Keys To Better Search on eBay, Etsy and Amazon!

Keys To Better Search on eBay, Etsy and Amazon!

Almost daily sellers will message me wanting tips to get their online products found in search. To help them I’ve investigated this important topic for years.

Are you also looking for better search results for your products on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, your own website and everywhere you sell?!

Are you looking for better search results?

I know you’re thinking to yourself, “Kathy, yes! yes!!”
I am constantly looking at retail stores and then looking at online selling to find ways to bring retail secrets to my online selling friends.
Your words matter. On Amazon there is a set formula for titles to be followed. It is not as cut and dry selling on eBay and Etsy.
When moving products from Amazon to eBay and Etsy and other sites it pays to do some simple research on what words get the most searches.
This short YouTube explain how to use eBay search to show you what titles will search best .
To greet the New Year 2016, sellers it’s time to take it up a notch!
I’ve done just that with my new hit class for you Secret Spice for online sales!

Hit sales class to ignite your online search results!

I’ve worked months testing the strategies I share with you in this power packed class. I’ve found the secret to leveraging product bundles to increase your search results not only on the selling platforms of Amazon, eBay, Etsy but all sales platforms. The strategies I’ll share with you also impact your product’s search on Google, Yahoo and Bing!

I’m so glad to give you useful tools to bring your items better search results, and ultimately more sales!
Cha chings are the perfect way to start to 2016, wouldn’t you agree?

How To Start The New Year Right eBay and Etsy Sellers!

2015 is drawing to a close and 2016 is just around the corner. As an online seller on eBay and Etsy here are my top winning tips for you to start 2016 right!

Top Tips To Start The New Year Right For Online Sellers!

1-Know your numbers!
Your profit and loss are key numbers that all sellers  should look at regularly to gauge the success of your selling efforts. Your profit and loss are the foundation of your business. In every segment of the hit CNBC show The Profit when the star Marcus Lemonis as he decides whether or not to invest in a company he asks, “What are your numbers?” Successful sellers know their numbers. Many new and or floundering businesses don’t and /or they guess.

How quickly does an item sell?

2- What is your sell through rate and or conversion rate? Roughly how long  does it take to sell an item?  Look at when your listed your products and look at when they sold. It’s important to know this as it informs you to how long your money will be tied up. Make notes on what item(s) and categories sell the fastest. Sell through rates are key to the cash liquidity that is needed for a successful business.

With this vital information to your overall profitability you are now ready for the next step!

Time To Find Profitable Products!

If you sell on eBay you can use effective research tools like Terapeak to do a deep dive and discover products that sell well. Then as a successful seller you look to source those products from wholesalers and distributors and/or direct from the manufacturer. Selling on Etsy you want to check your shop’s statistics.

Equipped with the knowledge of what is and is not selling the New Year is a great time for selling off stale inventory. Check the marketplace prices on the site where you sell. You also want to look at prices all over the web. Google search is an invaluable tool for this information. Then you will price and promote your inventory to sell now. My effective Secret Sauce for eBay Sales Class gives you tangible tested tools and strategies for increasing your sell through rate on eBay and getting cash in your pocket!

Tools to move ebay inventory!

Start the New Year right eBay and Etsy sellers. Know your numbers. Resolve to move stale inventory now. Start your 2016 with sales!

Cash is a very nice way to start 2016, wouldn’t you agree?

You Too Can End 4th Quarter With a Bang ebay and Etsy Sellers!

Christmas is less than 7 days away!  The final Holiday sales days and hours are counting down now!

Keep in mind that if buyers live in your state or nearby they can still order with you and anticipate the items they buy to be delivered in time to be under their Christmas tree!

For this to happen and keep shoppers stress to a minimum, it’s smart as a seller to offer expedited shipping for free and /or a very low cost as an upgrade to your primary  shipping service.

Now that being said, ebay and Etsy sellers don’t forget shoppers like to shop for themself! This is called self gifting and it’s a growing trend every year. Many shoppers are buying right now for their own pleasure. They are NOT concerned with whether the item will arrive by December 25th, as they are making purchases of some goodies for an end of year treat for their own use!

Keep self gifting in mind this week with your posts on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Welcome those customers in for purchases they they will enjoy for their own personal use!

‘Tis the season to shop for others and yourself! Targeting and welcoming self gifters is a great way for you to end your ebay and Etsy sales for 2015 with a bang! Other sellers will flounder as purchasing gifts for others will dwindle and they have not considered or thought of the self gifters.

You savvy seller can pick up sales now and through the end of the year with a targeted listing and social media approach to self gifting ! The result for you will be more sales and a strong end to the 4th quarter!

Isn’t that a nice gift to enjoy for your business?

Self Gifting is a gift to your business!


4 Keys For Successful Online Holiday Sales Now!

The Holiday shopping countdown is on and it’s time to make sure your goods are sold and your online customers are thrilled!

Time to thrill online shoppers!

If you’ve been using the tips found here on this blog and my hit class Secret Sauce for ebay Sales you’re busy packing ebay sales!

Follow these 4 tips to continue your successful selling on ebay, Etsy and your online website. These will work now and right up to Christmas!

