Sellers are looking for eBay search juice as we head into the fourth quarter of 2018.

Absolutely expect retail Holiday selling to be more competitive than ever. Two of the year’s most spendy retail moments, Halloween and Christmas, fall during Q4. So now’s the time to plan your strategy for getting buyers to spend with you. Feast your eyes on the following statistics:

To begin, in 2017, Halloween shoppers spent a record $9.1 billion.

So, that’s up from just $8.4 billion in 2016. That’s an average of $86.13 per buyer! Halloween gives shoppers a lot of bang for their buck. Typically customers spend about $30 per shopper on holiday décor. Other items most often purchased: candy and costumes (for men, women, children, and/or pets). Enjoy my complimentary Hot Halloween Product tips sheet with dozens of items that sell right now.

Strong Halloween sales are a good omen for sales during the all-important holiday season.

About 20% of the entire year’s sales take place during this key season. In 2017, holiday spending was up 5.5% year over year to $691.9 billion. More importantly for your business on eBay, e-commerce sales hit a record high of $108.2 billion — a 14.4% increase from 2016 — with 1/3 of those dollars spent via mobile device.

So how can you get your slice of the Q4 pumpkin pie?

First (and always), create great listings that get found in search.  But to really bring home the figgy pudding, you need to go the extra mile and promote your listings via social media.

Be sure to set yourself up to get your slice of 4th quarter sales!

That doesn’t mean spamming your followers with endless product posts.

No one listens to or wants to follow someone who’s constantly selling to them. So what should you do instead? To use social media effectively, post lots of engaging content. This can be as simple as a “Good Morning” post or photos of your pet or garden. Scroll through the social media feeds of big brands that sell products like yours. What do they post? Go and do likewise!

What works on social media changes fast.

It takes time to learn and stay abreast of the ins and outs of the various platforms: Facebook and Facebook Ads, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. How can you keep up with it all? I do that for you when you join my Social Media Insiders group.

With your membership get access to an exclusive website. Included are easy-to-follow tutorials on how to do social media that get sales results. As a member of my private Social Media Insiders group on Facebook, you also get hands-on help from me and my team. In addition, members-only webinars feature top social media experts.

Social Media Insiders has doable information that gets you sales!

Social Media Insiders will be open to new members for a few days only starting on September 17, 2018. Don’t miss out! Mark your calendar now, and get ready to master social media in time for an ultra-profitable fourth quarter.

Use my complimentary Halloween Hot Products list to know what shoppers want now. Save time and score sales with the benefits of Social Media Insiders.

Here’s to an amazing 4th quarter coming your way!

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