eBay Sellers Summertime Sales!

eBay Sellers Summertime Sales!

eBay sellers’ summertime sales typically slow down during the hot summer months of June, July, and August.

eBay Sellers Summertime!

eBay sellers summertime sales are rising!

This year, thanks to the ongoing restrictions imposed by the corona virus pandemic, the typical eBay sales slowdown doesn’t seem to be happening.

As Senior Vice President and General Manager for Americas Jordan Sweetnam recently reported in his eBay announcement Your Business: Our Results, eBay’s GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume) is up. Buyer growth is accelerating. Major categories are growing; and there’s more organic traffic coming to eBay. The company is even launching a brand-new advertising campaign, complete with nationwide TV commercials featuring eBay’s small and medium-sized sellers!

eBay sellers, that’s a whole lot of good news. And it leaves you with two options as a seller. Which of them you choose is entirely up to you.

Option number one is GO FOR IT!

Many eBay sellers are reporting holiday-level sales. If that’s happening for your business, you may want to just keep on keepin’ on. So in other words eBay sellers,  keep sourcing, and keep selling. Check out my popular video eBay Sellers: HOT Sales Niche Discovery for exclusive tips on finding in-demand inventory. These are proven sourcing strategies that can pay off, big time, for your business on eBay.


Hot Hot eBay Sales Niche

Discover hot eBay products!


Taking advantage of the current upturn in eCommerce sales is definitely one way to find a silver lining in the COVID-19 cloud. But remember every business is unique. So what’s happening in your business may not be happening for other businesses, and conversely. If you want to max out on listing and selling, more power to you!

But there is another option that’s equally OK: namely, to cut yourself some summertime slack. So, maybe you’ve got kids at home to spend time with and keep occupied. Or you’ve planned some vacation travel. And perhaps you’re going to get started on home renovations.

Whatever the reason this may be your chance to slow down for awhile.

And that’s fine, too! But if you do decide to take time off from eBay, please don’t forget to turn on your store’s vacation settings. This  includes an email auto response, and/or extend your handling time. Doing this protects you from dings for late shipping.

Just click on “Vacation settings” in the Seller Tools module of your Seller Hub Overview page, or click on “Change Settings” in the upper right-hand corner of your My Messages Inbox page. Then follow the screen prompts.

You can opt to allow purchases of Fixed Price items while you’re away, or you can postpone any sales until after you’ve returned and your store has reopened. Auction-style listings will still run as originally scheduled, which is why you need to extend your handling time. Ditto if you opt for allowing customers to make purchases while you’re away.

Be sure to write a welcoming message for customers who visit while your store is on vacation, encouraging them to come back and buy!

Whichever of these two roads you decide to travel this summer, pursue your chosen path guilt free.


eBay summertime selling

Summertime eBay sales that are guilt free!

Everyone’s business is different, and every business owner’s priorities may be different as well. Do whatever is best and right for you, your business, and your family.

Whether you take the eCommerce expressway or Easy Street, enjoy your summer journey!

eBay Seller Protections: Guide To Smart Selling!

eBay Seller Protections: Guide To Smart Selling!

eBay Seller Protections are good news for eBay sellers.

eBay Seller Protections Guide!

eBay Seller Protections for smart sellers!

On eBay, buyers are not the only folks eBay protects!  eBay sellers benefit from several layers of very significant seller protections.  Additional protections exist for sellers offering free returns. And eBay offers special consideration for its Top Rated Sellers.

But first, let’s talk about what sellers can do pro-actively to safeguard themselves. This centers on giving buyers a great eBay experience.

To start, create great eBay listings.

Use good clear photos when listing. Write accurate descriptions. Does your item have a mark or flaw? Let buyers know. Take a close-up of it. Call it out in the item condition field too. Then, repeat it in your description. Its also good to include note of a flaw in your eBay title. Pointing out imperfections helps to deter buyers’ claims they didn’t know about flaws.

The vast majority of transactions on eBay go smoothly. Most sales end with buyers and sellers happy. Still, there are times when things go awry. Sometimes you make an honest mistake. For instance, you didn’t notice a tiny chip in a crystal vase. This error then results in a buyer opening an INAD (Item Not As Described) case.

But other times, an unscrupulous buyer makes an INAD claim. They look to get free return shipping or a refund without having to return the item.

eBay Seller Protections totally has your back.

eBay shields sellers from abusive buyers with its ‘Abusive Buyer Policy: “If eBay finds a buyer’s behavior is abusive, we will take action on the buyer and remove negative and neutral feedback and defects, including opened cases in service metrics.” This eBay Seller Protections article has all the details.

Basically, eBay protects you from · False INAD claims and abuse of returns.

Additionally sellers are protected against wrongful use of eBay bidding or messaging. Protections include buyer’s misuse of eBay’s Buyer Protections. Also eBay guards sellers from buyer demands for something not included in the original listing.

Sellers can receive help when events are beyond their control.

eBay protects sellers for late delivery of an item that was shipped on time. This includes sellers protection for a late delivery due to severe weather or carrier disruptions .

