Start Selling on eBay the ABC’s of Success!

Want to start selling on eBay?

Good for you. Here are the ABC’s to start selling on eBay and succeed. As a wannabe eBay seller, of course you want to put your best foot forward. Here’s how to start off on the right foot, then build a money making business on eBay, one step at a time.

Begin by doing a bit of eBay homework.

Before you start selling on eBay, buy a few things on eBay. They don’t have to be expensive; just get acquainted with the process. Figure out your My eBay Summary page, put some items on your watch list, check out the returns process (you don’t actually have to return anything, just locate the link for doing so), make a Best Offer, etc.

Be sure to leave feedback for your sellers.

That will encourage them to leave feedback for you. You want feedback. It means you’ll have at least a single-digit feedback score as opposed to launching your first listings with 0 feedbacks. At this stage of the game, you need all the street cred you can get, even if it’s from the other side of the street!

Once you feel comfortable buying, you’re ready to start selling on eBay.

Start selling on eBay by selling items you already have on hand. According to eBay CEO Jamie Iannone, most people have about $4,000 worth of excess stuff that could be sold on eBay. Your first eBay listing should ideally be for an item that’s inexpensive and easy to ship. It’s also good if the item is of no sentimental value to you whatsoever. Think of it as your eBay guinea pig. In fact, you don’t want to be highly invested in any of your initial items, either financially or emotionally. And did I mention that these first few items should be easy to ship?

Use eBay’s Advanced Search to check Sold listings on eBay.

Check solds this way to see if your item has a reasonable chance of selling. eBay also gives sellers a terrific free tool called Terapeak. It’s located under the Research tab on your Seller Hub Overview page. You can use it to check Sold prices going back as far as 365 days! However, mining Terapeak’s data requires a certain amount of eBay experienceAdditionally you have to have enough keyword savvy to accurately interpret the results. 

For now, just do an eBay search for keywords you would use to find your item.

Once you do an initial eBay search, click to filter your search for Sold Items (in the left-hand sidebar on your computer; under More Filters if you’re using the eBay Mobile app). Sold items’ listing titles will reveal other useful keywords for your item as well. My YouTube, “eBay Titles That Are Moneymakers For You!” shows some great tips for creating titles.



Don’t be too concerned with a minimum value at first, but as you gain experience, bear in mind that it’s just as much work to list a $9.99 item as it is to list one for $19.99 (including free shipping, of course). Items valued at less than, say, $20 may not be worth your time once you really hit your stride as a seller.

Speaking of free shipping, what “free shipping” really means is that the seller has rolled the cost of shipping the item into its selling price.

Now let’s talk shipping in general. It’s the #1 bugbear for most neophyte sellers, and even for some longtime sellers! For starters, you absolutely must invest in a decent postage scale. They’re not expensive; Accutek makes a good one that sells for under $20 on eBay. 

You can buy your scale HERE on eBay with my affiliate link. Get your scale before you try to list your first item. You’ll likely get a positive feedback from the seller you buy your scale from. This makes buying your scale a win-win for your eBay selling.

Use your new scale to weigh your item along with its packaging: bubble wrap, tissue paper, box, etc.

If you’re shipping clothing, buy yourself some polymailers. They’re super sturdy and very lightweight, which will save money on postage for both you and your buyer.

Once you know the package’s weight, choose how you’ll ship it. If it’s under 16 ounces, it can ship via USPS First Class Mail with tracking. One pound and up ships via USPS Priority or Parcel Select (although Priority is much preferred and often only a few cents more expensive) with tracking.

For heavier items, click the drop-down menu in the listing flow. UPS or FedEx may be more cost effective.

Once your item sells, purchase and print your shipping label through eBay. It’s MUCH cheaper — and a lot more convenient — than waiting in line at your local PO to pay full retail for postage. Don’t worry if you don’t have a way to print the labels. eBay now generates a QR code for every purchased label. Just show it to your local PO employees, and they’ll generate a label for you at eBay’s discounted postage rates.

Shipping is mission critical for success on eBay, so you’ll want to arrange for backup in case there’s a glitch with eBay Labels. Be prepared for this possibility; set up a free eBay seller account at

As for boxes, bubble wrap, packing peanuts, etc., there are many free sources for these materials.

Check FreeCycle or NextDoor in your area, and make the rounds of local retail businesses. Gift shops in particular tend to have surplus boxes, bubble wrap, and peanuts.

