eBay Back To School shoppers are here sellers!

It may feel as if Summer will never end, but it’s already time for eBay’s Back to School (BTS) retail moment. That’s right: The eBay Back to School selling season is NOW. And it’s going to be HUGE on eBay.

Just how big is eBay Back To School you ask?

eBay Back To School Shopping

So, how big is eBay Back To School Shopping?

For starters, the National Retail Federation (NRF) predicts record spending this year: Families with children in elementary through high school will shell out an average of $697 (up from $685 in 2018), while families with college students are expected to ante up an average of $977 (up from 2018’s $942).

Best of all, those families plan to do roughly half of their shopping online. That includes eBay Back To School shoppers!

Furthermore, 85%-90% of those planning to shop online intend to take advantage of free shipping. (There’s a word to the wise!)

But the potential for profit doesn’t stop there.

Back to School encompasses everything from pre-kindergarten to graduate school. It includes children, teenagers, and adults. It’s kids and teachers, but it’s also parents, who shop for themselves while shopping for their offspring.

How can you attract these eager eBay Back To School customers?

If you think you have nothing to offer Back to School buyers, think again! BTS items go way beyond school supplies like pencils, notebooks, and backpacks. They run the gamut from electronics to apparel to accessories.

My complimentary downloadable Ultimate Guide to Back to School Products will help you discover coveted BTS goodies that you already have on hand — and maybe even already have listed!

You’ll be surprised to find out how much of your available inventory is popular with Back to School shoppers.

Once you’ve got a handle on your best BTS items, if you have an eBay store, now is the time to promote those items.

This is one retail moment during which every major retailer offers deals and savings. You can, too! So get smart, seller: Google some of those major retailers for inspiration. Then use eBay’s Promotions Manager to create deals of your own.

For example, you might offer a percentage or dollar-amount discount for buyers who spend more than $X with you.

Create a Promotion with Promotions Manager. Group you Back To School items together. That way, when your shopper lands on one of your products, they’ll be encouraged to buy more from you. Here are more possibilities that might pay off.

Put certain Back To School items on sale, and make a sale event for them.

Consider bundling products together to attract even more shoppers. Feature those special bundles on your social media. You might even want to make a dedicated store category for Back to School Deals and use eBay’s bulk-editing tool to stock it with selected items from your current listings.

In short, offer savings to get sales!

The Back to School selling season runs through mid-September, but the time to take advantage of this retail moment is NOW. Download your free copy of my Ultimate Guide to Back to School Products today to jump-start your BTS selling and cash in on Back to School!

Welcome eBay Back To School Shoppers!

Here’s How To Attract eBay Back To School Shoppers!

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