eBay Seller Protections are good news for eBay sellers.

eBay Seller Protections Guide!

eBay Seller Protections for smart sellers!

On eBay, buyers are not the only folks eBay protects!  eBay sellers benefit from several layers of very significant seller protections.  Additional protections exist for sellers offering free returns. And eBay offers special consideration for its Top Rated Sellers.

But first, let’s talk about what sellers can do pro-actively to safeguard themselves. This centers on giving buyers a great eBay experience.

To start, create great eBay listings.

Use good clear photos when listing. Write accurate descriptions. Does your item have a mark or flaw? Let buyers know. Take a close-up of it. Call it out in the item condition field too. Then, repeat it in your description. Its also good to include note of a flaw in your eBay title. Pointing out imperfections helps to deter buyers’ claims they didn’t know about flaws.

The vast majority of transactions on eBay go smoothly. Most sales end with buyers and sellers happy. Still, there are times when things go awry. Sometimes you make an honest mistake. For instance, you didn’t notice a tiny chip in a crystal vase. This error then results in a buyer opening an INAD (Item Not As Described) case.

But other times, an unscrupulous buyer makes an INAD claim. They look to get free return shipping or a refund without having to return the item.

eBay Seller Protections totally has your back.

eBay shields sellers from abusive buyers with its ‘Abusive Buyer Policy: “If eBay finds a buyer’s behavior is abusive, we will take action on the buyer and remove negative and neutral feedback and defects, including opened cases in service metrics.” This eBay Seller Protections article has all the details.

Basically, eBay protects you from · False INAD claims and abuse of returns.

Additionally sellers are protected against wrongful use of eBay bidding or messaging. Protections include buyer’s misuse of eBay’s Buyer Protections. Also eBay guards sellers from buyer demands for something not included in the original listing.

Sellers can receive help when events are beyond their control.

eBay protects sellers for late delivery of an item that was shipped on time. This includes sellers protection for a late delivery due to severe weather or carrier disruptions .

So, think you’ve got an abusive buyer?

Abusive buyers on eBay!

Are eBay sellers protected from abusive buyers?

Read eBay’s Abusive Buyer Policy. Encounter the occasional bad apple buyer? Be sure to report them to eBay. y. Use the “Report buyer” link either from the Overview page in Seller
Hub or from your Manage Orders page. Furthermore, you can also access “Report a buyer” from the Abusive Buyer Policy page.

Don’t just complain about your abusive buyer on the eBay discussion boards and eBay sellers Facebook groups. Report buyer’s bad behavior to eBay. Enable eBay to do something about it!

Offer free returns and get even more eBay seller protections.

Get an item returned after the buyer has used or damaged it?  You can deduct up to 50% of their refund. eBay can also remove any negative or neutral feedback on qualifying returns. Additionally defects, can be erased and/or opened cases in service metrics. So, seller do the math. Are free returns a wise choice for your business on eBay?

Furthermore, Top Rated Sellers also qualify for this particular protection. In addition, eBay reimburses return shipping up to $6 for false INAD claims.

There is one more form of eBay protection to be aware of.

Protection exists for Verified Rights Owners. This is eBay’s VeRO program.

Owners of intellectual property rights and their authorized representatives can report to eBay listings that infringe on those rights.

Intellectual property includes brand names, logos, and content. Be sure that any item you list is authentic. So, if you’re not 100% certain, it’s best not to list it!

Furthermore, don’t use brand names for generic products. Velcro is only Velcro when it’s made by Velcro. When not from Velcro, it’s a hook-and-loop fastening. By the same token, a one-piece infant bodysuit — a.k.a. romper or creeper — isn’t a Onesie, unless it’s from Gerber’s trademarked Onesie line.

Note: When you legitimately can use either of those or similar terms as keywords, be sure to capitalize them!

Under the terms of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, eBay is required by law to pull any listing that’s reported as a VeRO violation. There is a  variety of reasons listings can be taken down through the VERO program. These include Unauthorized use of images, copyright, Brand name misuse and Counterfeit. The consequences of a VeRO violation range from a stern warning to account suspensions of varying lengths. When you receive a VERO, the violation  and consequences are cited. If a seller can appeal  and or correct the violation, the steps are laid out.

A list of VeRO participants is available on eBay.com.

In closing, you now know how thoroughly eBay protects you as a seller. eBay protects all it’s sellers.  There are additional layers of security for sellers who offer free returns. And Top Rated Sellers have the highest level of protections, benefiting their achieving and maintaining high standards. All eBay seller can list and sell with confidence.

eBay covers its sellers!

eBay has your back!

eBay protects all its sellers!

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