The Supreme Seller Guide for eBay Open 2022!

The Supreme Seller Guide for eBay Open 2022!

So you’ve registered for eBay Open 2022, coming up September 21-23!

And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? eBay Open is geared toward sellers at every level of experience, part-time to full-time, and it’s absolutely free. To register, go to

Now it’s time to start planning how to get the most out of this year’s eBay seller conference.

First of all, block out the dates and time frames on your calendar. Do this on paper or via your favorite calendar app, such as iCal, Google or Outlook. eBay Open 2022 is Wednesday, September 21, through Friday, September 23. It runs from 10am-3pm PT all three days. Attending the entire event live? Be ready and fit your listing, shipping, and other daily eBay tasks around that five-hour block of time. Pace yourself.

Next, take a look at the eBay Open 2022 agenda.

Many sessions happen twice over the course of the event’s three days. Furthermore, some will be recorded. View them on YouTube after the event is over. However, although certain presentations during the event may be replays, the Q&A with eBay staff and seller panelists will be live each time. So have your questions ready!

Each day kicks off with an hour of networking and winds down with more networking.

Furthermore, on Wednesday and Thursday, the initial social time is followed by keynotes featuring various eBay executives. CEO Jamie Iannone and Jordan Sweetnam, Senior VP and GM, North America; Andrea Stairs, VP, CMO  and other key staff. Additionally assorted eBay sellers will share useful selling tips. Furthermore, Thursday includes an afternoon keynote as well. In closing, Friday wraps up with a closing keynote.

The rest of each day of eBay Open 2022 is devoted to learning.

During the event there breaks for fun activities like eBay trivia. Additionally they give you  time to grab a snack, snap a selfie in the eBay Open photo booth, or check out the booths in the virtual Expo.

Get in the zone.

To add a session to your calendar, click on the little calendar page icon next to that session’s time slot in the agenda. All three days of eBay Open 2022 offer a trio of educational tracks. Fundamental, Advanced, and Seller-Led Training Sessions cover every aspect of selling on eBay:

  • Acquiring and managing inventory
  • Buyer psychology
  • Customer service
  • Listing best practices
  • Market research and marketing
  • Shipping domestically and globally
  • Social media
  • Tools and analytics

In addition, there are sessions devoted to eBay stores, seller protections and policies. eBay Main Street, and more.

Wednesday’s afternoon agenda features Category Sessions focusing on:

  • Collectibles
  • Electronics (Refurbished)
  • Fashion
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Home and Interior
  • Luxury (Handbags, Jewelry, & Watches)
  • Motors and Parts & Accessories
  • Sneakers
  • Trading Cards

Read the description of each vertical’s session.

If you sell in that category, you’ll probably want to attend that session. Jot down any questions that come to mind in case there is time for Q&A. Once you actually sign in on the day of the event, the agenda will display in your time zone, and you can click the little plus sign next to each session’s title to build your own personal agenda.


Be ready to get the most out of eBay Open 2022 with these great tips!


Be part of a live studio or mix and mingle at a watch party.

This year’s eBay Open is a hybrid event: On Friday, live eBay Open Studios in three cities will take place concurrently with the virtual conference. Attendees will watch the closing keynote together online while they mingle with eBay staff and each other.

All three Open Studios (in Los Angeles, CA; Austin, TX; and New York City) are already sold out.

But some seller meetup groups are planning watch parties of their own. Already Watch parties are planned for Allentown PA, Boston MA, Chicago IL, Denver CO, and Las Vegas NV. As these community-based social events are announced, I’ll post them in the pop-up Facebook group I’ve created for eBay Open 2022. Come join your fellow sellers in this fun group HERE.

Seller run eBay Open 2022 Facebook group!

Think of eBay Open 2022 as you would a live conference, minus the hassle and expense of having to pack a suitcase, travel, and pay for a hotel room.

