The Secret Of Finding Free Stuff To Sell On eBay & Etsy! Pt 1

One of the greatest costs to running a successful online business whether on eBay or Etsy or your own website is the cost of inventory!

I am reminded by this weekly on the hit ABC TV series Shark Tank! Entrepreneurs regularly arrive on the show to ask the sharks for funding for their inventory!
To be a success selling on eBay and Etsy it’s crucial for sellers to watch costs.

Keeping costs under control is always a crucial element for the total health and continual success of your online business.

Sellers ask me “Kathy where can I get free stuff to sell?”
Well sellers, I’m going to tell you!

1- Go in your closets and drawers!

Though technically not “free” unless everything in your closet was given to you, your home is full of potential items to sell. Make a pile of items that are still in great condition but that you and your family no longer use! Now you have plenty of products to sell on eBay. If you also have vintage items in your pile you can also list it on Etsy!

2- Offer to take unwanted items from friends and family.

Many times if you offer to help people clean out their garage or attic you’ll find that they will end up with boxes of items they are ready to get rid of ! Many of  these unneeded products are still in great shape, it’s just the owner doesn’t want or need them anymore! Well online sellers volunteer to take the boxes!

Volunteer to take the boxes!

3- Check Craig’s List and Free Cycle papers in your area.

There are great items offered for free for you to pick up from someone downsizing and/or moving.
Some free cycle groups have strict rules against re selling so be sure and check your local free cycle guidelines.
Do a little research online and you’ll quickly know if the free item is something you want to pick up to sell on eBay or Etsy!

4- Be at yard sales, estate sales, auctions at the end of the event!

Yes you heard me right at the end and I’ll tell you why! Often there is still lots of great items as the sales are ending. The people running the events DON’T want to have to rebox and haul the inventory home and or throw it out! Again sellers you are there to help! Volunteer to pack the items and take them off the tired seller’s hands. They are happy to not have another task after along day, and you just scored more inventory!

So sellers volunteer! Volunteer to help friend’s clean out attics, volunteer to take unsold inventory at sales and auctions and keep an eye on you own home for inventory on your shelves!

Next week, more sources of free stuff to sell on eBay and Etsy!

What Everyone Should Know About Pinterest!

With the Christmas Holiday Shopping season starting many eBay, Etsy, Amazon and all eCommerce sellers are busy pinning their products to their Pinterest  Fall and Holiday Boards!

It’s time to Pin on Pinterest!

Pinterest is an excellent choice to engage shoppers!

Pinterest reports that 93% of male and female Pinterest users shopped online in the past six months! Clearly Pinterest attracts shoppers!

Wow, so sellers when you pin your products on Pinterest you are putting your products on a social media platform where the users that love to shop! Clearly this is great news!

Pinterest Attracts Shoppers!

Pinterest  Hot Tip: Long keyword rich descriptions engage your potential customers!

It’s true!

In addition eBay, Etsy, Amazon and  all eCommerce pinners should look to craft pins without hashtags! Yes that’s right, no hashtags! Rather than hashtags great descriptions will engage Pinterest users!

Watch this video from Pinterest to hear their great tips on descriptions that will engage Pinterest users and lead your pins to being liked and repinned!


Pinning now on Pinterest is perfect timing for eCommerce sellers!

Time spent on Pinterest now helps sellers reap rich rewards all through this year’s busy 4th Quarter and Holiday Shopping Season!

Here are some of my best Pinterest tips for you to use to maximize your sales on eBay, Etsy and Amazon.


See you on Pinterest and prepare to greet your customers!

The Secret of Scoring Halloween Sales Using Pinterest!

It’s October ebay, Etsy and eCommerce sellers and you know what that means don’t you?

Halloween should be selling now!

It means if you are selling anything Halloween related it better be flying off the shelves NOW!

If your Halloween sales on ebay, Etsy and your website are on target, great! If they are not and or if it’s time to take your online business up a notch, look to Pinterest!

Pinterest is social media that is online scrapbooks created by users that boasts 100 million users as of September 2015!

If you’re not familiar with Pinterest or want to brush up on your pinning skill here is a video I did to help sellers optimize their Pinterest pins and boards!


You may think to yourself, “Kathy I have Halloween boards already on Pinterest! I’m finding that my Halloween boards are not getting repins and likes!”
Online seller you have come to the right place!

I find on Pinterest that you need to micro niche your boards and that as a seller you need to be social.

If you sell Halloween costumes don’t have 1 board with all your costumes. Break your costumes down by age. For instance create Pinterest boards for Halloween costumes for adults, Halloween costumes for babies etc.

Micro niche Your Pinterest Boards for Halloween!

Remember Pinterest is social media. So on Pinterest as on all social media platforms you want to be social.

So you say to me, “Kathy I have no idea how to be social about Halloween on Pinterest.”

As a business owner you should have a Pinterest business account. Business accounts on Pinterest are free.
Link to set up/convert for a free Pinterest Business Account!

