Essential Holiday Prep for eBay Sellers!
There is essential holiday prep for eBay sellers to be done now! The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming sellers! To maximize holiday sales, now is the right time for essential holiday prep for eBay sellers to be done. As it’s the craziest, busiest, and...
The Supreme Seller Guide for eBay Open 2022!
So you’ve registered for eBay Open 2022, coming up September 21-23! And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? eBay Open is geared toward sellers at every level of experience, part-time to full-time, and it’s absolutely free. To register, go to...
eBay Time Away 2022 Updated Seller Tool!
The eBay Time Away feature for sellers is now better than ever. When it comes to selling on eBay, you’re always open. Whether you have an eBay store or not, your items are available to shoppers 24/7/365. But sooner or later, you’re going to need Time Away. Yes,...
How To Recession-Proof eBay Selling!
With the current economic times, two concerns are front and center for eBay seller, inflation and recession. How can you “recession-proof” your eBay sales? Let’s look at inflation, recession, and how to recession-proof eBay selling! Both inflation and recession are...
eBay Listing Page Views Updated!
eBay's policy on eBay Listing Page views has recently been updated. As an eBay seller, you know what it takes to get sales: You’ve got to offer the right stuff at the right price — and you’ve got to list it right, too, so that it gets found by the right buyer. In the...
eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 Change Ahead!
eBay unveiled the eBay Spring Seller Update 2022 this month. It is positively brimming with good news for sellers! There are also some not-so-good aspects, of course, particularly around category changes. You can find and read the entire Spring Speller Update for...
Top Three Time Savers For eBay Sellers!
eBay seller, If I offered you my top three time savers for eBay sellers, what would your response be? I bet you would tell me, "Yes please!" And that is because when I ask sellers what they need most the answer is, “More time.” It’s the number-one lament I hear from...
eBay Winter Seller Update 2022 Fees Increasing!
Change is in the air again on eBay with the release of the eBay Winter Seller Update 2022. As is usually the case, the eBay Winter Seller Update is a mixed bag. You owe it to yourself to read the entire update at Meanwhile, here’s a rundown of...
3 Time Saving Tips for eBay Sellers!
As an eBay seller, you’re well aware that time is money. In fact, it might be even more precious than that. Because chances are, you never seem to have enough of it. So I've come up with 3 time saving tips for eBay sellers. These 3 timesaving tips will help you to...
eBay Top Selling Tips for 2022!
Seller it's time to get ready for the new year with eBay Top Selling Tips for 2022! For many businesses, the tail end of Q4 is time to coast. For eBay sellers, that’s not the case. Holidays are a highly profitable selling season. They are also when you must begin...
eBay Holiday 2021 Top 3 Shipping Tips!
When it comes to the eBay Holiday 2021 selling season, shipping is the #1 issue for most sellers — and most buyers, too. Last year at this time, postal systems worldwide were a huge hot mess due to the ongoing global situation. This eBay Holiday 2021 selling season ...
The eBay Fall Seller Update 2021 Decoded!
The eBay Fall Seller Update for 2021 is live. Happily for sellers, it’s mostly good news. However, there are a few new initiatives that cry out, “Seller, beware!” I boil it down for you here as I "decode" the Fall Seller Update. I let you know what requires your...