Savvy entrepreneurs are always looking for great information on social media!

Sellers want to know which platform is best for them!

Do I use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus or Instagram?

You may be using lots of Social Media but you find as a seller your competition’s Facebook Business page has thousands of likes and customer engagement and yours has woefully little!

What’s an ecommerce seller to do?

Get information from someone who is in the trenches with you!

You want to hear from a successful ecommerce seller who helps other sellers consistently increase their sales and effectiveness of their social media!

John Lawson is a multi million dollar seller online.  He was featured by American Express in their Amex Open Forum For Business. MSN Money named him one of “America’s Best Home-Based Businesses. He’s been featured by Fox News, PC Magazine, The Wall St Journal and The Washington Post and more.

But wait there’s more!

John is the Chief Consultant at ColderICE Media and he is the Coach and Trainer of ICE eCommerce Bootcamps.

To hear John as a key note speaker at an e commerce event can cost cost you hundreds and hundreds of dollars and thousands of people have done that and felt is was money well spent.

Do you want the deal of the century?

For a short time the download to the Kindle Version of John’s top selling book Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-Preneurs  is $1.99

Yes  you heard me you can download Kick Ass Social Commerce for E-Preneurs Media for $1.99 to your Kindle app!

What you haven’t clicked the link yet?


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