One of the great free services that Pinterest gives business account holders is a list of interests of your followers!

Under the audience tab in your analytics dashboard you’ll find a tab for interests. Click the tab and voila free from Pinterest you are given awesome ideas for social and product boards!

Pinterest’s personalized statistics tells you as seller in your business dashboard what Pinterest specifically found that your people like to see and pin!

Pinterest Business Account Free Board Tips!

ebay, Etsy and eCommerce sellers jump on Pinterest! Be sure and check your free personalized business analytics! 

It’s time be social, get pinning and welcome Halloween shoppers!

5 Secrets To Labor Day Sales On ebay!

Has the summer been a slow time for your sales on ebay? Are you having the best summer yet selling on ebay?

Has Summer Been Slow For You On eBay?

Whether your sales are up or down as a seller you want to make sure that your listings are optimized and ready for your customers over the upcoming Labor Day Weekend!
One way to help bring shoppers to your ebay listings is to make sure that you include shipping upgrades.

I will take care of you!

Regardless of how you ship it’s a wise choice to offer your customers paid shipping upgrades. Sometimes a busy shopper can be in a rush needing an item right away. With a shipping upgrade option you savvy ebay seller will score the sale! 

I’ve got 4 more secrets for great ebay Labor Day Sales for you!
Click on 5 Secrets For Labor Day Sales On ebay below and I’m give you all 5 tips for free to help you increase your sales this weekend!
5 Secrets For Labor Day Sales On eBay!

eBay seller are you ready to hear cha chings on your smart phone and tablet?! Get busy using my ebay sales secrets and welcome customers to your items all weekend long! Cha ching, cha ching, cha ching!

The Secret Of Periscope For ebay And Etsy Sellers!

As an online seller has Periscope caught your interest yet? Did you hear after it’s initial launch it had 1 million users sign up within it’s first 7 days! The first 7!
If you don’t know Periscope is a video streaming app you can link to your Twitter account. 
So, why as an ebay and Etsy seller do I want to be using Periscope?

Why as an ebay and Etsy Seller Do I Want To use Periscope?

I will tell you why, your potential customers are there!

What is Periscope’s secret? Why are so many jumping in and using it?

Periscope is new and the marketer’s have not taken it over yet and ruined it!

Who can forget social media marketing expert Gary Vaynerchuk’s infamous announcement, “Marketer’s ruin everything!”

Right now Periscope is fun and fresh! The marketers have not taken over and ruined it. Periscope is virgin territory just waiting for the savvy ebay and Etsy sellers who will take the time now to learn and use it!
Did I mention that Periscope is free?! All you need to start on Periscope is your smartphone?!

Read my beginner Periscope tips to help prepare yourself!

My Tips Will help You Start Right On Periscope!

Periscope is a wonderful venue for ebay and Etsy sellers to show off their finds and or discuss their craft process if their items are hand made. Be authentic and show what and how you sell! Include some personal shares of recipes, the view of  your backyard, and even traveling to the post office! Think about what people might like to see that you perhaps take for granted. To you your day’s tasks are typical but to someone else it can informative and very entertaining!

Be Yourself On Periscope!

Be yourself on Periscope! You’ll enjoy it and so will your followers!

Follow me on Periscope @love2beselling and you’ll see live broadcasts and get ideas for yours!

Grab your phone and broadcast. Your eBay and Etsy customers are waiting for you!

Help! How Do I Get Followers on Periscope?

The twitter app Periscope is exploding and many including me are jumping in and having a blast!

Be sure and read my blog post date August 15th on getting started on Periscope!

Kathy’s Blog Post On Getting Started On Periscope!

“OK Kathy”, you say ” I’m broadcasting on Periscope, but I’m only getting 1-2 viewers. I’m discouraged, How can I get more people to watch my scopes?”
The answer is simple.


Yup ask and I’ll tell you who and I’ll tell you where!

20-30 minutes before you Periscope ( or scope) post on your Facebook Business Page and Instagram account that you will be on Periscope and for your followers to set their watches to join you! It helps to “tease” them with something they’ll want to watch.

I recently did a Periscope about some basic photography tips for ebay and etsy sellers. So my lead in was “tune in for a photo hack that’s perfect for sellers in small spaces!”

Then 10-15 minutes before my Periscope I then announced to my Twitter fans that I’d be on Periscope with a must see camera tip for online sellers!

The point is I was “teasing” or promoting my “appearance” just like all the TV shows and films do. Get your followers interested in what you’ll be broadcasting and pick interesting titles for your scopes!

Soon your Periscopes will be seen by dozens and then hundreds, and who knows, even thousands of fans?!

It starts with announcing and asking for folks to watch and giving them a reason to!

Here’s a recording of the Periscope I did with a great photography hack for ebay and etsy sellers in small spaces, like NYC apartments! How would you have teased this Periscope?


Follow me on Periscope @love2beselling for awesome live online selling and social media tips for entrepreneurs and sellers!

Comment below and let me know when you’re broadcasting!

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