Now list list list! Take good clear photos of your items from every angle against a sold-color background, preferably white. You can use your smartphone for this, then upload the pics directly to eBay through eBay Mobile. You can edit images as you upload them, too: crop, rotate, brighten, and even remove the background.

Next, write a keyword-rich title — best practice is to use up at least 75 of the 80 allotted characters.

Front-load the most important information, because eBay’s mobile app truncates the last 25 characters in search results. For example, “Tiffany & Co Heart Bracelet Elsa Peretti Sterling Silver” is much better than “Tiffany & Co Elsa Peretti Sterling Silver Heart Bracelet”. Don’t use excessive punctuation or special characters.

Once you’ve crafted an effective title, fill in all of the applicable item specifics.

 Write a brief but complete description of your item — bullet points are fine — and you’re good to go. Just be sure to specify shipping carrier, class, and cost on your way to the Submit button.

If your item has a scannable barcode, scan it from the eBay app. Listing via your smartphone can really speed up the process!

There’s a lot to keep in mind when listing, but this is enough to get you started. If you want to get off to a flying start, my ebook Keyword Domination to Explode eBay Sales is chock-full of advice, tips, and strategies that will help you outsell even more seasoned competitors.

Keyword Domination to Explode eBay Sales!

Explode your sales on eBay!

One last thing to remember: “List more, sell more.” Because if it’s not listed, it can’t sell!


These ABC’s to successful eBay selling will start your selling with a bang!

eBay Open Online 2021 Ultimate Guide!

So you’ve RSVP’d and marked your calendar for eBay Open Online 2021.

eBay Open Online 2021 is from August 46. And if you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Sign up today! Now it’s time to figure out how to reap the full benefits of this virtual seller conference. With the event just a scant month away, you need to start planning ASAP.

First of all, you don’t have to be an eBay store owner to go to eBay Open Online (although you may want to subscribe to one after you hear eBay Stores VP Tom Pinckney’s presentation on August 5). Sellers of all levels and experience are encouraged to attend.

Next, be aware of the time frame for eBay Open Online 2021.

Once you sign up, the agenda will display each day’s schedule according to your time zone. The first day, August 4, is only 2 hours long: 12pm-2pm Pacific Time (PT). Days 2 and 3 (August 5-6) take up 3 hours and 45 minutes, from 9am-12:45pm PT.

Block off these times on your calendar, either on paper or via a virtual calendar app such as Google, Yahoo, Outlook, or iCal.

Then decide how much of eBay Open Online 2021 you plan to attend. Each day includes an executive keynote along with assorted training or learning sessions and seller panels, interspersed with networking breaks.

At past eBay events, the main presentations have been recorded and later been made available for viewing online. Bear that in mind when you scope out the agenda for eBay Open Online. Furthermore, even though it’s only for a few hours each day, eBay Open Online is a three-day event that runs from Wednesday through Friday.

So pace yourself. Think through how much time you’ll need and when you’ll need it to take care of listing, packing and shipping, customer service, and social media for your business on eBay. Then schedule yourself accordingly.

The Agenda page has three tabs: one for each day.

In addition, when you’re signed in, you’ll see a fourth tab labeled My Agenda. As you look through each day’s various offerings, prioritize which sessions are must-sees and which ones are on your B-list.

To add a session to your personal Agenda, click on the little plus-sign-in-a-circle icon (     ) next to the title of the session. The icon will only appear after you have signed in to RSVP. After you add that session to your Agenda, the plus sign will change to an X in a circle. Click on that if you want to remove something from your Agenda.

You can also click the “Add to calendar” hypertext link next to the calendar page icon in the lower right-hand corner of each session’s agenda block. Then just select your type of calendar in the drop-down menu and click to send the time and topic straight to your virtual calendar.

Here’s how the overall event is structured.

Day 1 (Wednesday, August 4) opens with welcoming remarks from Andrea Stairs, eBay’s Chief Marketing Officer and VP of Seller Community for the North America Marketplace. Then the event moves right to the keynote address by eBay CEO Jamie Iannone. Next come training sessions, including one with a VP/Principal Analyst from Forrester, the leading experts on all things retail.

The rest of Day 1 is category breakout sessions led by senior managers and executives from eBay’s various verticals — i.e., Electronics; Fashion; Collectibles, Art, & Toys; Home & Garden; etc. Check out the description of each vertical’s session. What will it cover? Do you have questions related to that? If so, jot them down in case there’s time for Q&A.

