Using these 3 eBay Holiday Sales Success Ninja tips, even with Black Friday coming soon, you’ll be ready to crush it!

Top 3 eBay Holiday Sales Tips!

eBay Holiday Sales Top 3 Ninja Tips!

Now,  it may feel as if you have all the time in the world to take care of eBay Holiday sales. Guess what, fellow seller? You don’t.  Right now, you want to grab all the sales you can. Also, get those sold items shipped. And you still want time for family, friends, and holiday festivities. Your top priority needs to be maximizing productivity for eBay Holiday sales success!

To save precious moments for savoring the joys of the season, you’ve got to make every minute count. Promoting your listings via social media will boost sales, but can you spare the time? Of course you can! In fact, you must. The trick is to budget that time, then use it wisely and well. Here’s how to make doing so as easy as 1, 2, 3.

First, pick a platform to attract eBay Holiday shoppers!

Social media offers many choices. There is Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. But very few solopreneurs have time to use them all, especially this time of year. Take a few minutes to check your various accounts: Which has the most followers? Which is garnering the most likes and comments? That should boil it down to one or at most two accounts.

If it’s two, then opt to concentrate on the one you most enjoy. Time is going to be in increasingly short supply due to eBay holiday orders. Additionally you’ll field questions from customers, etc., so you’ve got to focus. It will pay off! My YouTube Get Customers & Sales, No Matter What Is Going On With eBay explains this further.

Second: Decide how often you’ll post.

There are lots of recommended best practices for social media. However many such tips are designed for small businesses that have a social media team. You’re  likely to be your own social media manager (along with all the other business hats you wear), so be brutally honest: How much time each week can you realistically devote to social media? That means business-related posts and pinning, not catching up on what friends are doing, watching funny videos, or sharing the latest meme. Thirty minutes? An hour? Even if it’s only half an hour, that’s fine.

Just figure out whether you’re going to use that. Pick whatever works best for your schedule and lifestyle. It may be one choice one week and a different choice the next. As long as you put in your 30 minutes, exactly how you do it is up to you.

Third: OK, you’ve selected a single social media platform.

Let’s say  your top pick is Pinterest. You’ve allotted it half an hour per week. The next step is super important: Write that down. Set a phone reminder, put it on your electronic calendar, jot it in your daily planner or on your paper calendar, or any or all of the above. Just make sure you have it on record so you can cross it off your list as you get it done!

Next comes the hard part: actually doing it.

You’ve got two choices: post live in real time, or schedule your posts? Again, this is totally your call as well as a decision that may change from one week to the next. Remember how precious time is during the eBay Holiday sales season! Every minute counts.

Most sellers find that scheduling saves time by allowing them to create posts in batches.

Buffer and HootSuite offer free schedulers for Facebook and Twitter plus paid upgrades for Pinterest and Instagram. In addition, Facebook has a free scheduler for Business pages. You can also take advantage of Creator Studio for Facebook Pages and Instagram. It’s still in beta, so not all accounts have access to all features yet, but you should definitely check it out.

Enjoy my special social media freebie guide for you!

Use the ninja tips in the The Essential Social Media Cheat Sheet  to create social media posts that are irresistible to customers! Now you’re ready to utilize social media in a way that works best for you and your shoppers.

Essential Social Media Cheat Sheet for eBay Sellers!

eBay Holiday sales Success is here, with The Essential Social Media freebie tip sheet!

So, Holiday time eBay sellers:

1. Pick one social media platform on which to focus
2. Decide upon a weekly time allotment and how you’ll allocate that time
3. Choose between scheduling and posting live (switching back and forth as needed).

And finally enjoy my gift to you, The Essential Social Media Cheat Sheet.

Use The Essential Social Media Cheat Sheet and save time guessing what posts attract eager shoppers.

Good luck, and best wishes for a happy and profitable holiday season!

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