Now is the time to focus on last minute eBay Holiday sales!

Last Minute Holiday Sales To Do List For eBay Sellers!
I don’t know what the weather’s been like in your part of the country, but winter has definitely arrived in my hometown NYC, the Big Apple. That means two things! I better bundle up and Christmas is here very soon! And you know what that means. It’s time to start checking items off your last minute eBay Holiday selling to-do list. I’m here to help!
The first to-do on your last-minute eBay Holiday list should be inventory.
Brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers are slashing prices to the bone this time of year. They are trying to get items sold before the end of Q4. Take advantage of last minute Holiday sales events and stock up now on bargains to list in the new year.
Furthermore, don’t forget that Christmas sells year-round on eBay. This is the time to source products for your store’s Holidays categories! And when you’re scavenging through retail and online stores in search of holiday deals and steals, don’t overlook local drugstores and even dollar stores. You’ll be amazed at what you can find there. Remember eBay is home to an enormous diversity of goods from business & industrial to auto parts, electronics, games, toys, clothes, make up, luggage and more!
In addition, think wholesale sources for your eBay inventory.
Consider reputable wholesalers like BULQ. BULQ offers liquidation goods by the pallet or case. This is extremely advantageous for small sellers. A pallet may be too much for you to handle, especially in terms of storage space. For most sellers a case is very doable. BULQ ’s merchandise includes name brand overstocks and returns from some of the country’s major retailers, including Target and Bed Bath & Beyond. And it’s delivered right to your doorstep — convenient all year round, but a godsend when you’re snowed in!
BULQ reports that they anticipate excellent holiday-themed merchandise arriving daily starting towards the end of December through January.
New listings are posted every day at 11am, 2pm, and 5pm. So bookmark and check back often to catch the best bargains. If you see a lot you like on BULQ, you better purchase it quickly, as each lot is unique and can sell in a matter of minutes!
Now that you’ve taken care of your future inventory, let’s move on to your current inventory!
It’s time to discuss the sold items that I hope are flying off your shelves and out the door. How are your shipping supplies holding up? Even if you think you still have plenty, it’s time to reorder them now. You want to be sure to have enough on hand for shipping all your last-minute sales! For free USPS supplies, go to
Better yet, order free co-branded eBay-USPS shipping supplies right from
To order go to
These include the popular Priority Mail Shoe Box as well as regular Priority and Priority Flat Rate boxes. Dress up your packed items and packages with eBay-branded tissue paper, stickers, and thank-you cards from eBay Shipping Supplies. (If you’re a store subscriber, be sure to use your quarterly coupon for these.) You’ll also find competitively priced polyvinyl and bubble-padded shipping envelopes there.
All good packaging for eBay Holiday sales isn’t complete without shipping labels!
And speaking of labels, do you have a backup system in place for purchasing and printing shipping labels in case eBay Labels goes kerflooey? has a full-featured free option especially for eBay sellers, so set up an account and have it ready, just in case. Use THIS link to set up a free account for eBay sellers with You only pay for postage when you need it. There is no monthly maintenance fee.
Don’t Neglect Social Media!
With the frenzy of inventory shopping, and shipping sales, don’t forget to maintain posting schedule for your social media. You want the customer traffic social media brings you. Read eBay Holiday Sales Success 3 Ninja Tips for juicy tips for your eBay social media!
Now you’ve got your last-minute to-do list. Let’s make like Santa and check it twice:
1. Inventory
2. Shipping supplies
3. Plan B for purchasing and printing shipping labels

Must Haves For eBay Holiday Last Minute Sales!