Day 2 (Thursday, August 5) features presentations on eBay stores, branding and marketing, seller tools, the buyer experience, and more. Included is a  learning session devoted to shipping best practices.

There will also be networking breaks.

Sellers  are promised that they can connect with each other based on your location, the category in which you sell, and/or other criteria. Keep an ear to the ground for more information about this as we get closer to the event.

On Day 3, seller presenters are front and center, including myself. I’ll be addressing the topic of using social media in your business on eBay. I’ll tell you how to find your customers and what makes them tick, plus I’ll share actionable social media strategies for busy sellers (and aren’t we all?). I’ll also explain how to use social media to save on eBay fees.

Day 3 also features a session with Andrea Zwibelman, General Manager of eBay Deals. Personally, I’m interested to see if it’s made public what sellers qualify for this program and how to apply.

In addition, there will be virtual eBay Booths offered every day of eBay Open Online.

Each booth will showcase key selling topics such as packing and shipping, Government Relations/eBay Main Street, Promoted Listings, and more. If you’ve got questions, eBay Booths are where you can go for answers.

eBay is pulling out all the stops for eBay Open Online.

So take advantage of the opportunities it offers. Treat this virtual conference as you would a live event, minus the need to pack a suitcase and the cost of a hotel room and airfare. Dress comfortably, and keep your beverage(s) of choice (coffee, water, etc.) handy. Have a notebook and pen or note-taking app ready, so that you can take notes during the various sessions.

Grab my freebie tips sheet to help you maximize your eBay Open Online attendance and results!

Download your free eBay Open Seller Success Checklist!


Pick my brain! I’ve attended and presented at many top eBay and eCommerce events over the years. In attending such conferences I always brain storm with successful sellers. How do they prepare to attend online and in person events? What works to extract great takeaways that they can immediately put to use?


I put the best tips I know that rev-up attendance at online conferences into my “Seller Success Checklist for eBay Open Online 2021!”


This awesome check list is my gift to you. Be sure to get yours HERE.

These three short days will be here before you know it, then fly by. And it just won’t be eBay Open Online without you! Start planning now, so you’ll be ready to make the most of it.


eBay Best Offer Sales Success Guide!

eBay Best Offer can be a highly effective sales conversion tool for sellers.

Using the tips I’ll share, be ready to watch your eBay sales rise! eBay Best Offer can trace its lineage back to the early days of eBay. Back when eBay was still Auction Web, buyers flocked to the unique new site in search of a deal. More than 25 years later, they’re still flocking, and they’re still looking for a deal.

But nowadays, eBay is no longer all about auctions.

In fact, more than 80% of all listings are fixed price. So how can buyers still get that great deal? Two words: Best Offer. I call it the Haggle Feature. Not only is it free and easy to use, but you also can automate it! And it can be the difference between sale and no sale. Have I piqued your interest yet?

Basically, adding the Best Offer option to your fixed price listing is a flag to shoppers that you’re willing to take a bit less than your asking price for that item. In other words, it’s an invitation to haggle. If you’ve ever negotiated a better price at a garage sale or flea market, then you know how it’s done:
1. The would-be buyer makes an offer.
2. The seller either accepts or makes a counteroffer.
3. The buyer either accepts or counters the seller’s counteroffer.
4. Repeat steps #2 and #3 until both parties agree on a price.

That’s haggling for the win-win!

eBay’s Best Offer is designed to work exactly the same way: It’s the online version of haggling.

And it’s a fantastic way to boost your sales!

What You Need to Know to Succeed with eBay Best Offer.

What You Need to Know to Succeed with eBay Best Offer!

Here are three factors you need to keep in mind when adding Best Offer to your listing(s):

  • First, price the item 20%-30% above the lowest amount you’re willing to take for it. Don’t be greedy and double that amount, because you may well price yourself right out of the market! Besides, you want the price to be acceptable for people who don’t want to haggle — they just want to buy your item right then and there.
  • Second,  as you add Best Offer, check to see if you’re offering free shipping on that item. If you are remember to roll the actual cost of shipping the item into the minimum price you’re willing to accept.
  • Third, be aware that buyers may find your item via Promoted Listings. Don’t forget to keep that additional fee in mind when calculating an acceptable price.

eBay Best Offer: How to Set It and Forget It!

