eBay Holiday 2020 Top 3 Tips For Successful Selling!

eBay Holiday 2020 Top 3 Tips For Successful Selling!

eBay Holiday 2020 shopping has already begun!

3 Top eBay Holiday Selling Tips!

3 Top Tips for eBay 2020 Holiday Selling!

Holiday shoppers are already flocking to eBay in search of the perfect gift for everyone on their list! eBay has mentioned the uptick in Holiday shopping several times in their eBay for Business podcast. After a challenging year spent mostly at home, people are really looking forward to the holidays.

To make the most of what’s shaping up to be a very busy and very prosperous 2020 Holiday season, smart sellers plan ahead — starting right now. 

So, here are three top tips for maximizing your eBay Holiday sales a success!

1- To begin, whip your workspace into tiptop shape. Review and analyze your eBay workflow. Furthermore, can you improve your inventory management? Revamp your desk logistics? Update your shipping area? So, could you streamline any of your processes in any way(s)? What tweaks, changes, or refinements might help you to be more efficient and productive during the upcoming holiday rush? Implement these changes now, while you still have time to do so!

And speaking of shipping, savvy sellers are prepared for holiday shipping snags. Stamps.com gives eBay sellers the gift of a free subscription; all you pay for is the postage you purchase (at a discounted rate). Grab your complimentary Stamps.com eBay seller account via my referral link. If the Grinch throws a glitch into eBay Labels, you’ll still be ready to ship on time! Here are more tips for Holiday shipping .

Along with ensuring your workspace is shipshape, also order your holiday shipping supplies. Will 2020 be the year you offer to gift-wrap sold items?

So, If you’re an eBay Store subscriber, be sure to use your quarterly coupon for eBay-branded shipping supplies. Further, to add an extra-festive touch to your packages this year, eBay is also offering special 25th anniversary supplies. Use my affiliate links and Check out the special edition thank-you postcards and stickers via their 25th Anniversary Store.

2- List holiday items ASAP.

Christmas goodies and Hannukah treasures sell all year ‘round. Additionally there’s always a big uptick starting in September that continues through December.

Don’t be late to the holiday party! However you source —wholesalers, thrift stores, auctions, garage and/or estate sales, retail arbitrage, and/or online arbitrage — be on the lookout for traditional holidaythemed décor.

With all of the turbulence this year and in the world right now, people yearn for cozy comforts of Christmas Past. So keep an eye out for ornaments, wreaths, and garlands. Also in demand now are home accessories and bric-a-brac; tableware. Table, bed linens; chachkes and apparel with a traditional holiday vibe are all hot sellers. Who doesn’t love an Ugly Christmas Sweater? And remember, Thanksgiving is a holiday, too!

3- Get a road map for the your eBay holiday selling season.

Seller plot your route to maximum sales. Come join me September 8-13, 2020 for my FREE 2020 eBay Holiday Sales Success Boot Camp. From sourcing the most saleable inventory to creating the most effective listings to promoting your eBay store and items via social media, it’s going to be a chock-full cornucopia of practical tips and proven strategies for achieving your best holiday selling season ever.

Complimentary eBay Holiday Sales Success Boot Camp!

Sign up today to reserve your complimentary spot in this week-long workshop.

Meanwhile, dust off your elf’s hat, roll up your sleeves, and put on your skates, because the holiday train is getting ready to leave the station.

All aboard for a profitable eBay selling Q4 journey, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

eBay Holiday Sales Success Boot Camp!

Complimentary eBay Holiday Sales Success Boot Camp!

Pinterest Power For eBay Sellers!

Pinterest Power For eBay Sellers!

Yes, there is amazing Pinterest power for eBay sellers.


The power of Pinterest for eBay Selling!

Pinterest power is a must use tool for eBay sellers!

Let’s start from the beginning. If you’re like many eBay sellers, when you think of promoting your items and store via social media, you probably think of Facebook. But you really should think of Pinterest, too. Why? Because Pinterest power is pure gold for eBay sellers.

Pinterest users utilize Pinterest like a search engine to discover, browse, and shop for coveted items.

