What Matters Now To Build Your eBay Business!

Since January 1 I’ve been sharing very practical tips with you to build and strengthen your eBay business this year.

To grow an online business it’s essential for sellers to plan.

During January, I wrote about the importance of eBay sellers creating a business plan. A business plan is fundamental to your achieving and sustaining business success.  I wrote extensively explaining how your eBay business plan supports your online selling success in my blog post #1 Reason For Business Failure.

Did you take a few moments during your busy day in January to flesh out a business plan? Good for you if you did!  Now is the time to take it out, take a look at it and gauge your progress.

Do you have a business plan?

Do You Have A Business Plan?

Do You Have A Business Plan?

We’re almost through the 1st quarter of 2016. If you haven’t written out how you’d like to grow your eBay business you’ll find it’s easy for you to lose focus. Without a business plan it’s harder to chose what tasks you want to spend time on to build a stronger eBay online business for yourself.

Now is the perfect time to review your business.

How are your new eBay products selling? What do your customer’s say about you in customer feedback? Is your inventory system efficient? Are you getting likes, comments, shares and  repins in social media?

Are Your Social Media Posts Getting Engagement?

Is the answer yes to all the above?

If it is yes, GREAT! Carry on and continue to gauge your progress.  If it’s no, pause and grab a pen and paper.

What are the weaknesses you see in your eBay business?

Do you need to develop more inventory sources? Do you need better office organization? Would it be good to list more regularly? Is it time to update old listings? Do you want to learn more keys to search engine optimization? All eBay sellers want better search results for their listings! I’ve written a FREE tip sheet for you “How To Stand Out In eBay Search“.

Whatever you decide still needs work, pick 1 or 2 things to focus on.

Don’t allow yourself to get side tracked. Many eBay sellers sabotage their progress by trying to do and learn all things at once. It’s impossible and it hurts true growth.

When I was first learning social media I focused on 1 outlet at a time for 3 months. After the initial 3 months I moved to the next platform, then the next. Now years later I have a skill level in social media because I took the time to learn the fundamentals.

To grow your business you’ll find yourself chosing to attend webinars, read books and great information on SEO like my FREE ebay search tips, listening attentively in Facebook groups and working on your business with eBay consultants. Focused step by focused step you’ll build yourself a stronger and more vibrant eBay business!

With Focus You’ll Build A Strong eBay Business!

It all starts with a plan!

Take the time now to make your eBay business plan.

With your plan in mind, it’s time to step out!

The #1 Way To Destroy Your Sales on eBay, Etsy and Amazon!

If you run a successful business, you are going to make mistakes.

Mistakes are not necessarily #1 killer of businesses, did you know that? The errors you make in your eBay, Etsy or Amazon business do not need to destroy your business. #1 way to destroy your online business is to ignore or excuse your mistakes.

You will make mistakes. You will buy inventory that doesn’t sell. Perhaps you’ll allow too much unlisted inventory to pile up. The list goes on and on.

What sets a successful business apart from the ones that fail is that successful sellers take responsibility for their failures.

President George Washington said “99% of failure come from people who make excuses”.
When you make an error in your eBayEtsy  or Amazon business you want to pause and think. Is the mistake an error in your research? Did the markets change?  Is your mistake a matter of timing? Did you make a business choice on emotion rather than data? Gut choices can be huge winners and there are times when emotional choices lead to belly flops.

When you make an error, it’s a good time to turn to a friend who is a seasoned seller and/or grab some time with a good consultant. Take the time to review your choices and learn from your mistakes. 

You may learn that your choice is fine and you are being impatient.

I know that as soon a I list inventory I want it sold immediately!

I Want My Listings To Sell Immediately!

When sales are slow and the bills are starting to pile up stop before you are in over your head. Confer with someone you trust. To blindly keep going when things don’t seem to be working in your business is inviting disaster. 

Re-purposing inventory is a super way to drive sales and increase cash flow. 

My Secret Spice For Online Sales class shows you how to turn your eBay, Etsy and Amazon inventory into cash now!

When mistakes happen, think, talk, regroup, re purpose and push onward to success in your online business!

Re-group, then on to success!

For Increasing eBay Sales This Works Like Crazy!

Many online sellers are very busy during the end of the 4th quarter with sales exploding in November and December. Many eBay sellers report sales staying strong in the month of  January!

Some sellers note a small slump in sales in February.

Can a sales slump be avoided?

A fast and easy way to increase your sales is to ship international.


If you are not shipping internationally on eBay, many sellers see an increase of up to 30% of sales in a short time once they offer their products to a global marketplace.

Did you know that according to Jordan Sweetham eBay‘s Sr. VP of Seller Experience 97% of small to medium sellers on eBay are already shipping globally!

Jordan noted in a recent blog post for eBay for business that when he addressed an audience at the January National Retail Federation only a handful of the mostly brick and mortar retailers were shipping products globally to shoppers!

Wow! This means that small – medium size online sellers are ahead of the game right now in global sales compared to large brick and mortar retailers.

As an eBay seller, what can I do with this information?! I put on my thinking cap and find ways to maximize my international sales now!

