Earth Day is April 22, 2015 and here are green tips for your business to use in social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and your blog!

For many businesses every day is earth day in that they daily implement environmentally friendly practices. Earth Day is a great time to post on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and your company blog your care for the planet  to let your consumers how you are working to help and protect our earth.

Earth Day is a great time to showcase your earth friendly business practices!

Earth Day is a great time to showcase your earth friendly business practices!

Post pictures on social media of your lunch area and the recycling bins. Show your water cooler area and your employees using their own cups and mugs to stay hydrated rather than consuming paper cups.

If your business does online retail, posting pictures on social media of your packing supplies and the recycled content can be worthwhile to showcase!

If you are a small business and repurpose and recycle packing materials obtained from free cycle and local businesses, earth day is a great time to post this on your Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and Instagram accounts.

Let your consumers know when they shop with you not only do they get a great product they are also saving trees in that you re-use packing supplies!

Showcase how you recycling and re use packing materials saving trees!

Showcase  your recycling and re use of packing materials saves trees!

Use Earth Day to showcase your green practices with your consumers and community. Let the world know through social media how your business cares and uses green policies in the work place!

Post pictures  of your earth friendly and green practices on social media and encourage your customers to interact and share pictures of their own on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and your blog! People love to share how they too care for the earth and our environment.

For a green, planet friendly business like yours every day is Earth Day!

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