To start, let’s talk about eBay, COVID-19 and you.

eBay Selling & COVOD-19

Selling on eBay during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Selling on eBay during the current COVID-19 pandemic. It’s the challenge of our lifetime.

Never before have we as Americans been through a global pandemic like COVID-19. We’ve faced the fallout from 9/11. We’ve weathered numerous hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. But the coronavirus is a worldwide crisis that is a test  like nothing else in our experience.

What can and should you (and all of us) be doing at this difficult time?

Before even thinking of eBay selling and COVID-19, protect yourself along with your family.

How do you carry out this mandate to protect yourself and your family from the coronavirus? By knowing what is recommended right now — and staying up to the minute with information you can be sure is 100% accurate and reliable.

To do so, go directly to the COVID-19 page on the Center for Disease Control website ( There’s a clickable banner right at the top of the CDC home page. Don’t trust media reports or what you see on Facebook; get your COVID-19 info straight from the source!

Next, watch for eBay announcements about COVID-19.

The Announcements page can be reached from the Selling Announcements module on your Seller Hub Overview page or via the Announcements link at the bottom of any page on

By the way: Some of you will see right on eBay’s home page one way eBay has your back at this time; click on the Shop Small button to see more. If you don’t see the “Open right now and here for you” banner on the home page, just go directly to eBay’s new Small. Mighty. Open for Business page. It’s highly reassuring — even inspirational!

eBay has already announced that they will defer fees to support small and medium-size businesses through COVID-19. If you’re an eBay Store subscriber, watch your My Messages and regular email inboxes on March 25 for details on how to request support, or check the Announcements page.

Additionally eBay Government Relations eBay Main Street has information for sellers. Unsure of actions your state is taking? The page on COVID-19  that eBay Government Relations is maintaining has up to date information for sellers.

With eBay shipping and CO-VID 19, take advantage of USPS’ scheduled pickups.

It’s hard to get to the post office when you’re sheltering in place. Luckily, you don’t have to go there; USPS will come to you. Every day except Sundays and holidays.. Because that’s how they roll. Schedule your package pickups via the USPS website ( in just 4 easy steps.

It used to be that you had to have at least one Priority Mail package going out in order to schedule a pickup, but now USPS will pick up any class of package. It’s best to schedule package pickup no later than the night before the day you need it. Often if asked nicely, many carriers will  take and scan your package(s) on the spur of the moment.

Now that you know what you need to do right now, let’s talk about what’s selling right now!

What are buyers looking for now?

Folks are home. What do they need?

Some eBay sellers are doing very well, while others are struggling. Furthermore, many part-time sellers who have been laid off or are on hiatus from their full-time jobs are expanding their business on eBay and need to stock their virtual shelves.

So think about it: People are staying home.

In fact, many are stuck at home by local government order. Topping the list of products these folks need are household essentials and food. Ponder pantry items. Also think over-the-counter medications and vitamins.

Educational and entertainment items for kids are also in high demand. Look at books, DVDs, games, puzzles, and crafts items of all kinds.These in demand craft items includes lots of egg cartons, wine corks, clean and empty glass jars, plastic pill bottles, and the cardboard tubes from rolls of paper towels and toilet paper. 

Adults need to entertain themselves as well. Jigsaw puzzles and many games are fun for all ages, as are the full gamut of crafting options. Think sewing patterns and fabric; knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, embroidery, and other needlework supplies. Also think about adult coloring books, perhaps bundled with a set of colored pencils or markers (especially the new glittery versions); and model anything kits.

And don’t forget scrapbooking. This is a perfect time for millions of hunkered-down Americans to get caught up on printing out and showcasing their photo libraries.

In addition, lots of folks are using this time as an opportunity to learn new skills or try new hobbies.

They need books and DVDs that teach crafting, DIY home improvement, auto mechanics, languages, and more.

I share even more ideas with you , along with some thoughts regarding the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic in my recent YouTube video Sales Success On eBay Despite Coronavirus Outbreak!

In sum, today more than ever, you need to think like a buyer.

Look through your unlisted inventory. Look around your house or apartment. Do you have something on hand that other people need and/or that’s in high demand right now for whatever reason? Get it listed ASAP! My free tip sheet Dominate eBay Search will help those listing stand out to shoppers and get sold!

Take care…stay well…and sell on, fellow seller!!!

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