourself stay alone and be by yourself, the negative, it is just not going to help you. You can control two things, your work ethic and your attitude about anything.”

So entrepreneur, when knocked down and injured, do you get back up and learn and strengthen yourself and your business so that you both are stronger, more resilient and triumph?

If you do, you can stand proudly next to Christie Rampone!

Do you partner with resilient service providers, companies and vendors that are working and encouraging you in your success?! Are you working with people committed to your being a champion and are you committed to their success? If the answer is yes, you are an Ali Krieger!

Entrepreneur if you answered yes to both you are a champion and like all champions you are enjoying the victory while planning the rigorous training for your next engagement!



How To Increase Sales Online With 6 Words!

Online sellers will ask me, “Kathy, I want to increase my online sales and get more repeat customers, what can I do?”.

My answer is, “deliver extraordinary customer service to each and every single one of your customers!”

But Kathy you’re thinking I want something more snazzy, more hip than customer service! I need something eye catching that will really grab my shoppers attention!

I want to excite and engage my customers!

The answer is yes and superb customer service is that and more!

Why does someone shop with you? Yes you need to sell a product that the customer wants. Yes seller you need to be competitive in price and make sure your item can be found on the internet with a Google search.

With price and availability taken into consideration why is your customer shopping with you?

The answer is customer service! Shoppers can see from reviews and the content on your web site whether or not you are all about them!

Customers need to know you are all about them!

I had an air conditioner delivered and installed this week. I was having some difficulties which it turned out were my fault as I misread the delivery date and time.

I called the delivery service and realized while I was talked to the owner it was my error. Do you want to know what his response was?

“I will take care of you!”

“I will take care of you!”


He did just that. He gave me an installation time immediately. A great crew was quickly dispatched to help me.

I went on the the delivery company’s business Facebook page and left a glowing review!

Guess who will speak to all her friends about this great installation service?

Guess who is happy and will now shop with this installation service for the rest of her life?

All of this because this very smart business man uttered 6 words.

“I will take care of you”.

Guess how to grow your business and repeat business? Let each and every customer know that , “I will take care of you” and then do it!

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