I recently experienced a slow period for my eBay and Etsy sales as I took some family time. During my time with my family I stepped aside from my usual routine as a seller and my sales slowed down to a trickle!
I turned to eBay and Etsy sales basics.
I want to share with you exactly what I did that worked to turn my eBay and Etsy sales from a trickle to a steady stream of sales.

When sales slow down or stop altogether one’s first instinct is to panic!
The number one key to sales success online is take a moment to breathe and calm your thoughts. I know this can be hard when you’re looking at a stack of bills, but taking a deep breath and doing your best to let go of panic and stress is the best beginning.
OK, I’ve completed step one and I’m breathing deeply and relatively calm, now what?
The number two way to get your sales flowing on eBay and Etsy!

The reason listing is key to increase sales is two fold. First when you list you give the eBay or Etsy search spiders new information for them to crawl. This also applies to the search spiders of Google, Yahoo and Bing. The other reason why listing is key to increase your online sales is more inventory means more potential customers. If you have 200 items listed, that’s 200 potential shoppers arriving to look at your online merchandise. If you have 100 listed, that’s 100 etc. I go into great detail explaining this in my new hit eBook The Secret To eBay Search For Sellers.
The basic rule of thumb is more listings means more shoppers!
The third key that reignited my eBay sales was I ran a sale! One of the great benefits of having an eBay store is that you can run a sale just like a brick and mortar retail establishment.

Run A Sale!
A sale in your eBay store accomplishes several things.
When you run a sale on eBay you get slash through pricing. Slash pricing catches the eye of online shoppers. When your price is lowered on eBay it can help your products to get better placement in eBay‘s Best Match search. Best Match is the default search on eBay. There are 3 ways to run a sale on eBay. You can use Markdown Manager, Promotions Manager, and/or the paid app CampaignGO. I like CampaignGO as I find it much faster than Markdown Manager. In addition I like the data it stores for on my sales results. CampaignGo is adding a Repeat Buyer Alert, so I can know when my previous customer(s) return to shop with me! You can create a sale that attracts shoppers on Etsy using coupons!
Breathe, list and run a sale to increase sales online!
When sales are slow you are looking for strategies that bring shoppers to your merchandise. Staying calm, listing and running a sale are proven successful strategies to increase profits on eBay, Etsy and anywhere you sell!
Bring on the shoppers!

Bring On The Shoppers!
I liked the part about “When sales slow down or stop altogether one’s first instinct is to panic!”
Thanks Wil Cross! It’s so true though, isn’t it?!