Are your customers Happy?

Are your customers Happy?

Reading  feedback  from your customers  is a great way to keep your business successful.
I love all my happy customers .
I look carefully for comments on speed of my shipping.
Did my customer like & agree with my  item description?
Do I sense anything they didn’t like?
Feedback tells me if I did my job well  and it points the way to areas of improvement so that EVERY sale is a WOW experience for the buyer.
Reading feedback provides me the savvy seller great information for staying successful & getting even better.

Mother’s Day is coming Fast

Mother’s Day is fast approaching.
This year it’s Sunday May 11.

Now is the time to be tweeting, posting on Facebook & pinning on Pinterest for this special day.
Length & content are key to getting attention from your followers & new shoppers.
Here are some great tips on effective social media posts.  You want to pay attention to great content & length.
Time to get busy tweeting, pinning & posting!
Effective length & content for Social Media

Finding inventory to sell can be a snap

Do you have a smart phone?

Most of us do. Here is an easy way to make money with your smart phone.

When you are out & about head right for the clearance racks & shelves in any store.

What may be on sale in your area is in much demand somewhere else.

Grab your smart phone & scan the bar code on the item. If there is no bar code you can type in the title or name on the item & search for it on major online retailers like ebay & Amazon to see what it sells for.

Be sure to factor in ship costs & sales fees on the ecommerce sites if you plan to be selling your finds there.

If you do this regularly there is a great chance you’ll find profitable items to sell.

Now wasn’t that easy?

Shop & scan!

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