In fact, according to HootSuite’s blog, 48% of Pinterest users rate shopping as their top priority. That’s not the only compelling Pinterest statistic cited in the HootSuite blog post 28 Pinterest Statistics that Marketers Should Know in 2020. Here are some others:

More than 200 billion pins have been saved on Pinterest.

Pinterest’s user base grew by 26% last year, to 335 million users worldwide. 

43% of U.S. internet users have a Pinterest account. 

Pinterest is now the third largest social networking site in the U.S.

It is right behind Facebook and Instagram.  High-income households are nearly twice as likely as low-income households to use Pinterest. There are more than 200 billion searches on Pinterest each month.

Those are some pretty impressive numbers! But what’s most relevant to you as an eBay seller is that nearly half of all Pinterest users (48%) are there to shop. Sharing content, networking, and news all rank as lower priorities. By contrast, shopping is only the 7th most popular activity on Facebook (14%) or Instagram (10%).

So how do you create pins that harness Pinterest power?


The secret to getting repins on Pinterest!

The secret to getting repins & sales from Pinterest!

What is the secret to Pinterest pins get clicked and shopped? First of all, make sure you have a Pinterest business account. They’re free, and they come with terrific analytics.

Second, make sure your picture really pops. According to HootSuite, 85% of Pinterest users put visuals first when shopping. Look at the photos in your eBay listing. Which stands out the most to you? Use that one!

Third, think like a buyer. Why would someone purchase your item? What reasons might they have for wanting it? Then write your description accordingly. Remember, Pinterest is all about discovery.

Fourth, be sure to include a link to your item’s listing on eBay. Consider using an EPN (eBay Partner Network) link, so that you can potentially earn a free final value fee or even a commission from eBay. For the full scoop on how using EPN links can pay off for you, download a copy of my EPN Guide for eBay sellers.

Fifth and finally, find out from a leading Pinterest expert what works best. Top Pinterest marketer Meagan Williamson, not only manages various brand accounts, she’s also someone to whom Pinterest turns for feedback when they’re working on a new product or functionality.

Now Meagan has put together the first-ever free Pin Potential Summit.


Meagan Williamson's Pin Potential Summit!

Free Pinterest workshop series – The PIn Potential Summit!


It is a power-packed event that’s absolutely free to attendees. Scheduled for August 18-20, 2020, this virtual conference will feature 35 top-notch speakers, including Pinterest team leaders. Sign up ASAP via my affiliate link.

Once you’re signed up, be ready to learn how to use Pinterest to its fullest and most profitable potential.


I can’t wait for you to put newfound knowledge to work, and start pinning your way to more eBay sales!

eBay 2020 Back To School Shopping Time!

eBay 2020 Back To School Shopping Time!

It’s time for eBay 2020 Back to School shopping time as we’re nearing the end of July.


eBay Back To School 2020

The eBay 2020 shopping season has begun!

 As an eBay seller, you well know that your business life revolves around the retail calendar. Like everything else this year, the eBay 2020 Back to School retail moment will be very different due to the ongoing nationwide Coronavirus pandemic.

According to The National Retail Federation Back To School spending will be over 33 billion dollars this year. That’s well over last year’s 26.2 billion dollars. Most of the shopping will be done online.

Where and how kids will be attending school in the Fall remains uncertain. Some schools will conduct classes online either all or part of the time; other schools are planning to stagger physical classes. Home schooling probably will continue to be an option as well.

But shopping for back-to-school items still starts NOW.

What does that mean for eBay sellers?

It means that going forward through early September, back-to-school supplies and clothing are going to be in high demand! Think backpacks, notebooks, sports equipment, electronics, apparel, and more. In addition to those traditional necessities, non-medical masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will also be on parents’ shopping lists.

To help you source back-to-school inventory that sells, I’ve put together a free guide to eBay 2020 back-to-school products.

You can download it HERE . Meanwhile, here are some guidelines to keep in mind.

Clothing probably will be more casual than in previous years. Not all schoolchildren will be attending classes in person. For example, teachers and students interacting via an online platform may need to have a certain look from the waist up. But they can sport something very different from the waist down. So shorts, leggings, and sweatpants are likely to be part of the 2020 school uniform.

