Fast tips for scoring summer sales and profits!

It’s summer in the USA.
In addition to our work hours summer bursts with weddings, Family BBQs, outdoor entertaining and travel.
Time is precious.
You want to make eCommerce shopping with you easy. Be certain that your listings  and website look great on mobile devices.
In the summer more than ever your customers are buying using their smartphones and tablets.
Check your pictures for their clarity. Do they pop on mobile?

Are your listings looking great on smart phones & tablets?

Are your listings looking great on smart phones & tablets?

Check your titles for great keywords to help your customers find you on the web.
Check your descriptions for simplicity and thoroughness.
How is your font size on mobile? Size 14 is best. If its larger  than 14 it increases scrolling time and smaller is hard to read.
Is your text left aligned for ease of mobile reading and scrolling.
You will lose sales if your listings are not easy and clear to view on mobile.

Be ready for summer now and welcome your summer customers!


Think and Plan for Christmas now

Now is the time to be planning for your Christmas Holiday selling season.

Now is the time to be thinking what products you will sell for Christmas and the Holiday selling season.

Contact your manufacturers now. Look online and locally for products now.
Look at last years sales and reviews what sold and when.
Place your orders now.
Christmas in July has become a large pre-season sales opportunity for retailers. To take advantage of profits during summer Holiday sales your products need to be in hand now.
It’s not too late to be ready for Christmas in July if you act today.

Spring is the time to think Christmas selling


Are your customers Happy?

Reading  feedback  from your customers  is a great way to keep your business successful.
I love all my happy customers .
I look carefully for comments on speed of my shipping.
Did my customer like & agree with my  item description?
Do I sense anything they didn’t like?
Feedback tells me if I did my job well  and it points the way to areas of improvement so that EVERY sale is a WOW experience for the buyer.
Reading feedback provides me the savvy seller great information for staying successful & getting even better.

Mother’s Day is coming Fast

Mother’s Day is fast approaching.
This year it’s Sunday May 11.

Now is the time to be tweeting, posting on Facebook & pinning on Pinterest for this special day.
Length & content are key to getting attention from your followers & new shoppers.
Here are some great tips on effective social media posts.  You want to pay attention to great content & length.
Time to get busy tweeting, pinning & posting!
Effective length & content for Social Media

Finding inventory to sell can be a snap

Do you have a smart phone?

Most of us do. Here is an easy way to make money with your smart phone.

When you are out & about head right for the clearance racks & shelves in any store.

What may be on sale in your area is in much demand somewhere else.

Grab your smart phone & scan the bar code on the item. If there is no bar code you can type in the title or name on the item & search for it on major online retailers like ebay & Amazon to see what it sells for.

Be sure to factor in ship costs & sales fees on the ecommerce sites if you plan to be selling your finds there.

If you do this regularly there is a great chance you’ll find profitable items to sell.

Now wasn’t that easy?

Shop & scan!

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