Did you know that you have an eBay superpower for sales?

So, are you searching for your eBay superpower?  Certainly, sales can get slow. Moreover, it can be a daunting task to stay on top of what works to get sales. By and large many sellers are solopreneurs. So, it’s just you running your online business.  You read of sellers with six-figure businesses within three months of starting to sell. You’ll scratch your head and wonder, “What is their eBay superpower? And where is mine?”

There are only so many hours in the day.

We all have different life circumstances. In light of that, know the givens in your life. Are you a single Mom? Moreover, do you have physical limitations? Do you have a full-time job? So, are you working a part-time job? Do you live in a rural area? Are you homeschooling? The list goes on and on. If you are a part-time seller, it will frustrate you to compare yourself to a fulltime seller. Moreover, if you are taking care of elderly relatives, your needs are different than a parent with young kids.

eBay Sellers track your time!

eBay Sellers don’t let your day run away from you!

To begin, what are the absolutes in your life?

Note the commitments that must be met daily, weekly or monthly. Put them on a paper calendar or virtual calendar. Next, examine your online business. What are the details of your selling? They may include listing, buying inventory, taking pictures, shipping, ordering supplies, banking etc. Be sure to write all your tasks down. Now with all things considered, what needs to be done daily, weekly and or monthly?

My YouTube Your eBay Superpower For Sales guides you through this process.

In light of what is immovable in your schedule, set up when you’ll do your selling tasks. Chose when you’ll shop for inventory, ship, do product research and more. Some folks love using a paper calendar. I use Google Calendar. I put all my tasks on it. Furthermore, I set up alerts to remind to do my business tasks. Google calendar also has a smartphone app. Google calendar is free.  To access it you need a Gmail account. There is no charge for Gmail.

When you are working on larger tasks, organizers like Slack and Asana are invaluable.

Sellers can manage projects with these tools and stay on track when making plans. Organizers are great for tracking progress when researching new inventory. They could also be used to plan expansion onto a new selling platform. For simple note taking, pen and paper work great. The app Evernote is also awesome. It also syncs across platforms. There is a free version.

 In closing, your superpower starts with knowing the “must dos” in your schedule.

Then you build your business tasks around that. Your eBay superpower is YOU. You create your schedule. You manage your business. You find inventory, pack and ship it. You find classes and experts to help you better your business. It’s YOU. There is no magic pill for success. It is all about you putting in the work.  Of course, there are bumps in the road. Being surrounded by like-minded sellers is a huge help. My members only Social Media Insiders is a power-packed home for sellers getting results. Another place winning sellers congregate, is my Facebook group eBay Selling Basics Nothing But Selling Basics.

Finally, you are your superpower for sales.

Plan and then work your plan. If sales are slow, be willing to learn and grow. Ask for help in my Facebook group eBay Selling Basics Nothing But Selling Basics. You may have missed a recent update that impacts your listings. Never give up. Success is right around the corner.

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