School sports have been impacted by the pandemic, too. Those that allow for social distancing, such as tennis and baseball, will most likely see higher equipment sales. The contact sports of football, soccer and volleyball look to be less popular this year.

Also liable to be hot tickets for are electronic devices: laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

You don’t necessarily have to source the gadgets themselves. Instead, add some of their many accessories to your virtual store shelves. Remember, kids and parents are spending a lot of time at home right now, and that doesn’t look like it’s going to change anytime soon.

Crafts supplies for school projects will be in demand as well for eBay 2020 Back To School shoppers.

You can often find excellent deals on this type of item at your local drugstore, grocery store, or office supplies outlet. 

Furthermore, the availability of certain products tends to differ in different parts of the country. For instance, those glitter markers you see in abundance in your area may be rare — and highly coveted by buyers! — in other locales.

Another strategy to consider is bundling back-to-school items.


eBay Back To School Supplies Bundles!

Back To School Supplies bundles sell on eBay!

Put together a listing for a colorful ring binder, notebook paper, and notebook pocket folders along with coordinating pens, pencils, and erasers. Or perhaps a backpack complete with a starter kit of supplies: a multi-subject notebook, pen and pencil set, highlighter, and attachable charm, such as a tiny plush unicorn or teddy bear.

Getting creative will literally pay off, because your unique listings will stand out in the crush of back-to-school search results.

For even more ideas, watch this video, What Will Sell On eBay For Back To School!

Yes, we’re all being affected by COVID-19. But that doesn’t have to stop you from having your best Back to School selling season ever on eBay!


eBay Seller Moneymaker eBay Partner Network EPN!

eBay Seller Moneymaker eBay Partner Network EPN!

There is a new eBay seller moneymaker in town.


eBay seller moneymaker EPN

eBay sellers have a moneymaker with eBay affiliate marketing!

It is eBay’s affiliate marketing program, eBay Partner Network. If you’re like most eBay sellers, you wouldn’t say no to an additional revenue stream. That’s why I’m going to introduce you to affiliate marketing and the eBay Partner Network (EPN). Because who doesn’t like to make money even when they’re asleep? And with EPN, you can both make money and save money! In short, EPN  is an eBay seller moneymaker.

Affiliate marketing is one of the very first types of performance-based online marketing.

Back in the very early days of the internet, a lot of online marketing was pay-per-click: If somebody clicked on your link, you got paid. Maybe only a few cents, but those clicks added up.

Unfortunately, not all of those clicks generated revenue for the companies whose links garnered them. So pay-per-click gave way to pay-per-sale: If somebody clicks on your link and it leads to a sale, then you get paid.

Lots of major companies (and plenty of not-so-major companies) offer affiliate marketing opportunities; it drives traffic to their site, and increased traffic means more sales.

In fact, 81% of all brands use affiliate marketing nowadays.

Brands spend about 10% more every year. In 2020, companies that offer affiliate marketing are projected to collectively spend about $6.8 billion. In fact, 16% of all online sales are thanks to the impact of affiliate marketing. Why shouldn’t that include sales of your eBay items?

Basically, affiliate marketing is a referral program. Here’s how it works. It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

First find a product you like. Next, Promote it to others. Finally, earn a commission for each resulting sale

For eBay sellers, though, there is now an additional benefit if you do affiliate marketing through the eBay Partner Network (EPN for short).

EPN is eBay’s affiliate marketing program. You don’t have to be an eBay seller to be participate, but if you are an eBay seller, there is a brand-new advantage to doing so: Not only can you earn money promoting your items (as well as those of other sellers), you can also save money on eBay fees.


eBay ePN Free

eBay sellers road map to free final value fees!

That’s because eBay is rolling out a new feature for EPN: If a shopper clicks on one of your EPN affiliate links for your own item, then buys the item within 24 hours, your Final Value Fee (FVF) will be 0%. In other words, you get a free FVF from eBay! Depending upon what categories you sell in, that means about 10% of the item price goes right back into your pocket. Wouldn’t you like to make 10% more on what you sell?

