There is essential holiday prep for eBay sellers to be done now!

The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming sellers!  To maximize holiday sales, now is the right time for essential holiday prep for eBay sellers to be done.  As it’s the craziest, busiest, and (hopefully) most profitable season of the year for both you and your business — and it’s just around the corner. Here’s what you need to do right now to get ready. The most important tip for successful eBay Holiday selling, is prepare!

First, let’s talk about Holiday prep for eBay sellers and shipping.

Quick shipping is important all year ‘round, but it’s mission critical during the holidays, so you’d best be prepared to deliver. That includes having a backup plan in case eBay Labels goes down. So if you don’t already have a free eBay seller account, now is the time to open one! Just go HERE.


Essential eBay Holiday shipping tips!


Once your package is labeled and ready to go, how do you launch it on its journey to your buyer? If you’re not utilizing USPS’ free pickup service, why not?

Again, now is the time to start, because you may need extra mail help during the holidays. Schedule a few pickups to see what time of day your USPS carrier shows up. Just go to, then under the Send tab, select Schedule a Pickup, and fill out the online form.

Using carrier pickup instead of going to the post office is a great timesaver.

Saving time is always a good thing — and during the holidays, it becomes downright essential. After all, you’ve got halls to deck, cookies to bake, and family and friends to visit with. Holidays are all about enjoying the moment, so you’ve got to make every minute count!

Start by reviewing your listing process and looking for places you can shave off a few seconds. Could you batch tasks such as photography? Use your smartphone instead of a digital camera and upload photos directly to eBay via the mobile app, editing them along the way.

There are lots of ways to save time by using eBay Mobile.

Use the mobile app  to create draft listings that you can finish later on your computer. Or you can even list directly from the app. You can also reply to customer queries, respond to open cases, field Best Offers, and more. Don’t be afraid to go mobile, especially when time is of the essence!

Next, double-check your shipping procedures.

Is there any way to streamline them? Might there be a more efficient way to organize your shipping station?

Even if you can save only a minute or two per listing or package, it matters, because those minutes add up faster than you might think. Imagine what you could do with an extra 30 minutes a day! That’s a whole half an hour — long enough to get a few more items listed, pack and ship a couple more parcels, quaff a cup of eggnog with a friend, read the next chapter of a good book, or just put your feet up and chillax.

Want more terrific tips and savvy strategies for Q4? Sign up for my one-day, one-hour free workshop on October 3, 2022  eBay Holiday Sales Accelerator Master Class. Hope to see you there!


eBay Holiday Sales Accelerator Master Class

Free eBay Holiday Sales Accelerator Master Class!!



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