Want better search results for the ebay items you’re selling?
Many think that to successfully sell on ebay all a seller has to do is list. False. Well partially false, certainly an item can't sell if it's not listed. And I should say that if you are selling a highly desirable item at rock bottom prices yes the item I think would...
Want larger orders in your ecommerce business ? Size Matters!
I recently got a large clothing sale by one customer in my ebay store! How? My ebay store categories includes clothing sizes! By sorting the clothes you sell by SIZE you are inviting browsing and shopping for your customers! Your customers spending more time in your...
Is it time for better prices for your ebay auctions?
Many ebay sellers have found that Sunday nights are an excellent time to have their ebay auctions end. This is true for profit and non-profit charitable sellers. Yet even following this method sometimes you'll find your item will end with no bids. You scratch your...
I don’t have anything for Back to School Shoppers!
Sellers will tell me "Kathy I don't have any Back to School items to offer shoppers!" Really? Are you sure? Let's see what do Back to School Shoppers want to buy? Back to School shoppers purchase clothes for all ages from toddler through adult at all price ranges...
Free Social Media Analytics from Facebook
Did you know that if your Facebook Business Page has more than 30 likes you have free analytics from Facebook? Yes your heard that right free. On your Facebook Page look to the upper left hand corner. See INSIGHTS click it. You will see Page Like, Post Reach and...
Holiday Boards on Pinterest
Pinterest is an effective social marketing and branding tool for any size business( small, medium and large) on Social Media whether your a brick and mortar store, internet or both. Let's say you have a Father's Day Board on Pinterest. What do you do once the Holiday...
Here’s how to know what your customers like!
Want an easy way to learn about your customers? Ready? Pinterest. What? Yes Pinterest and I'll tell you how. Go to your followers. Look at 3-4 of your followers a day and pick followers that are not your personal friends. What do THEY like? What are they pinning?...
Fast tips for scoring summer sales and profits!
It's summer in the USA. In addition to our work hours summer bursts with weddings, Family BBQs, outdoor entertaining and travel. Time is precious. You want to make eCommerce shopping with you easy. Be certain that your listings and website look great on mobile...
Customers are people that matter.
I was in a favorite local restaurant with my husband this past week. I watched the owner move about greeting people. He stopped by numerous tables checking on how they liked their food and making pleasant conversation. He did not sell anything. He smile, he chatted...
Think and Plan for Christmas now
Now is the time to be planning for your Christmas Holiday selling season. Now is the time to be thinking what products you will sell for Christmas and the Holiday selling season. Contact your manufacturers now. Look online and locally for products now. Look at last...
2014 Graduation time increases your sales now
It's time to look at your product inventory. What do you have that is great for graduation gifts? Create a store category on your eCommerce site for your great graduation gifts. Create a Graduation themed Pinterest board Promote your grad gifts on Twitter mixing them...
Want more customers?
Want more customers? Listen.Yup listen. What's your area of sales? Let's say pet products. Go on twitter and Pinterest and in search pets, names of breeds etc.. Then engage. On Pinterest leave friendly comments. Like Pins. On Twitter search by hashtags & engage in...