Now let’s talk automation. When you check the box to add Best Offer to a listing,  you’ll see two more checkboxes indented below the Add Best Offer checkbox. These give you the additional options of setting up Auto Accept and/or Auto Decline. Using one of these is a best practice, whereas the other is not. Here’s why.

Adding Auto Accept to Best Offer by checking that box and filling in the lowest price you’re willing to accept is smart.

It means that any offer at that amount or higher will automatically be accepted. That’s a huge timesaver. It’s also a lifesaver. If for some reason you’re offline and don’t see an acceptable offer before it times out, that offer will still be accepted. eBay will automatically inform the buyer and send them an invoice. So add Auto Accept to your Best Offer settings, and you’ll never miss an acceptable offer!

By contrast, adding Auto Decline takes away your ability to counter unacceptable offers.

This is not a good thing. Why? Because it closes the door to the possibility of making that sale, whereas countering even a lowball offer keeps the possibility of a sale in play. Some sellers use Auto Decline because they don’t want to deal with lowball offers. I think this is counterproductive.

Don’t waste time and/or energy being offended by lowball offers!

Put on your business hat. It’s not personal. Maybe the buyer is testing the water, trying to see how low you’ll go. Maybe they’re also a seller and hope to buy the item cheaply enough to flip it themselves. On the other hand, if I’ve had an item listed for a long time without an acceptable offer — or without any offers! — then I may be willing to take a lower offer for it.

So unless you have thousands of identical widgets listed and would be overwhelmed by the day-to-day volume of Best Offers you receive, I don’t recommend using Auto Decline. As a small or medium-size seller, you should be able to field unacceptable offers manually by countering them as they come in.

You can do so using standardized discounts or by calculating the acceptable discount on a case-by-case basis. You can also do a mixture of both: Use percentages as guidelines. Then follow your gut as to the exact amount of any given counteroffer. For example, did the buyer offer $10 for your $24.99 item? Maybe they like round numbers, so counter at, say, $20.

For more information about how to automate Best Offer, check out my  video,  “eBay FREE Automation That Makes You Money!”

Meanwhile, for more pro tips on using Best Offer, keep reading.

Best Practices for Success with Best Offer!

Please note that eBay gives both buyer and seller the option of adding a note to their Best Offer.  Don’t pass up the chance to make a sales pitch! Open by thanking the buyer for their offer, then close with a call to action asking for the sale. Here’s a sample of a note you might write.

“Thank you very much for your offer. I can come down to $X (Y% off). Item is hard to find and in excellent condition. I hope we can make a deal!” Keep your preferred verbiage in a text document (ideally along with other boilerplate verbiage) so that you can simply copy and paste it. Then fill in the appropriate numbers and send your counteroffer.

Best Offer is a powerful sales tool for sellers. It’s an opportunity to dialogue with a  potential shopper. Don’t overlook Best Offer’s no cost “Auto Accept” feature that can effortlessly score you sales.

eBay’s “Best Offer, a.k.a the “haggle feature” can help you move inventory, score sales and delight shoppers!

Now that’s a winning combination!


eBay Gen Z Sellers Stay To Shop!

eBay Gen Z sellers and shoppers love sustainable commerce.

They come to sell and stay to shop eBay’s vast array of unique and pre-owned goods.

First, let’s define Gen Z. Colloquially known as Zoomers, Generation Z is the demographic cohort that follows Millennials. It’s the generation coming of age as young adults in the second decade of the 21st century — basically, those born between 1997-2015. Gen Zers are focused on sustainable commerce and getting great deals.

How do I know that Gen Z is shopping on eBay?

Because eBay CEO Jamie Iannone tells me so in his recent Recommerce Report. It says, “According to eBay’s survey, globally, 46% of sellers aged 18 to 24 sold pre-owned goods for financial benefit, with 64% saying that they’re selling more than they did in previous years.”

These socially responsible, value-oriented young consumers come to eBay to make money selling — and then they stay to shop. eBay found that Gen Z is also buying more pre-owned goods than other generations: 81% of 18- to 24-year-olds say that buying pre-owned has become more common in the past year.

So how can you, as an eBay seller, use this information?

eBay Gen Z shoppers loves to buy clothing, and they especially love athleisure clothing. Defined as casual, comfortable clothing designed to be suitable both for exercise and everyday wear”, athleisure encompasses casual tops, yoga pants, leggings of all lengths, shorts, track pants and jackets, sweatpants, sneakers, and other easygoing styles that can be worn from the gym to the office to happy hour.