Dress comfortably, and have fun showing your eBay spirit by wearing an eBay-branded shirt, cap, or both. If you don’t own any eBay-branded apparel, you’ve still got time to shop for some. eBay’s eBayana category usually offers plenty of options for adding to your eBay wardrobe! Or just put together an outfit in the four colors of the eBay logo: red, blue, yellow, and green. 

Drink your coffee from an eBay mug, and use one of your eBay water bottles from previous events. Take notes in an eBay notebook, using an eBay pen. If you take the post-eBay Open survey, you’ll also receive special event swag. 

To help you get the most out of eBay Open 2022, I’ve created, Your Seller Success Checklist for eBay Open 2022. Download your complimentary copy  HERE.

See you at eBay Open!

How To Recession-Proof eBay Selling!

How To Recession-Proof eBay Selling!

With the current economic times, two concerns are front and center for eBay seller, inflation and recession. How can you “recessionproof” your eBay sales?

Let’s look at  inflation, recession, and how to recessionproof eBay selling!

Both inflation and recession are prominent in the headlines and on everyone’s mind right now. It’s the reason that prices have gone up for shoppers in the U.S. According to, as of the end of May, the current rate of inflation is 8.6%.

Inflation impacts what eBay shoppers buy.

Furthermore, we’re heading into summer — a time of year when many retailers, both online and off-, see a dip in sales. So how do smart eBay sellers recession proof eBay sales? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4.

First and foremost, think like a buyer to recession-proof eBay selling!

What ARE people buying, despite inflation and the season? Well, for starters, a recent NPR article says that while people may cut back on purchases for themselves, they will continue to shop for and generally spoil their pets.

Can YOU source items for this market? To get inspired, search pet-related categories on eBay. Terapeak is a big help for spotting trends and hot items and/or niches; it’s under the Market Research tab in Seller Hub. 

A more advanced product research tool available to eBay sellers is Zik Analytics.

Using Zik Analytics sellers can quickly spot current sales trends in a wide variety of categories on eBay. Zik Analytics not only helps eBay sellers find what’s selling, it also shows them the sellthrough rate — i.e., how quickly each item is selling. It’s great to discover eBay sales trends, but it’s equally important (if not more so) to know how fast an item sells!

Once you discover popular categories and products,  watch local thrift shops, yard sales, clearance sections at both online and brick-and-mortar retailers. Be sure to include your discount and wholesale suppliers. With Zik Analytic’s powerful eBay research tools, you can quickly see if the type of item you want to source is available on Ali Express and or Alibaba. Remember: It’s always wise to source from a variety of vendors.

Second, remember that people are traveling again!

Also noted in the aforementioned NPR article is the fact that after being homebound for the past couple of years, Americans as well as people around the globe are back on the move.

So while you’re wearing your think-like-a-buyer hat, think about this: What do travelers need? One exceptionally useful item that’s also easy to source is fanny packs. Yes, what the British call “bum bags” are still in style for traveling. Better yet, there are lots of ways to source them.

When I checked sold items on eBay via Advanced Search, I found out that nearly 11,000 fanny packs have sold during the past 2 weeks alone. That’s a lot of fanny packs. And Zik Analytics offers sellers a deeper dive on the the hot topic of fanny packs.

Third, note that consumers are looking to stretch their dollars — so go grocery shopping to recession-proof your eBay!

Groceries are a major household expense, so they’re where people pinch their pennies. Albeit eBay is not typically a go-to ecommerce site for groceries, they DO sell. Especially limited edition flavors and/or other regional variants of a product, because what’s available in one part of the country may be scarce or downright unavailable elsewhere.

One particularly huge and hot grocery category is TEA. Check sold tea items on eBay — and hold on to your hat, because there are more than 30,000 of them. Yes, really: THIRTY thousand-plus!! Can you source brands and/or tea sets that will sell?

In addition to local suppliers, keep the handy and informative tools of Zik Analytics in mind. You can research tea and discover if products you want are available quickly from AliExpress or Alibaba. It’s something to keep in mind.

