There is selling pain at times for most eBay sellers.
There is too much to do, in too little time. Your home or office is full of unlisted inventory. Furthermore, shipping takes too long. Social media is time consuming. Additionally,how do you sort out what needs to done each day? What’s a seller to do?
The pain from struggling with time management is ongoing! Even here in NYC the city that never sleeps, it can seem as if there are not enough hours in the day. So what’s a busy seller to do? What really works?
Here are my top 3 tips to remove selling pain:
First of all, figure out where your time is going. You can’t begin to manage your time until you know what you’re doing with it. For one week, track what you do with your time each day.
Grab my complimentary time trackers. I’ve developed these exclusively for you, my eBay seller friend.
Relieve eBay selling pain with complimentary time trackers, just for sellers!
Be ruthlessly honest in this initial assessment. Here are the Top Five Time Wasters eBay Sellers Face.The whole point is to figure out where you are wasting or otherwise making inefficient use of your time. Just remember that nobody works at maximum productivity every minute of every day, and you’re allowed to take breaks. So, don’t be too hard on yourself at this point! There is enough selling pain without adding to it!
Second, review your week-long timeline.
Now you can be judgmental: Is your time being spent where you’d like it to be? Is it being spent on the right things? Is your timeline aligning with your priorities?
Chances are you’ll find room for improvement. For example, could you spend 30 less minutes per day on Facebook and instead use that half-hour to take photos of items to be listed? What other bits and pieces of your day are being frittered away that could instead be devoted to getting something done?
Lost seconds add up to minutes, add up to hours, faster than you might think!
But still, don’t be too hard on yourself. Sure, we could all probably benefit from a little more self discipline; however, it’s equally likely that we could all probably benefit from scaling back what we expect of ourselves. Because when all is said and done, there are only so many hours in each day…and probably something not yet done by the end of every one of them! So, try to be realistic when you plan how to more effectively utilize your time. Additionally, streamlining choices, and getting 30 minutes back each day is a HUGE win. 30 minutes is a lot time for shipping or listing!
Third, set and write down 3 goals for your week. For instance:
List 120 items
Clean out storage closet
1 product-sourcing trip
Look at your calendar and figure out when and how you can accomplish those 3 things. Then go forth and do them!
At the end of the week (or the beginning of the next week; whichever works for you), take a few minutes to assess: Did you meet your 3 goals? Maybe 2 out of the 3? Maybe only 1? Yes or no? Again, be ruthlessly honest, but stop short of beating yourself up for any shortfalls. If you didn’t get everything done, then you just need to re-tweak your initial plan.
Without looking at what is working and what isn’t, you’ll go in endless circles, repeating the same errors or bad choices.
Maybe you really love Facebook, and it’s a bit of a mental health break for you as well as a marketing opportunity. So give up just 15 minutes, not 30. Furthermore, scale back your listing quota for the week to 100 items instead of 120. It’s important to succeed. You get MORE done that way.
Or say you love product sourcing, but personal and/or household errands are falling by the wayside. How can you bundle errands with sourcing? Is your grocery store close to a favorite thrift store or outlet mall? You get the idea!
So there you have it. Time management can be as simple and easy as 1-2-3. It reduces selling pain!
Complimentary time trackers to end eBay selling pain!
Honestly assess how you spend your time.
Set goals for using your time most productively.
Take action; then reassess; and repeat.
Just remember when you’re setting your priorities that sleep is essential, as is eating, LOL. In addition, be sure to carve out time to spend with family and friends as well as give yourself some time to pause and smell the flowers along the way.
In the long run, you’ll not only get more done, you’ll also be happier doing it.
Over and over sellers say the hardest part of selling is getting their inventory listed quickly and accurately. With the Sellhound App, enter a dream come true for sellers. Sellhound is an eBay seller’s best friend and selling assistant. Furthermore, Sellhoundis a way to list, that all you do is take photos of your items. Sellhound then researches and writes descriptions for you.
eBay seller Suzanne Wouk and her team of fellow sellers created SellHound. It is now released as an iPhone app (Android version coming soon). SellHound is an eBay seller’s best friend. It is your virtual selling assistant.
So, what do you do?
SellHound is an eBay Seller’s best friend!
You snap pics of your item. SellHounddoes the rest. It researches comparable items across multiple marketplaces. Then SellHound creates an awesome listing. Your listing is sent in an email to you. Approve and/ or edit your listing. Once accepted by you, the listing is submitted to eBay.
The approval feature is handy.
You can have a helper do your pictures with the SellHoundApp. The listing doesn’t go live on eBay, until it’s approved. So, you’re in control all the along the way. SellHound automates your work flow, giving you more time and more listings!