Setting up an affiliate marketing campaign isn’t rocket science, but there are a few things you should know before you get started.

And once you do get started, there are certain guidelines to follow, along with some rules of thumb.

That’s why I’ve created an exclusive guide to making money through the eBay Partner Network. It’s called EPN Guide- eBay Partner Network: a Moneymaker for eBay Sellers. This hit guide is your road map to making EPN pay off for your business on eBay!

Cheer the cha ching of sales and free final fees, using affiliate marketing links from EPN!

No Final Value Fees eBay- how to

eBay sellers can earn no final value fees!


eBay Sellers Summertime Sales!

eBay Sellers Summertime Sales!

eBay sellers’ summertime sales typically slow down during the hot summer months of June, July, and August.

eBay Sellers Summertime!

eBay sellers summertime sales are rising!

This year, thanks to the ongoing restrictions imposed by the corona virus pandemic, the typical eBay sales slowdown doesn’t seem to be happening.

As Senior Vice President and General Manager for Americas Jordan Sweetnam recently reported in his eBay announcement Your Business: Our Results, eBay’s GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) is up. Buyer growth is accelerating. Major categories are growing; and there’s more organic traffic coming to eBay. The company is even launching a brand-new advertising campaign, complete with nationwide TV commercials featuring eBay’s small and medium-sized sellers!

eBay sellers, that’s a whole lot of good news. And it leaves you with two options as a seller. Which of them you choose is entirely up to you.

Option number one is GO FOR IT!

Many eBay sellers are reporting holiday-level sales. If that’s happening for your business, you may want to just keep on keepin’ on. So in other words eBay sellers,  keep sourcing, and keep selling. Check out my popular video eBay Sellers: HOT Sales Niche Discovery for exclusive tips on finding in-demand inventory. These are proven sourcing strategies that can pay off, big time, for your business on eBay.


Hot Hot eBay Sales Niche

Discover hot eBay products!


Taking advantage of the current upturn in eCommerce sales is definitely one way to find a silver lining in the COVID-19 cloud. But remember every business is unique. So what’s happening in your business may not be happening for other businesses, and conversely. If you want to max out on listing and selling, more power to you!

But there is another option that’s equally OK: namely, to cut yourself some summertime slack. So, maybe you’ve got kids at home to spend time with and keep occupied. Or you’ve planned some vacation travel. And perhaps you’re going to get started on home renovations.

Whatever the reason this may be your chance to slow down for awhile.

And that’s fine, too! But if you do decide to take time off from eBay, please don’t forget to turn on your store’s vacation settings. This  includes an email auto response, and/or extend your handling time. Doing this protects you from dings for late shipping.

Just click on “Vacation settings” in the Seller Tools module of your Seller Hub Overview page, or click on “Change Settings” in the upper right-hand corner of your My Messages Inbox page. Then follow the screen prompts.

You can opt to allow purchases of Fixed Price items while you’re away, or you can postpone any sales until after you’ve returned and your store has reopened. Auction-style listings will still run as originally scheduled, which is why you need to extend your handling time. Ditto if you opt for allowing customers to make purchases while you’re away.

Be sure to write a welcoming message for customers who visit while your store is on vacation, encouraging them to come back and buy!

Whichever of these two roads you decide to travel this summer, pursue your chosen path guilt free.


eBay summertime selling

Summertime eBay sales that are guilt free!

Everyone’s business is different, and every business owner’s priorities may be different as well. Do whatever is best and right for you, your business, and your family.

Whether you take the eCommerce expressway or Easy Street, enjoy your summer journey!

eBay Seller Protections: Guide To Smart Selling!

eBay Seller Protections: Guide To Smart Selling!

eBay Seller Protections are good news for eBay sellers.

eBay Seller Protections Guide!

eBay Seller Protections for smart sellers!

On eBay, buyers are not the only folks eBay protects!  eBay sellers benefit from several layers of very significant seller protections.  Additional protections exist for sellers offering free returns. And eBay offers special consideration for its Top Rated Sellers.

But first, let’s talk about what sellers can do pro-actively to safeguard themselves. This centers on giving buyers a great eBay experience.

To start, create great eBay listings.