Fourth, guess what else people like to buy online, where they can get the best deals? Health & Beauty items!

That fascinating NPR article calls it “the lipstick effect”. In the article, Priya Raghubir, professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business, defines the lipstick effect as “when consumers spend on small luxuries like perfume or high-end beauty purchases even in a downturn.”

Here in New York City, I can find new, unused, sealed makeup at thrift stores. Keep an eye out at estate and yard sales as well. Someone may have bought some new makeup and then changed their mind. Or they received it as a gift and never used it.

Furthermore Zik Analytics powerful research tools can help you find in demand health and Beauty items on AliExpress and Alibaba.

Pro tip: When I’m in stores such as Sephora, I chat with the salespeople. Are there colors and/or styles being discontinued? MANY discontinued lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish colors sell extremely well on eBay, because consumers LOVE their favorite shades and will pay big bucks for them!

Here’s the bottom line:

Despite inflation, recession, and the onset of summer, something sells on eBay every second of every day. It’s up to you to see to it that YOU are among those selling that something.

Think like a buyer. Buyers are shopping. To stay successful t’s a matter of coursing and selling what IS in demand. Searching eBay and using Terapeak will help. When you’re ready to step up your game, look at the professional research tools Zik Analytics offers to eBay sellers.

To that end, as you’re listing, remember: You want to create OPTIMIZED listings that will rank well in eBay search results. So grab your complimentary copy of my free guide, Dominate eBay Search & Win More Sales!, at It’s packed with powerful, proven tips for creating listings that sell fast for top dollar.

Dominate eBay Search

Sell on, eBay seller! There’s no need to let inflation, recession, and/or the summer slowdown bring you down — or bring down your sales.

Recession-Proof Your eBay Selling!

4 top tips to recession-proof your eBay selling!



eBay Listing Page Views Updated!

eBay Listing Page Views Updated!

eBay’s policy on eBay Listing Page views has recently been updated.

As an eBay seller, you know what it takes to get sales: You’ve got to offer the right stuff at the right price — and you’ve got to list it right, too, so that it gets found by the right buyer. In the recent Spring Seller Update, eBay announced a change in the way that listing page views are counted. I discuss this change in detail in my blog post eBay Spring Seller Update 2022: Change Ahead.

What it boils down to is this: Only eBay listing page views by humans will now be counted and included in eBay’s traffic reports.

Previously, page view counts included views by bots — AI (artificial intelligence) entities that crawl the worldwide web, scanning websites. Bots now account for approximately 40% of internet traffic, but their page views don’t lead to sales. They just inflate your page view count.

That’s because bots don’t shop.

Only humans shop. So eBay is filtering out non-human page views in order to give sellers more accurate data.

This important change started rolling out at the end of April. When your listings are ready to be updated to the new page view counts, you’ll see notifications on your Active and Unsold Listings pages in Seller Hub.

Bot traffic varies across products and categories.

But chances are you’ll notice a significant drop in listing page views. Don’t worry about it! The lower numbers in your traffic reports don’t mean that less shoppers are looking at your items. Actual traffic from potential buyers is not changing. You can read more about updated page view counts on eBay.

To get a better handle on this change, look at your traffic report for sold items.

How many page views did those listings get — 1? 5? 10?

Remember: It’s about getting the right views. And that means creating a great listing that will get found by your buyer. Not just any buyer, but YOUR buyer! I explain this in my recent video What Happened to My eBay Listing Views?

A great listing starts with a great title, filled with good keywords that buyers would use when searching for your item. Look at that item. What best describes it: Brand? Shape? Color? Pattern? Model number? Size? Use? Put those in the title. eBay gives you 80 characters; use them! Don’t waste characters on punctuation or emojis.

I’ve got more great listing tips in my free hit guide eBay Listings that Sell. Download your complimentary copy HERE,.