Unlisted inventory is money staring at you.
Additionally, think of the adage,”If it’s not listed, it can’t sell!” SellHound solves that dilemma for you.
Fetch, their popular price comparison search tool, is built into SellHound’s smartphone apps. That means you can use Fetch as your go to research tool. When you are shopping thrift stores, yard sales and or doing retail arbitrage, in seconds Fetch shows you the sold price for comparable items! And did I mention that Fetch is a free service? Cha ching sellers!
And, it’s not just eBay sellers who are impressed by SellHound.
Right now, for a limited time all of SellHound‘s capabilities are free to users.
Yup, that’s right, FREE! Suzanne and the rest of the SellHound gang value your feedback and really want you to give SellHounda workout. Get those death piles of unlisted inventory listed. While you’re listing with SellHound, let them how it’s working for you!
To that end, they’ve come up with an incentivizer to help get you motivated: SellHound’s “Show Us Your Stuff!” campaign.
Use SellHound’s new mobile app to list an item on eBay; then email that listing’s URL to SellHoundwill feature your listing on their website and in their social media. It’s a win-win, because you get extra marketing exposure for your item while helping SellHound to tell the story of what they do.
In closing, sellers, gone are excuses for unlisted inventory!
SellHound is that extra pair of hands you’ve wanted Now is the perfect time todownload SellHound from the Apple App Store. Android users, you’ll have it soon too. Remember, for a short time only, all for SellHound‘s features are available to you for no extra cost. Now truly is the perfect time to kill off your death piles once and for all!
eBay sellers, Merry Christmas is just one week away.
If you’ve been watching the calendar, this shouldn’t come as a shock to you. But you still might need to sit down before I spell it out to you: Christmas is just one short week away.
What does that mean for you and your business on eBay? Does it mean a sales meltdown?
Before we get started, take a few deep breaths. There are tried-and-true strategies to help you make the most of this very limited once-a-year time. I’m going to share them with you.
First, be smart about where you get eBay listing and inventory information.
Sadly there is much bad information on social media that can harm your eBay business. Avoid losing sales with inaccurate tips. I talk about this in my YouTube, eBay Sellers You May Not Want To Hear This..
Second,make sure you offer paid expedited shipping options. This includes ALL of your listings. If not, bulk-edit them into your listings right now using eBay’s bulk edit tool. You can also use eBay business policies to accomplish this. There, that was easy-peasy!
Third, quickly review your holiday-appropriate inventory. If it’s not selling, then now is definitely the time to figure out why. Is it priced too high? Are your photos less than stellar, or are there just too few of them? Is your item one of many that may have glutted the market for them? Or is it just not getting found in search?
It’s probably too late to do much about your photos (unless you’re super fast with a camera), but you can definitely do something about the other reasons an item may not yet have sold or is selling very slowly. Here are some options:
If you have an eBay store, Rrun a deeply discounted flash sale using Markdown Manager. Promote your sale on social media with a link to your store. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are your best choices for getting traction — and traffic! — ASAP. You can even run multiple flash sales throughout this final shopping week.
With an eBay store, create some Promoted Listings, and consider setting your ad rate slightly higher than the trending percentage.
With or without an eBay store, try bundling your holiday items. For example, could you put together a selection of inexpensive items and call it a “Secret Santa Gift Lot”? My hit guide Secret Sauce For eBay Sales transforms slow moving inventory into hot bundles.
Secret Spice for Online Sales turns slow listings into hot bundles!
Yes, ‘tis the week before Christmas, and you’re going to be busy-busy-busy…but don’t let the next seven days be all business and no pleasure.
Whatever doesn’t sell this Q4 can have its listing tweaked in the new year. Those items still be there on your store shelves, but each day of this week will only happen once.
In closing, put these profit-maximizing strategies to work. But don’t shortchange yourself on spending time enjoying family, friends, and all the joys of the season. Best of luck with your last-minute selling.
The eBay Summer Seller Update for 2018 is out. Like most of the seller updates, it’s a mixed bag.
You may have quite a bit of work ahead with the eBay Summer Seller Update.
To begin, the eBay Summer Seller Update is in four sections. They are Inventory Optimization, eBay Stores, Selling Metrics and Shipping and Returns. I will address key facts that impact the majority of people. I encourage you to read the entire update.
So, in Inventory Optimization, four categories now have mandatory item specifics.
The four are Coins, Comics, Pottery & Glass and Tires. In light of this, note what categories you sell in. Many sellers have Pottery & Glass listings. Look to start implementing the mandatory changes now. Be ready for the July 31, 2018 deadline. Furthermore, study the product categories that must list with Product Pages. I break down key points in the entire update for you HERE.
