‘Tis the season for doing these top three tips for eBay sellers’ Holiday Success!

Top eBay Holiday Sales Success Tips!

Top three tips for eBay Sellers’ Holiday Success 2020!


eBay sellers’ Holiday time is the busiest time of year. And for ecommerce sellers 4th quarter is also traditionally the most profitable time of year. To make the most of this three-month retail moment, you’ve got to plan ahead.

Here are my top three tips for planning your way to a successful eBay sellers’ Holiday 2020 sales season.

Because remember: If you don’t plan it, chances are it won’t get done!  eBay sellers, Holiday plans matter!

1 –  Write it down.

You need to map out daily, weekly, and monthly to-do lists, and you need to put them in writing. Google calendar is a great tool for this, because you can set up reminders to help you keep track of your various tasks and deadlines. It’s free, too.

How detailed does your plan need to be?

That’s up to you. But write it out, and make sure you set concrete goals. Don’t just jot down, “List more”; be specific, or it won’t happen. “List X number of items daily” or “List X number of items by Y date” is much more achievable.

Try to be realistic when you make your plan. In addition, be flexible; if it turns out you’ve bitten off more than you can chew in some aspect of your planning, then revise your plan for that aspect. You can only do so much. Besides, sometimes life just doesn’t go according to plan!

2 – Schedule whatever you can in advance.

Whether it’s listings going live, launching store sales and/or promotions, or posting on social media, if there’s anything that you can set up ahead of time, then by all means do so. Each scheduled item is one less thing you’ll have to remember to do when the time comes.

Furthermore, having certain things kick into gear automatically as Q4 progresses will make you feel super productive and efficient. It will also ensure that those things happen in a timely manner and according to plan. Win-win-win!

eBay tools that allow you to schedule certain events — such as when listings start or sales take place — include the Sell Your Item form and (for eBay Store subscribers) Promotions Manager. For social media, check out HootSuite, which allows you to schedule posts on various social platforms. 

While you’re mapping out your social media content for the Holidays, HERE are some awesome ideas that work.

3 – Start thinking ahead to 2021.

It’s easy to get bogged down during the hectic Holiday season. However, you don’t want to ring in the new year without being prepared to take care of business. Now is the time to plan not just for Q1, but for the next 12 months as a wholeI’m here to help.

I’ve created and published Your 2021 Sales & Social Media Success Planner just for you, busy eBay seller. (The link used is my affiliate link. I’m paid a small commission at no cost to you)

eBay 2021 Sales & Social media Planner!

eBay 2021 Sales & Social Media Planner!

Simply and quickly it guides you in mapping out the future of your ecommerce business. It walks you through the planning process step by step, quarter by quarter, and month by month, complete with positive encouragement along the way.

Its 124 pages include plenty of room for writing out to-do lists and defining and setting both short- and long-term goals. It includes tracking where your business is heading.

Whatever your entrepreneurial destination may be Your 2021 Sales & Social Media Success Planner is designed to keep you quickly and easily on task and on target.

Here’s to a profitable Q4 and a prosperous new year!


eBay Holiday Sales Success tips!

Top three tips for eBay sellers’ Holiday sales success in 2020!


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