So in sum, don’t panic over a dropoff in page views right about now. Instead, optimize your listings to attract more human eyeballs.

Recent eBay Listing view changes!

Have you checked your eBay listing views recently?

eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 Change Ahead!

eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 Change Ahead!

eBay unveiled the eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 this month. It is positively brimming with good news for sellers! There are also some not-so-good aspects, of course, particularly around category changes. You can find and read the entire Spring Speller Update for yourself at

First, the really good news in the eBay Spring Seller Update 2022: a new Unpaid Item initiative!

For years, sellers have asked eBay to require immediate payment on Best Offer and auction listings. Too many such purchases end up as unpaid items, which is frustrating for sellers. eBay spoke about the coming of requiring payment from buyers when making offers in the eBay Winter Seller Update of 2022.

eBay has listened. In previous years, all monies went through PayPal, so eBay couldn’t implement an immediate payment requirement. But now that eBay holds the purse strings in the form of Managed Payments, it’s become a viable option. eBay is not setting a specific start date for this new policy, stating only, Later this year, we’ll start asking buyers to pay when they accept a seller’s Offer to Buyer or a counteroffer.”

More good news in the eBay Spring Seller Update : bundle offers!

On Poshmark, buyers can put several items into a bundle and send an offer to the seller. eBay sellers familiar with this Poshmark option have asked for it to be made available on eBay as well.

eBay came through, saying, “We’ll also introduce a new feature that will let buyers request a bundled offer on multiple items. These multi-item offers can be completed in one transaction, saving you time and making it easier for buyers to purchase more of your items.” 

Look for this to roll out later in the year.

Positive updates to seller-facing data!

eBay is changing the way it tallies listing views. You know how disconcerting it can be to see listings that have lots of views, but still haven’t sold. What you may not know, however, is that some items get viewed by AI (artificial intelligence) entities called bots as much if not more than they do by humans.

This typically happens to products with well-known brand names — such as Apple, Disney, or Barbie. Keyword terms like Mid-Century Modern or even “cell phone” may trigger bot activity, too.

Starting in April 2022, eBay will filter out bot views from the total number of impressions. This is good news for sellers. Views from human shoppers are of interest to sellers, not bots that crawl the internet harvesting information!

Furthermore, eBay has promised to add a new Listing Traffic History Report that will enable sellers to quickly and easily analyze traffic to their listings over the past 30 days.

eBay’s new messaging format is now live in the eBay Mobile app!

As promised in the 2022 Winter Seller Update, eBay has begun rolling out the beta version of their newly improved member-to-member messaging system. When you’re invited to opt in — if you haven’t already — I highly recommend you do so. eBay reports excellent feedback so far from both buyers and sellers, and I personally use and love it.


New look to eBay messages between buyers and sellers! (Photo courtesy of eBay)


More payout options plus a digital wallet!

eBay’s 2022 Spring Seller Update reiterates the newly expanded list of choices as to when you receive your funds from Managed Payments. The choices are daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly. eBay also reminds sellers that the company will soon be adding a digital wallet. Using the wallet sellers can use funds earned from selling to make eBay purchases.

Now for the sticking points: category changes and item specifics.

Possibly the most dreaded of all eBay changes are those to categories. But they are a part of every seller update, driven by buyer behavior, changes in available inventory, and changes in mandated information for global selling and shipping.

eBay Spring Seller Update 2022: Categories affected by changes coming May 17!

The eBay Spring Seller Update announced the following categories have changes coming May 17, 2022.

  • Collectibles (Toys)
  • Health & Beauty
  • Home & Garden
  • Parts & Accessories

Those are all very large categories. If you sell in any of them, pay close attention to any upcoming Required item specifics notifications you receive via Seller Hub or eBay’s My Messages. You’ll have until mid-July to add newly required attributes to your listings.

