eBay sellers’ summertime sales typically slow down during the hot summer months of June, July, and August.

eBay Sellers Summertime!

eBay sellers summertime sales are rising!

This year, thanks to the ongoing restrictions imposed by the corona virus pandemic, the typical eBay sales slowdown doesn’t seem to be happening.

As Senior Vice President and General Manager for Americas Jordan Sweetnam recently reported in his eBay announcement Your Business: Our Results, eBay’s GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) is up. Buyer growth is accelerating. Major categories are growing; and there’s more organic traffic coming to eBay. The company is even launching a brand-new advertising campaign, complete with nationwide TV commercials featuring eBay’s small and medium-sized sellers!

eBay sellers, that’s a whole lot of good news. And it leaves you with two options as a seller. Which of them you choose is entirely up to you.

Option number one is GO FOR IT!

Many eBay sellers are reporting holiday-level sales. If that’s happening for your business, you may want to just keep on keepin’ on. So in other words eBay sellers,  keep sourcing, and keep selling. Check out my popular video eBay Sellers: HOT Sales Niche Discovery for exclusive tips on finding in-demand inventory. These are proven sourcing strategies that can pay off, big time, for your business on eBay.


Hot Hot eBay Sales Niche

Discover hot eBay products!


Taking advantage of the current upturn in eCommerce sales is definitely one way to find a silver lining in the COVID-19 cloud. But remember every business is unique. So what’s happening in your business may not be happening for other businesses, and conversely. If you want to max out on listing and selling, more power to you!

But there is another option that’s equally OK: namely, to cut yourself some summertime slack. So, maybe you’ve got kids at home to spend time with and keep occupied. Or you’ve planned some vacation travel. And perhaps you’re going to get started on home renovations.

Whatever the reason this may be your chance to slow down for awhile.

And that’s fine, too! But if you do decide to take time off from eBay, please don’t forget to turn on your store’s vacation settings. This  includes an email auto response, and/or extend your handling time. Doing this protects you from dings for late shipping.

Just click on “Vacation settings” in the Seller Tools module of your Seller Hub Overview page, or click on “Change Settings” in the upper right-hand corner of your My Messages Inbox page. Then follow the screen prompts.

You can opt to allow purchases of Fixed Price items while you’re away, or you can postpone any sales until after you’ve returned and your store has reopened. Auction-style listings will still run as originally scheduled, which is why you need to extend your handling time. Ditto if you opt for allowing customers to make purchases while you’re away.

Be sure to write a welcoming message for customers who visit while your store is on vacation, encouraging them to come back and buy!

Whichever of these two roads you decide to travel this summer, pursue your chosen path guilt free.


eBay summertime selling

Summertime eBay sales that are guilt free!

Everyone’s business is different, and every business owner’s priorities may be different as well. Do whatever is best and right for you, your business, and your family.

Whether you take the eCommerce expressway or Easy Street, enjoy your summer journey!

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