Use good clear photos when listing. Write accurate descriptions. Does your item have a mark or flaw? Let buyers know. Take a close-up of it. Call it out in the item condition field too. Then, repeat it in your description. Its also good to include note of a flaw in your eBay title. Pointing out imperfections helps to deter buyers’ claims they didn’t know about flaws.

The vast majority of transactions on eBay go smoothly. Most sales end with buyers and sellers happy. Still, there are times when things go awry. Sometimes you make an honest mistake. For instance, you didn’t notice a tiny chip in a crystal vase. This error then results in a buyer opening an INAD (Item Not As Described) case.

But other times, an unscrupulous buyer makes an INAD claim. They look to get free return shipping or a refund without having to return the item.

eBay Seller Protections totally has your back.

eBay shields sellers from abusive buyers with its ‘Abusive Buyer Policy: “If eBay finds a buyer’s behavior is abusive, we will take action on the buyer and remove negative and neutral feedback and defects, including opened cases in service metrics.” This eBay Seller Protections article has all the details.

Basically, eBay protects you from · False INAD claims and abuse of returns.

Additionally sellers are protected against wrongful use of eBay bidding or messaging. Protections include buyer’s misuse of eBay’s Buyer Protections. Also eBay guards sellers from buyer demands for something not included in the original listing.

Sellers can receive help when events are beyond their control.

eBay protects sellers for late delivery of an item that was shipped on time. This includes sellers protection for a late delivery due to severe weather or carrier disruptions .

So, think you’ve got an abusive buyer?

Abusive buyers on eBay!

Are eBay sellers protected from abusive buyers?

Read eBay’s Abusive Buyer Policy. Encounter the occasional bad apple buyer? Be sure to report them to eBay. y. Use the “Report buyer” link either from the Overview page in Seller
Hub or from your Manage Orders page. Furthermore, you can also access “Report a buyer” from the Abusive Buyer Policy page.

Don’t just complain about your abusive buyer on the eBay discussion boards and eBay sellers Facebook groups. Report buyer’s bad behavior to eBay. Enable eBay to do something about it!

Offer free returns and get even more eBay seller protections.

Get an item returned after the buyer has used or damaged it?  You can deduct up to 50% of their refund. eBay can also remove any negative or neutral feedback on qualifying returns. Additionally defects, can be erased and/or opened cases in service metrics. So, seller do the math. Are free returns a wise choice for your business on eBay?

Furthermore, Top Rated Sellers also qualify for this particular protection. In addition, eBay reimburses return shipping up to $6 for false INAD claims.

There is one more form of eBay protection to be aware of.

Protection exists for Verified Rights Owners. This is eBay’s VeRO program.

Owners of intellectual property rights and their authorized representatives can report to eBay listings that infringe on those rights.

Intellectual property includes brand names, logos, and content. Be sure that any item you list is authentic. So, if you’re not 100% certain, it’s best not to list it!

Furthermore, don’t use brand names for generic products. Velcro is only Velcro when it’s made by Velcro. When not from Velcro, it’s a hook-and-loop fastening. By the same token, a one-piece infant bodysuit — a.k.a. romper or creeper — isn’t a Onesie, unless it’s from Gerber’s trademarked Onesie line.

Note: When you legitimately can use either of those or similar terms as keywords, be sure to capitalize them!

Under the terms of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, eBay is required by law to pull any listing that’s reported as a VeRO violation. There is a  variety of reasons listings can be taken down through the VERO program. These include Unauthorized use of images, copyright, Brand name misuse and Counterfeit. The consequences of a VeRO violation range from a stern warning to account suspensions of varying lengths. When you receive a VERO, the violation  and consequences are cited. If a seller can appeal  and or correct the violation, the steps are laid out.

A list of VeRO participants is available on eBay.com.

In closing, you now know how thoroughly eBay protects you as a seller. eBay protects all it’s sellers.  There are additional layers of security for sellers who offer free returns. And Top Rated Sellers have the highest level of protections, benefiting their achieving and maintaining high standards. All eBay seller can list and sell with confidence.

eBay covers its sellers!

eBay has your back!

eBay protects all its sellers!

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