Remember: Item specifics feature terms eBay uses in search, so it’s beneficial to your listings’ ranking in search results to include newly required item specifics fast — it will help your items to get found by buyers! Read up on all the details of these upcoming category changes HERE.

Good things are coming…but not yet! 

There’s plenty of good news in the 2022 Spring Seller Update. However, eBay is very vague on when these exciting new initiatives will go live. Still, on balance, there’s a lot of good stuff to unpack here. Think carefully about how the upcoming changes will impact you in your business on eBay.

You’ve got this seller!


eBay Spring Seller Update 2022!

eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 is here!



Top Three Time Savers For eBay Sellers!

Top Three Time Savers For eBay Sellers!

eBay seller, If I offered you my top three time savers for eBay sellers, what would your response be?

I bet you would tell me, “Yes please!” And that is because when I ask sellers what they need most the answer is, “More time.” It’s the number-one lament I hear from sellers at every level. Time savers for eBay sellers are an urgent need.

So here you go. Below are my top three awesome solutions for making the most of your time as a seller.

First, where is your time going?

Have you ever tracked it? Because it’s well worth doing! You may think you spent an hour listing; it was actually three hours. Or maybe that one-hour visit to the thrift store turned into two hours.

Click HERE to download my free I Love to Be Selling’s handy Time Tracker. I designed it just for you, my eBay seller friends. Then use it to track your time for at least two days. Yes, that means write it down!

Write down EVERYTHING: listing, shipping, grocery shopping, walking the dog, doing laundry, etc., etc. Accounting for your time is the first step in managing your time.

Second of my time savers for eBay sellers is sort your workflow into batches.

Now that you know where your time is going, think about what daily selling activities you can group together: Photos? Research? Listing similar items?

Then go deeper. When you go out product sourcing, map out your route for thrift shops and/or yard sales. What personal or business errands could you do along the away? For example, say you drive the kids to school. Is there a thrift store on the way home? Errands lend themselves particularly well to batching.

Perhaps you source wholesale. How often do you typically purchase merchandise. Look at your calendar. Set that up as a recurring tasks. Bam! Now it’s baked into your schedule. The time thinking about reordering is freed up. Anything you can batch and or set as  a recurring task in an automated calendar/schedule opens up precious hours in your day,

And then what about the power and freedom of handing tasks off to professional eBay tools?! Good eBay tools can execute tasks you don’t need to do manually.

Third, use timesaving eBay tools.

eBay store owners need time to list; ship; source; provide customer service; and keep up with their eBay store data and analytics. You’ve got to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as your sales reports, traffic report, and listing quality report. Analyzing these metrics on a regular basis is vital if you want to keep those sales a-coming!

But it can take hours to sift through all that information. So you basically have three options:

  1. Find/make the time, and just do it.
  2. Have an assistant handle it and report back.  
  3. Use a professional eBay tool like Optiseller.

Optiseller gives eBay sellers a comprehensive and easy-to-use Store Performance dashboard. In just a few minutes, you can gauge the health of your business.


Within seconds, you’ll know if your listings’ titles and images are in good shape or need some work. Take another look to determine whether your item specifics could be improved. Know your conversion rate at a glance.

Optiseller’s Store Performance dashboard includes an indicator for Areas of Most Improvement. Reports are color coded in red, amber, or green, so you know what to prioritize without spending valuable time sorting through report after report, wondering what to focus on first. Thanks to Optiseller, you can see what needs improvement —then navigate to those problematic listings and quickly revise them.

In closing know where your time goes. Track it exactly so you can make wise choices for your eBay selling. Next batch your tasks. Thinking through your work flow and your most effective flow for everything from errands, to shipping to putting inventory away save you many hours. And finally use a professional seller tool like Optiseller to master your eBay data  quickly and effectively.

Mastering time management sets the stage for a thriving eBay business that supports your life choices.

Top Three Time Savers For eBay Sellers!

eBay Sellers here are three easy to do time savers!

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