In short, athleisure ensembles combine fashion and function. That makes them a perfect fit for Gen Zers’ fast-paced, health-conscious lifestyles.

Where can you source athleisure gear? Everywhere! Check out:

  • Your closet
  • Friends and family
  • Yard sales
  • Thrift shops
  • Consignment stores
  • Brick-and-mortar retailers, including outlet malls (look at what’s on clearance; also, does the store have coupons?)
  • Online retailers, including eBay and other marketplace sites

Here are some of the most popular (and saleable!) brands:

  • Adidas
  • Alo Yoga
  • Athleta
  • Beyond Yoga
  • Champion
  • Converse
  • Fabletics
  • Girlfriend Collective
  • Lululemon
  • Nike
  • Outdoor Voices
  • Patagonia
  • Public Rec
  • Reigning Champ
  • Rhone
  • Ten Thousand
  • Under Armour
  • Yohgi Yamamoto

How to source what eBay Gen Z shoppers buy!

Pro tip: Always use eBay’s Advanced Search and Terapeak to check sold prices for the exact size and type of athleisure you’re selling. That can mean the difference between making a profit and losing your shirt!

When you’re ready to list your athleisure finds, use the proven tips in my free guide eBay Listings That Sell! to help your items sell fast and for top dollar.


eBay Listings That Sell Free Guide!


Now get busy shopping and selling!


eBay Spring Seller Update 2021 Mostly Good News!

eBay’s newest Spring Seller Update is full of mostly good news.

For eBay sellers, the first sign of Spring every year usually comes in the form of a seller update. This year is no exception: The 2021 eBay Spring Seller Update was released recently. Thankfully for eBay sellers it’s mostly good news!

Let’s start with the eBay Spring Seller Update new initiatives around Listings and Promotions.

First of all, two words that should have you doing the happy dance: coded coupons! This is something for which sellers have long been asking. Starting in Spring 2021, coded coupons will be available to all eBay Store subscribers via Promotions Manager.

They’ll replace the codeless coupons previously offered.

The new tool lets you create and share a discount code that your buyer(s) can apply at Checkout. To use it once it goes live in April, go to the Marketing tab in Seller Hub and click “Create a Promotion”.

Also good news for sellers is the rollout of eBay’s new Unified Listing Flow.

It’s designed to provide a clean design and consistent interface across all of your devices, from smartphone to tablet to desktop. Furthermore, it brings eBay’s popular and coveted Background Removal photo-editing functionality — formerly only available in the mobile app — to the desktop. That alone is cause for celebration! You can opt in anytime now by clicking on the words “Try the new listing tool” in blue text wherever you go to list. I urge you to do so ASAP, and then to provide feedback to eBay regarding this new tool.

It is still under construction, so it behooves us to speak up now and help shape it to sellers’ best advantage. From now through mid-May, you may switch back to the traditional listing flow at any time. But the unified listing experience will eventually (as in sometime later this year) become first the default option and then the exclusive mode for listing on eBay.

The next bit of good news for sellers: Promoted Listings will now feature Automated Campaigns! Be on the lookout for this new timesaving tool on the “Create Campaign” page in your Promoted Listings dashboard within Seller Hub.

In addition, eBay is going to provide sellers with even more Terapeak data. They’ve also made significant improvements under the Performance tab in Seller Hub. A new Listing Quality report is already available to some sellers. It will be extended to all eBay Store subscribers over the next few months.

Now for the good news/bad news in the eBay Spring Seller Update:

Seller updates invariably include category changes plus changes to item specifics. By mid-May, sellers who list in Clothing, Shoes, & Accessories, Collectibles, and Media categories will see yet more “Required Soon” item specifics popping up in their listing flows.

Remember: Category and item specifics changes are all designed to help buyers find your listings more easily. It’s well worth the pain of updating your listings, because doing so will really boost your sales — especially since other sellers may not bother.

Let’s Talk About the Money, Honey!

Now get out your calculator. It’s time to take a look at the 2021 Spring Seller Update’s overhaul to Fees & Financials. Final Value Fees (FVF) are going up; that always stings, but it is what it is. Unfortunately, there’s no table showing the old and new FVF side by side for easy comparison. Offsetting these FVF increases, eBay is giving storeowners in Managed Payments lots — and I mean LOTS — more free listings for Basic, Premium and Anchor store owners.

eBay Spring seller Update 2021 is mostly good news for sellers!

