Think and Plan for Christmas now

Now is the time to be planning for your Christmas Holiday selling season.

Now is the time to be thinking what products you will sell for Christmas and the Holiday selling season.

Contact your manufacturers now. Look online and locally for products now.
Look at last years sales and reviews what sold and when.
Place your orders now.
Christmas in July has become a large pre-season sales opportunity for retailers. To take advantage of profits during summer Holiday sales your products need to be in hand now.
It’s not too late to be ready for Christmas in July if you act today.

Spring is the time to think Christmas selling

Spring is the time to think Christmas selling


2014 Graduation time increases your sales now

It’s time to look at your product inventory.
What do you have that is great for graduation gifts?
Create a store category on your eCommerce site  for your great graduation gifts.
Create a Graduation themed Pinterest board
Promote your grad gifts on Twitter mixing them in with tips and facts on graduations.
You can also feature grad theme posts on your Facebook business page.
While posting make sure you mix in lots of great social content. Post tips on what to wear at graduation, graduation party tips, graduation travel tips etc..
It’s time to think grads.
What items do you find good for grads? What promotions work for you? We’d love to hear your great ideas.

Graduation time means sales for your ecommerce and brick and mortar business.


Want more customers?

Want more customers?
Listen.Yup listen.
What’s your area of sales? Let’s say pet products.
Go on twitter and Pinterest and in search pets, names of breeds etc..
Then engage.
On Pinterest leave friendly comments. Like Pins.

On Twitter search by hashtags & engage in a similar way being brief using a few words. Retweet. Be nice. Be friendly.
What you’ll find is people will follow you. They will respond to your comments by favoriting them etc..
It’s about creating relationship  and community.

They’ll see you sell products and if they’re interested they’ll come take a look at your products. Nothing wrong with your mentioning them while you’re also busy liking their posts & retweeting their comments.

Be friendly. Have fun. You will gain far better results than sell sell sell. You’ll also have more fun. Fun is contagious. Hard sell is not.

Friendly engagement is attractive to people.


Free Way to Increase Your Sales

Want to know a fast and easy way to increase your sales?Are you ready?
Answer any and all customer questions within an hour (or faster) of receiving them.If you are a one man or a one woman operation this will mean carrying your smart phone or some such device with you.
If its a technical question you cannot answer on the run take the time to send a friendly reply letting your shopper know you have their question and let them know when to expect the information they want.
Customers want service and fast service. Answering questions quickly & politely lets your customer know they are valued and you are listening to them and ready to help them.

Your quick attention to  your shopper’s   question will help you get the sale over the larger slower ecommerce site.
Everyone loves to receive good service.

Fast and Easy Way To Increase Sales


Hot Sunday Social Media tip

Sunday night is prime time on ebay.
It’s a great time to end your auctions and listings to get the best price possible for your wares.
Help your items get the best price possible by promoting throughout the day on Social Media.
Tweet on Twitter
Pin on Pinterest
Post on your Facebook Business Page
Post pictures of your items on your Instagram account &more.
Remember best results are fun and social. Be sure to post great social content as well as your listings or your followers will see you as a spammer.
Get busy on Sunday and help your ebay items sell for great prices!

Promote your ebay Sunday listings heavily on Sunday.


Are your customers Happy?

Reading  feedback  from your customers  is a great way to keep your business successful.
I love all my happy customers .
I look carefully for comments on speed of my shipping.
Did my customer like & agree with my  item description?
Do I sense anything they didn’t like?
Feedback tells me if I did my job well  and it points the way to areas of improvement so that EVERY sale is a WOW experience for the buyer.
Reading feedback provides me the savvy seller great information for staying successful & getting even better.

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