Looking at global sales eBay sellers will fall into 3 categories.


What Category Are You In Global sales?


  1. Sellers that only ship to their country.
  2. Sellers  that ship to a limited number of countries.
  3. Sellers that ship everywhere.

If fear if keeping you only shipping to the USA consider that the USPS now offers delivery confirmation to many nations around the world including Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Belgium, Croatia, Estonia and more.

Here is the complete list from the USPS.

Ship around the world and increase sales!


Selling on eBay you can ship globally yourself  or use eBay’s Global Shipping Program.

Using eBay’s Global Shipping Program the seller ships to a central hub in the US in Kentucky. The hub packs and ships the item to the global destination assuming all liability for the item arriving safely. The buyer pays all the shipping fees, and customs/import fees are paid by the buyer in advance.

Some sellers use GSP for items that are heavier and over 4 lbs and/or fragile and expensive, finding the GSP rates competitive and like the seller coverage the program offers.

Other sellers use eBay‘s GSP for everything  they sell globally and some sellers opt to ship all their sold products internationally themselves.  The eBay for Business blog covered essential tips for successful global shipping in their excellent recent blog post “How To Attract International Buyers To Your Listings.”

I encourage you to take a good look at your international sales and think, “What can I do to increase them?” Consider opening your shipping to all countries. 

If a country is not included in eBay‘s GSP program or USPS eDelcon eligible countries list if it’s a low cost item consider shipping it without tracking using the USPS. For added peace of mind some sellers use are shipping insurance services like Shipsaver.

Items of high value can be shipped with USPS Global Express  and other such carriers.

I recently have started started shipping to all nations and noted an almost immediate increase in sales. We all have different businesses and make the best choices for our businesses. Not everything can be shipped everywhere so check the USPS website for shipping restrictions.

Don’t forget when you ship globally you can offer more than means of shipping. Consider if you offer global customers  USPS 1st class shipping, adding USPS Priority, and  USPS Priority Express etc. If a customer needs something right away, you want them to shop with you!

Finally offer your international shoppers a personal touch. When you package their item include a hand written thank you in their own language.

Delight your global buyers with great products, expert packaging and a variety of shipping choices. A hand written thank you in their language will wow your global buyers with your professionalism and care and is a nice white glove customer service touch.

Watch your sales increase! You will be welcoming your return customers from around the world!

Create Repeat Buyers With A Thank You!



Keys To Better Search on eBay, Etsy and Amazon!

Almost daily sellers will message me wanting tips to get their online products found in search. To help them I’ve investigated this important topic for years.

Are you also looking for better search results for your products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, your own website and everywhere you sell?!

Are you looking for better search results?

I know you’re thinking to yourself, “Kathy, yes! yes!!”
I am constantly looking at retail stores and then looking at online selling to find ways to bring retail secrets to my online selling friends.
Your words matter. On Amazon there is a set formula for titles to be followed. It is not as cut and dry selling on eBay and Etsy.
When moving products from Amazon to eBay and Etsy and other sites it pays to do some simple research on what words get the most searches.
This short YouTube explain how to use eBay search to show you what titles will search best .
To greet the New Year 2016, sellers it’s time to take it up a notch!
I’ve done just that with my new hit class for you Secret Spice for online sales!

Hit sales class to ignite your online search results!

I’ve worked months testing the strategies I share with you in this power packed class. I’ve found the secret to leveraging product bundles to increase your search results not only on the selling platforms of Amazon, eBay, Etsy but all sales platforms. The strategies I’ll share with you also impact your product’s search on Google, Yahoo and Bing!

I’m so glad to give you useful tools to bring your items better search results, and ultimately more sales!
Cha chings are the perfect way to start to 2016, wouldn’t you agree?

You Too Can End 4th Quarter With a Bang ebay and Etsy Sellers!

Christmas is less than 7 days away!  The final Holiday sales days and hours are counting down now!

Keep in mind that if buyers live in your state or nearby they can still order with you and anticipate the items they buy to be delivered in time to be under their Christmas tree!

For this to happen and keep shoppers stress to a minimum, it’s smart as a seller to offer expedited shipping for free and /or a very low cost as an upgrade to your primary  shipping service.

Now that being said, ebay and Etsy sellers don’t forget shoppers like to shop for themself! This is called self gifting and it’s a growing trend every year. Many shoppers are buying right now for their own pleasure. They are NOT concerned with whether the item will arrive by December 25th, as they are making purchases of some goodies for an end of year treat for their own use!

Keep self gifting in mind this week with your posts on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Welcome those customers in for purchases they they will enjoy for their own personal use!

‘Tis the season to shop for others and yourself! Targeting and welcoming self gifters is a great way for you to end your ebay and Etsy sales for 2015 with a bang! Other sellers will flounder as purchasing gifts for others will dwindle and they have not considered or thought of the self gifters.

You savvy seller can pick up sales now and through the end of the year with a targeted listing and social media approach to self gifting ! The result for you will be more sales and a strong end to the 4th quarter!

Isn’t that a nice gift to enjoy for your business?

Self Gifting is a gift to your business!


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