A Facebook business page is a sales driver for eBay sellers.

Your Facebook Business Page is an eBay sales driver!
eBay sellers if you’re ignoring a Facebook Business page, you’re ignoring your shoppers. Facebook is on fire these days. With the vast majority of the world’s population in quarantine due to the global corona virus pandemic, it’s become a virtual lifeline. You’re probably spending more time there yourself!
As no less an authority than The New York Times recently noted the upsurge of Facebook traffic. “Now, stuck inside their homes and isolated from their families and friends, millions of Americans are rediscovering the social network’s virtues. That has lifted usage of Facebook features like messaging and video calls to record levels and powered a surge in traffic for publishers of virus-related news.”
In fact, Facebook is experiencing a surge in traffic, period.
What does that mean for you — and your business on eBay? It means you need a Facebook Business Page, stat! It’s absolutely free and will pay off big-time, even after the corona virus pandemic is over. You can set up your Page with just a few clicks, so what are you waiting for? Get started ASAP!
Or maybe you already have a Facebook Business Page. But you haven’t done much with it, and/or you aren’t seeing much traffic. This is your chance to change all that eBay seller. So strike while the iron is hot — hot — hot. Even if you don’t have an eBay store, you can use a Facebook Business Page to drive traffic to your listings.
“But Kathy,” you say, “I know I should set up a Facebook business page…but then what do I do with it?”
Well, for starters, you need to post to your business page on a regular basis, Try for at least once a week, more as time allows. But don’t just post about items you’ve got listed. Nobody wants to see a steady stream of product posts. If all you’ve been doing is sharing links to your listings and/or various store categories, it’s no wonder you haven’t gotten many visitors, let alone return visitors.
When all you do it post your products, you are seen as “spam”.
You are social media noise, rather than a fun and interesting seller! All you’re saying with non stop product posts to Facebook is “Buy my stuff! Buy my stuff! Buy my stuff!” It’s boring at best, as well as potentially counterproductive. Remember, it’s called SOCIAL media, not selling media. So be social! A good guideline to follow is the 80/20 rule. That means about 80 percent of your content should be social, while the other 20% can be about selling.
To help you get your new (or newly revitalized) Business Page off the ground, check out my free downloadable guide Sales Power Tips for Your Facebook Business Page. It’s packed with proven, easy-to-implement tips that really work.
So stop spamming your friends and family by sharing eBay links on your personal Facebook page.
An occasional selling-related post there is fine — for example, if you list a particularly interesting or unusual item — but your business really needs (and deserves) a Facebook page of its very own.
Want more shoppers? Set up your Facebook Business Page, and start posting! Just be sure to keep it social about 80% of the time.
And don’t forget to download your complimentary copy of my free guide Sales Power Tips for Your Facebook Business Page.
Now…let’s get social with our eBay customers!
Thanks for a blogs!