eBay seller, If I offered you my top three time savers for eBay sellers, what would your response be?

I bet you would tell me, “Yes please!” And that is because when I ask sellers what they need most the answer is, “More time.” It’s the number-one lament I hear from sellers at every level. Time savers for eBay sellers are an urgent need.

So here you go. Below are my top three awesome solutions for making the most of your time as a seller.

First, where is your time going?

Have you ever tracked it? Because it’s well worth doing! You may think you spent an hour listing; it was actually three hours. Or maybe that one-hour visit to the thrift store turned into two hours.

Click HERE to download my free I Love to Be Selling’s handy Time Tracker. I designed it just for you, my eBay seller friends. Then use it to track your time for at least two days. Yes, that means write it down!

Write down EVERYTHING: listing, shipping, grocery shopping, walking the dog, doing laundry, etc., etc. Accounting for your time is the first step in managing your time.

Second of my time savers for eBay sellers is sort your workflow into batches.

Now that you know where your time is going, think about what daily selling activities you can group together: Photos? Research? Listing similar items?

Then go deeper. When you go out product sourcing, map out your route for thrift shops and/or yard sales. What personal or business errands could you do along the away? For example, say you drive the kids to school. Is there a thrift store on the way home? Errands lend themselves particularly well to batching.

Perhaps you source wholesale. How often do you typically purchase merchandise. Look at your calendar. Set that up as a recurring tasks. Bam! Now it’s baked into your schedule. The time thinking about reordering is freed up. Anything you can batch and or set as  a recurring task in an automated calendar/schedule opens up precious hours in your day,

And then what about the power and freedom of handing tasks off to professional eBay tools?! Good eBay tools can execute tasks you don’t need to do manually.

Third, use timesaving eBay tools.

eBay store owners need time to list; ship; source; provide customer service; and keep up with their eBay store data and analytics. You’ve got to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as your sales reports, traffic report, and listing quality report. Analyzing these metrics on a regular basis is vital if you want to keep those sales a-coming!

But it can take hours to sift through all that information. So you basically have three options:

  1. Find/make the time, and just do it.
  2. Have an assistant handle it and report back.  
  3. Use a professional eBay tool like Optiseller.

Optiseller gives eBay sellers a comprehensive and easy-to-use Store Performance dashboard. In just a few minutes, you can gauge the health of your business.


Within seconds, you’ll know if your listings’ titles and images are in good shape or need some work. Take another look to determine whether your item specifics could be improved. Know your conversion rate at a glance.

Optiseller’s Store Performance dashboard includes an indicator for Areas of Most Improvement. Reports are color coded in red, amber, or green, so you know what to prioritize without spending valuable time sorting through report after report, wondering what to focus on first. Thanks to Optiseller, you can see what needs improvement —then navigate to those problematic listings and quickly revise them.

In closing know where your time goes. Track it exactly so you can make wise choices for your eBay selling. Next batch your tasks. Thinking through your work flow and your most effective flow for everything from errands, to shipping to putting inventory away save you many hours. And finally use a professional seller tool like Optiseller to master your eBay data  quickly and effectively.

Mastering time management sets the stage for a thriving eBay business that supports your life choices.

Top Three Time Savers For eBay Sellers!

eBay Sellers here are three easy to do time savers!

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