So many, in fact, that it may actually pay to downgrade your Premium, or Anchor Store.

eBay has not said on eBay’s Announcements Board but I was told by a senior staff member that you can downgrade your store subscription with no penalty as long as you do it by April 30. Do the math: Depending on how many listings you have, the increased allotment of $0 insertion fee listings may allow you to save a bundle by moving down a level.

One tidbit of bad news: Top Rated Sellers and higher level store subscribers are not amused to learn that their popular Promoted Listings credits are going away April 1 st . Back on the sunny side, eBay promises that exciting store updates are on the horizon. These include a modern storefront with more merchandising options and better search function; optimization features to help drive repeat purchases; and (finally!) a newly improved store newsletter.

I talk about this and more in my YouTube “eBay Spring Seller Update More Fees Ahead!”

Where to find the 2021eBay Spring Seller Update!

Now that you know what to expect from this seller update, update, it’s time to read the details for yourself. Just go to I’ve given you a helpful overview here, pointing out the highlights (and lowlights).

Good luck, and happy eBay selling!!!

Creating Consistent eBay Sales Power!

eBay sellers are on the lookout to create consistent eBay sales power.

Creating consistent eBay sales power!

To begin, strong sales on eBay are always a goal for sellers. Generating consistent eBay sales is essential to running a healthy online business. So, right now a key to steady sales for eBay sellers, is understanding structured data. “But Kathy,” you say, “I’ve heard a lot of buzz about structured data, but what exactly is it, and why should I care?”

Let’s answer those questions in reverse order.

I will start with why you care about structured data. In words of one syllable: more sales! Now keep that in mind while I explain eBay structured data.

Simply put, structured data is what search engines utilize to understand the contents of a web page, such as one of your listings on eBay. It’s a standardized format. It provides information about what’s on a web page, or in this case, in your listing. The item specifics for that listing represent one example of structured data.

Here’s how it works:

Search engines are powered by artificial intelligence (AI). The searches themselves are driven by the engine. The search engine is governed by search algorithms and carried out by search bots known as web crawlers, a.k.a. spiders.

Search algorithms tell these web-crawling bots what to search for. Furthermore structured data provides a trail of breadcrumbs for them to follow. If you don’t fill out your listing’s item specifics, you starve those poor spiders .They will search elsewhere for listings with more nourishing content.

So I have three words of advice for you:

Feed the spiders! But instead of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, think title, item specifics, and description. All three areas of an eBay listing feed Cassini (eBay’s search engine). Your eBay listings requires essential data for its spiders to gobble up. Ditto for Google Search’s spiders.

Let’s start with item specifics. Fill them in, please! What are the default options provided by eBay? What are your choices?

Furthermore, the more item specifics you can fill in, the better.

The terms you use to do so comprise a type of standardized information called attributes: for example, brand, size, color, pattern, etc. They help describe your item not only to potential buyers, but also to the search engines that will surface your listing for that item in search results so that buyers can find it.

Other forms of structured data in your eBay listings include condition, price, item location, and features as well as payment and shipping information.

What makes structured data so crucial to eBay right now is at the heart and root of what eBay CEO Jamie Iannone calls “a tech-led reimagination of eBay — and that’s not just a catchphrase, it’s a mission statement.

Basically, eBay is trying to find better ways to catalog thousands upon millions of items into four or so best options for sellers.

For buyers, current and future technologies such as voice shopping, augmented reality (AR), and virtual shopping will lean heavily on structured data. Cassini already depends upon it when calculating which listings should be included in search results and how they should be ranked.

So if you want to continue (or start!) succeeding on eBay, get acquainted with structured data.


Freebie Guide -eBay Listings That Sell!.

It’s your new best friend. Feed Cassini’s search spiders well for your listings to be ranked higher in search. Rank better in search and be found by more shoppers. More buyers translates into more sales, which in turn will bring you higher profits.

In closing, to learn more about using structured data in your listings on eBay, check out my YouTube video Big Money on eBay for This! Then download your complimentary copy of my free guide eBay Listings That Sell! It features more than 7 pages chock-full of pro tips. Furthermore, the free guide is loaded with proven strategies that will pay off for your business on eBay.

eBay Listings That Sell Free Guide!

 With the pro tips in eBay listings that sell, you’re optimized for more eBay sales!

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