Equally important are the impacted categories of cardio equipment, cell phones, and smartphones. Included are computers/tablets, networking tablets, and ebook readers. Also counted are humidifiers, internet & media streamers and major appliances. Portable fans, programmable thermostat, and small kitchen appliances join the list. Space heaters, TV video, and home audio are included. As are internet and media streamer, TV’s, and voice-enabled home assistants too. More details on these changes are HERE.
Now, the next part of the seller update is for eBay store owners.
So, if you use the sales function of Promotions Manager and Sales event, heads up.
Items must be listed on eBay for a minimum of 14 days before they can be put on sale. I detail this new policy and other eBay Summer Seller Update facts in my YouTube Stop The Drowning.
Furthermore, Seller Metrics and Shipping will have new features.
With a few exceptions, as of June 25 sellers will need to list with zip codes. Additionally, in July eBay will add new seller metric data to Seller Hub. Sellers will be shown how they compare to other sellers in key data. The focus seems to be on returns. Of course, data is welcome. Let’s see if this will be helpful information. eBay will need to tightly compare apples to apples to give sellers data that’s useful. eBay Radio has great information on this and entire update HERE.
Good and bad news for sellers on Returns!
So, eBay is moving ahead with only five return policies allowed. There are a few exceptions. eBay makes it easier for buyers to return. A simplified return process will be in place. In light of this, sellers need to select an approved policy. If they don’t pick one, one will be assigned. Details are HERE.
In closing, sellers have work to do.
Goal Of eBay Summer Seller Update – Sales!
Studying the update, look at the categories you sell in. Are you impacted by the changes? Look at your returns policies. Are they compliant with eBay’s new standards? Starting in July, look at your new return seller metrics. Comparatively, how do you stack up? The update points sellers to data and policy compliance. The end goal is more sales from more shoppers. Now, that’s certainly welcome news to sellers!
Did you know that you have an eBay superpower for sales?
So, are you searching for your eBay superpower? Certainly, sales can get slow. Moreover, it can be a daunting task to stay on top of what works to get sales. By and large many sellers are solopreneurs. So, it’s just you running your online business. You read of sellers with six-figure businesses within three months of starting to sell. You’ll scratch your head and wonder, “What is their eBay superpower? And where is mine?”
There are only so many hours in the day.
We all have different life circumstances. In light of that, know the givens in your life. Are you a single Mom? Moreover, do you have physical limitations? Do you have a full-time job? So, are you working a part-time job? Do you live in a rural area? Are you homeschooling? The list goes on and on. If you are a part-time seller, it will frustrate you to compare yourself to a fulltime seller. Moreover, if you are taking care of elderly relatives, your needs are different than a parent with young kids.
eBay Sellers don’t let your day run away from you!
To begin, what are the absolutes in your life?
Note the commitments that must be met daily, weekly or monthly. Put them on a paper calendar or virtual calendar. Next, examine your online business. What are the details of your selling? They may include listing, buying inventory, taking pictures, shipping, ordering supplies, banking etc. Be sure to write all your tasks down. Now with all things considered, what needs to be done daily, weekly and or monthly?
My YouTube Your eBay Superpower For Sales guides you through this process.
In light of what is immovable in your schedule, set up when you’ll do your selling tasks. Chose when you’ll shop for inventory, ship, do product research and more. Some folks love using a paper calendar. I use Google Calendar. I put all my tasks on it. Furthermore, I set up alerts to remind to do my business tasks. Google calendar also has a smartphone app. Google calendar is free. To access it you need a Gmail account. There is no charge for Gmail.
When you are working on larger tasks, organizers like Slack and Asana are invaluable.
Sellers can manage projects with these tools and stay on track when making plans. Organizers are great for tracking progress when researching new inventory. They could also be used to plan expansion onto a new selling platform. For simple note taking, pen and paper work great. The app Evernote is also awesome. It also syncs across platforms. There is a free version.
In closing, your superpower starts with knowing the “must dos” in your schedule.
Then you build your business tasks around that. Your eBay superpower is YOU. You create your schedule. You manage your business. You find inventory, pack and ship it. You find classes and experts to help you better your business. It’s YOU. There is no magic pill for success. It is all about you putting in the work. Of course, there are bumps in the road. Being surrounded by like-minded sellers is a huge help. My members only Social Media Insiders is a power-packed home for sellers getting results. Another place winning sellers congregate, is my Facebook group eBay Selling Basics Nothing But Selling Basics.
Finally, you are your superpower for sales.
Plan and then work your plan. If sales are slow, be willing to learn and grow. Ask for help in my Facebook group eBay Selling Basics Nothing But Selling Basics. You may have missed a recent update that impacts your listings. Never give up. Success is right around the corner.
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