Did you know that if your Facebook Business Page has more than 30 likes you have free analytics from Facebook?
Yes your heard that right free.
On your Facebook Page look to the upper left hand corner.
See INSIGHTS click it.
You will see Page Like, Post Reach and Engagement.
This information will quickly tell you which of your posts got the most attention.
Look to see if there is a trend to time of day and day of the week where you got the most engagement.
When I look at my analytics what I see is my people are early evening people.
In literally three minutes I gained a huge amount of helpful information.
So when crafting your social media posts take those few minutes to check the most effective day and time to post to your Facebook Business .

If content is King then timing is queen.

If Content is King  the Timing is Queen in Social Media.

If Content is King the Timing is Queen in Social Media.

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