Want better search results for the ebay items you’re selling?

Many think that to successfully sell on ebay all a seller has to do is list.

False. Well partially false, certainly an item can’t sell if it’s not listed.

And I should say that if you are selling a highly desirable item at rock bottom prices yes the item I think would sell.

However if you are like thousands of ebay sellers and you are listing your items you are facing a lot of competition.

One of the ways to stand out is to write an ebay guide related to the products you are selling.

So if you offer women’s shoes you could write a guide on how to know what shoe size your are!

If you sell winter coats, a guide on what’s the warmest coat might be a good fit.

The guide once published is not only available to ebay sellers it’s fed to other search engines so it can be picked up by Google,Yahoo,Bing etc..

To write a successful guide be sure to put your item in the guide’s title and pick the correct ebay categories to tag your guide.

If I’m selling Party Shoes I want Party Shoes in the title of my guide and I’d want to tag women’s shoes.

The tag function is at the bottom of the writing an ebay guide template.

Once published your items that are related to your ebay guide will appear at the bottom of your guide helping to increase customer traffic to your offerings.

You can write an effective guide in under 30 minutes and your items will reap the results of increased search results on the internet which can mean  more SALES for you!

Here is the link to the ebay template for writing an ebay guide on the ebay site. Click the link under #1 Getting Started.
Link to getting started writing an ebay Guide on ebay’s website

Here’s a guide I wrote on “How chose the right Bible for you” to get you’re creative juices flowing!
An example of an effective ebay buying guide. This 1 is on selecting Bibles.


Let me know when you’ve finished writing your ebay guide!

Free Social Media Analytics from Facebook

Did you know that if your Facebook Business Page has more than 30 likes you have free analytics from Facebook?
Yes your heard that right free.
On your Facebook Page look to the upper left hand corner.
See INSIGHTS click it.
You will see Page Like, Post Reach and Engagement.
This information will quickly tell you which of your posts got the most attention.
Look to see if there is a trend to time of day and day of the week where you got the most engagement.
When I look at my analytics what I see is my people are early evening people.
In literally three minutes I gained a huge amount of helpful information.
So when crafting your social media posts take those few minutes to check the most effective day and time to post to your Facebook Business .

If content is King then timing is queen.

If Content is King  the Timing is Queen in Social Media.

If Content is King the Timing is Queen in Social Media.

Fast tips for scoring summer sales and profits!

It’s summer in the USA.
In addition to our work hours summer bursts with weddings, Family BBQs, outdoor entertaining and travel.
Time is precious.
You want to make eCommerce shopping with you easy. Be certain that your listings  and website look great on mobile devices.
In the summer more than ever your customers are buying using their smartphones and tablets.
Check your pictures for their clarity. Do they pop on mobile?

Are your listings looking great on smart phones & tablets?

Check your titles for great keywords to help your customers find you on the web.
Check your descriptions for simplicity and thoroughness.
How is your font size on mobile? Size 14 is best. If its larger  than 14 it increases scrolling time and smaller is hard to read.
Is your text left aligned for ease of mobile reading and scrolling.
You will lose sales if your listings are not easy and clear to view on mobile.

Be ready for summer now and welcome your summer customers!


Customers are people that matter.

I was in a favorite local restaurant with my husband this past week. I watched the owner move about greeting people.
He stopped by numerous tables checking on how they liked their food and making pleasant conversation.
He did not sell anything.
He smile, he chatted and brought water to one table rather than calling a bus boy.
He was actively engaged and caring with each individual. It was genuine.
This small restaurant in the brutally competitive marketplace that New York City is has been in business for over 35 years.
Want to guess why?
Yes they have a good location, food and service but I’ve seen dozens of similar restaurants come and go over the years.
This restaurant succeeds where have many have failed because of one very important word – care. This restaurant’s  center is care for it’s customers. It starts with the owner.
Care does matters. Care shows in how you list your products, ship and all communications with your shoppers.

Want repeat customers? Care.

Showing care is as simple as a glass of water in a restaurant.


Think and Plan for Christmas now

Now is the time to be planning for your Christmas Holiday selling season.

Now is the time to be thinking what products you will sell for Christmas and the Holiday selling season.

Contact your manufacturers now. Look online and locally for products now.
Look at last years sales and reviews what sold and when.
Place your orders now.
Christmas in July has become a large pre-season sales opportunity for retailers. To take advantage of profits during summer Holiday sales your products need to be in hand now.
It’s not too late to be ready for Christmas in July if you act today.

Spring is the time to think Christmas selling


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