With the current economic times, two concerns are front and center for eBay seller, inflation and recession. How can you “recession–proof” your eBay sales?
Let’s look at inflation, recession, and how to recession–proof eBay selling!
Both inflation and recession are prominent in the headlines and on everyone’s mind right now. It’s the reason that prices have gone up for shoppers in the U.S. According to usInflationCalculator.com, as of the end of May, the current rate of inflation is 8.6%.
Inflation impacts what eBay shoppers buy.
Furthermore, we’re heading into summer — a time of year when many retailers, both online and off-, see a dip in sales. So how do smart eBay sellers recession proof eBay sales? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4.
First and foremost, think like a buyer to recession-proof eBay selling!
What ARE people buying, despite inflation and the season? Well, for starters, a recent NPR article says that while people may cut back on purchases for themselves, they will continue to shop for and generally spoil their pets.
Can YOU source items for this market? To get inspired, search pet-related categories on eBay. Terapeak is a big help for spotting trends and hot items and/or niches; it’s under the Market Research tab in Seller Hub.
A more advanced product research tool available to eBay sellers is Zik Analytics.
Using Zik Analytics sellers can quickly spot current sales trends in a wide variety of categories on eBay. Zik Analytics not only helps eBay sellers find what’s selling, it also shows them the sell–through rate — i.e., how quickly each item is selling. It’s great to discover eBay sales trends, but it’s equally important (if not more so) to know how fast an item sells!
Once you discover popular categories and products, watch local thrift shops, yard sales, clearance sections at both online and brick-and-mortar retailers. Be sure to include your discount and wholesale suppliers. With Zik Analytic’s powerful eBay research tools, you can quickly see if the type of item you want to source is available on Ali Express and or Alibaba. Remember: It’s always wise to source from a variety of vendors.
Second, remember that people are traveling again!
Also noted in the aforementioned NPR article is the fact that after being homebound for the past couple of years, Americans as well as people around the globe are back on the move.
So while you’re wearing your think-like-a-buyer hat, think about this: What do travelers need? One exceptionally useful item that’s also easy to source is fanny packs. Yes, what the British call “bum bags” are still in style for traveling. Better yet, there are lots of ways to source them.
When I checked sold items on eBay via Advanced Search, I found out that nearly 11,000 fanny packs have sold during the past 2 weeks alone. That’s a lot of fanny packs. And Zik Analytics offers sellers a deeper dive on the the hot topic of fanny packs.
Third, note that consumers are looking to stretch their dollars — so go grocery shopping to recession-proof your eBay!
Groceries are a major household expense, so they’re where people pinch their pennies. Albeit eBay is not typically a go-to ecommerce site for groceries, they DO sell. Especially limited edition flavors and/or other regional variants of a product, because what’s available in one part of the country may be scarce or downright unavailable elsewhere.
One particularly huge and hot grocery category is TEA. Check sold tea items on eBay — and hold on to your hat, because there are more than 30,000 of them. Yes, really: THIRTY thousand-plus!! Can you source brands and/or tea sets that will sell?
In addition to local suppliers, keep the handy and informative tools of Zik Analytics in mind. You can research tea and discover if products you want are available quickly from AliExpress or Alibaba. It’s something to keep in mind.
Fourth, guess what else people like to buy online, where they can get the best deals? Health & Beauty items!
That fascinating NPR article calls it “the lipstick effect”. In the article, Priya Raghubir, professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business, defines the lipstick effect as “when consumers spend on small luxuries like perfume or high-end beauty purchases even in a downturn.”
Here in New York City, I can find new, unused, sealed makeup at thrift stores. Keep an eye out at estate and yard sales as well. Someone may have bought some new makeup and then changed their mind. Or they received it as a gift and never used it.
Furthermore Zik Analytics powerful research tools can help you find in demand health and Beauty items on AliExpress and Alibaba.
Pro tip: When I’m in stores such as Sephora, I chat with the salespeople. Are there colors and/or styles being discontinued? MANY discontinued lipstick, eyeshadow, and nail polish colors sell extremely well on eBay, because consumers LOVE their favorite shades and will pay big bucks for them!
Here’s the bottom line:
Despite inflation, recession, and the onset of summer, something sells on eBay every second of every day. It’s up to you to see to it that YOU are among those selling that something.
Think like a buyer. Buyers are shopping. To stay successful t’s a matter of coursing and selling what IS in demand. Searching eBay and using Terapeak will help. When you’re ready to step up your game, look at the professional research tools Zik Analytics offers to eBay sellers.
To that end, as you’re listing, remember: You want to create OPTIMIZED listings that will rank well in eBay search results. So grab your complimentary copy of my free guide, Dominate eBay Search & Win More Sales!, at https://ilovetobeselling.com/webinars-and-workshops/dominate-ebay-search-tips/. It’s packed with powerful, proven tips for creating listings that sell fast for top dollar.
Sell on, eBay seller! There’s no need to let inflation, recession, and/or the summer slowdown bring you down — or bring down your sales.

4 top tips to recession-proof your eBay selling!