  1. Answer any and all questions as fast and accurately as possible. This time of year fast, polite and calming customer service is crucial to capture the sale. If you don’t answer a  potential customer quickly, your shopper will find a seller who does!
  2. Whenever possible ship the same day that the item is ordered. Fast shipping is a must this time of year.
  3. Offer free and or paid shipping upgrades. If a customer wants an item overnight or in 2 days, you want to be the seller that offers that to them.
  4. Be sure to keep sourcing inventory to offer buyers! Online sellers ran away with Black Friday sales this year which means many brick and mortar retailers will be deeply discounting item to meet sales goals. Keep an alert eye out for inventory for you to acquire. Fresh inventory bring shoppers back again and again as they browse your newest finds!

Shoppers are tired and frazzled.

Shoppers are tired and frazzled. Keep this in mind as you answer questions and swiftly pack orders.

Offering great products, kind and professional customer service and quickly dispatching customer’s purchases brings you happy and satisfied customers singing your praises.

Aren’t happy customers the true goal of a successful Holiday selling season?

Fa la la la.

How To Grow Your Online Business Now!

It’s 3 week til Christmas.

Are you wondering where are the shoppers?

Sellers if you are enjoying great sales that is fantastic! You have 3 weeks to continue to do and grow what you are doing in your ebay and Etsy business! Continue to list, run sales, and create and use promotional coupons. Post your most attractive items to Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest, Google Plus and Instagram. If you’re not doing it consider taking it up a notch and boost some of your Facebook posts with a Facebook ad campaign.

For sellers that are a tad discouraged right now, take heart!

Time to stop and think!

Pause for a minute.

Calmly take a look at your inventory. Decide what is gift worthy. What do you sell that is new and sealed or a wonderful collectible gift. Those are the items you need to focus on. Jump on ebay or Etsy and check prices. Prices can change with lightening speed at the Holidays up or down. In order for you to move your inventory quickly carefully consider the best prices to be offering right now. For some categories you may need to be checking  prices daily to stay competitive and sell with maximum profits.

If you’re on ebay use ebay’s Advanced search to see if the items you have listed are being bought by customers. Take some time to dig deeper and see what the hot items are in your categories. You can do this quickly and expertly with the excellent research tool Terapeak. It’s not just a matter of listing on ebay. As a successful seller I want to source and list what has a good sell through rate.

If you are having a slow Holiday season it’s crucial that you find out what is hot NOW and see if you can source it. Terapeak can help you locate the current top sellers so you can get profits quickly, not in a year.

In conclusion, if you having a banner year continue and look to take it up a notch.

If you’re floundering stop. Assess your most saleable inventory. Then check your prices and know that you may need to check prices daily in very hot categories. Do some research to see if the items you have for the Holidays are selling at all. Advanced search and Terapeak will give you this important information. To maximize Holiday sales use Terapeak to do a deep dive into ebay categories to find the current hot products and look locally and online to source these items fast and increase your sales now!
ebay and Etsy sellers it’s time to jump in and grab those Holiday profits!


Top 5 Tips To Ignite Your Cyber Monday Sales!

It’s here ebay and Etsy sellers, today is Cyber Monday!
Wow what a weekend ! First there was Black Friday, then Small Business Saturday and now Cyber Monday!
With my 5 tops tips for Cyber Monday sales you can be ready to ignite your online sales in under 30 minutes!
Let’s go!

It’s time to Ignite your Cyber Monday sales!

  1. Offer great deals.
    Flat out buyers are looking for great deals
    , so to be competitive you need to give it to them. If you sell on Etsy you can create a coupon and put the coupon offer in your Etsy shop header. You can also use an Etsy on sale app to create sales.
    For ebay store owners you have ebay’s Markdown Manager and the app CampaignGO to help you run an attractive short term sale. Short term sales create urgency and encourage the shopper to buy now.

    Feature Your Best Items!

  2. Feature your most attractive items.
    As an Etsy seller you can feature up to 4 items in your shop. Look at your inventory and pick the items that will grab the most attention.
    For ebay sellers with a store in the new store format you can select featured items that are displayed on your store’s landing page. From the items you have in Cyber Monday sales select attractive items to be featured to your customers!
  3. Design a special Cyber Monday Header for your ebay store and your Etsy Shop. This can be done quickly and inexpensively on Canva
  4. Create a Cyber Monday Sales Board on Pinterest for your sale items and pin them. ebay sellers can also easily create a Cyber Monday ebay collection!
  5. Using your featured items, Pinterest Board and or ebay collection in a matter of minutes you can create a gorgeous collage with the Twitter app PromotePictures.
    After you tweet your collage or single featured item, pin the tweet to the top of your Twitter feed for maximum exposure!

ebay sellers a good of Secret Sauce For ebay Sales further ignites your online sales. If you have it use it, if you don’t have it yet come grab your copy of this runaway hit class for successful sellers of all levels!

ebay Sellers Grab Your Secret Sauce!

So sellers it’s time to run a great Cyber Monday sale! With these tops tips you can promote your sale in minutes and ignite your Cyber Monday sales!

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