So, think you’ve got an abusive buyer?

Abusive buyers on eBay!

Are eBay sellers protected from abusive buyers?

Read eBay’s Abusive Buyer Policy. Encounter the occasional bad apple buyer? Be sure to report them to eBay. y. Use the “Report buyer” link either from the Overview page in Seller
Hub or from your Manage Orders page. Furthermore, you can also access “Report a buyer” from the Abusive Buyer Policy page.

Don’t just complain about your abusive buyer on the eBay discussion boards and eBay sellers Facebook groups. Report buyer’s bad behavior to eBay. Enable eBay to do something about it!

Offer free returns and get even more eBay seller protections.

Get an item returned after the buyer has used or damaged it?  You can deduct up to 50% of their refund. eBay can also remove any negative or neutral feedback on qualifying returns. Additionally defects, can be erased and/or opened cases in service metrics. So, seller do the math. Are free returns a wise choice for your business on eBay?

Furthermore, Top Rated Sellers also qualify for this particular protection. In addition, eBay reimburses return shipping up to $6 for false INAD claims.

There is one more form of eBay protection to be aware of.

Protection exists for Verified Rights Owners. This is eBay’s VeRO program.

Owners of intellectual property rights and their authorized representatives can report to eBay listings that infringe on those rights.

Intellectual property includes brand names, logos, and content. Be sure that any item you list is authentic. So, if you’re not 100% certain, it’s best not to list it!

Furthermore, don’t use brand names for generic products. Velcro is only Velcro when it’s made by Velcro. When not from Velcro, it’s a hook-and-loop fastening. By the same token, a one-piece infant bodysuit — a.k.a. romper or creeper — isn’t a Onesie, unless it’s from Gerber’s trademarked Onesie line.

Note: When you legitimately can use either of those or similar terms as keywords, be sure to capitalize them!

Under the terms of the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act, eBay is required by law to pull any listing that’s reported as a VeRO violation. There is a  variety of reasons listings can be taken down through the VERO program. These include Unauthorized use of images, copyright, Brand name misuse and Counterfeit. The consequences of a VeRO violation range from a stern warning to account suspensions of varying lengths. When you receive a VERO, the violation  and consequences are cited. If a seller can appeal  and or correct the violation, the steps are laid out.

A list of VeRO participants is available on eBay.com.

In closing, you now know how thoroughly eBay protects you as a seller. eBay protects all it’s sellers.  There are additional layers of security for sellers who offer free returns. And Top Rated Sellers have the highest level of protections, benefiting their achieving and maintaining high standards. All eBay seller can list and sell with confidence.

eBay covers its sellers!

eBay has your back!

eBay protects all its sellers!

eBay Meets Mother’s Day Shopping Needs!

eBay Meets Mother’s Day Shopping Needs!

More than ever before, eBay meets Mother’s Day needs this year!

eBay Mother's day 2020!

eBay meets Mother’s Day shopping needs !

eBay Mother’s Day 2020 is going to be a little different. But the good news is, it’s also going to be more meaningful. Thanks to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the world is self-isolating. People are quarantining at home. Folks are social distancing. 

Right now, many realize the value of celebrating connections and showing loved ones how much we care. eBay meets Mother’s Day 2020 shopping needs.

In fact, according to a recent survey by the National Retail Federation (NRF), 78% of respondents said that this year, Mother’s Day is especially important to them. 

eBay meets Mother’s day 2020. What does that mean for you, my eBay seller friend?

Right now, it means ka-ching! Because millions of online shoppers are hot on the trail of the perfect gift for Mom.

Yes, some states are beginning to ease up on restrictions. Brick-and-mortar retailers are gradually starting to reopen. But while some folks are getting out and about, shopping is very challenging. Some stores mandate face masks to enter stores.

Other stores have long, long, lines to get in, due to social distancing requirements. Additionally, many people are wary of ending their quarantine too soon.  Rather than deal with in person shopping stress and constraints, shoppers are turning to eBay!

So eCommerce is where it’s at for Mother’s Day gift shoppers in 2020.

In 2019, consumers spent a record $25 billion on Mom; this year, the NRF predicts that consumers will spend an average of $205 apiece on cards, gifts, and special meals for Mother’s Day. That’s about $8 per person more than last year.

Now is your chance to step up to the plate and cut yourself a generous slice of that Mother’s Day pie! What do you have that would make a good Mother’s Day gift?

For inspiration, download your complimentary copy of my free guide What Sells for Mother’s Day. It’s page after page of products that make terrific gifts for mothers. Then review your inventory, both listed and unlisted. Chances are you’ve got plenty of mom-worthy items on hand! If something’s not listed yet, then get it listed — pronto.

As shown by the eclectic assortment of items listed in my free downloadable guide, moms have an incredibly wide variety of interests. That means you’ve got an equally wide gamut of giftable goodies to offer, including books; clothing and accessories; collectibles; crafts; electronics; games and puzzles; home décor; kitchen paraphernalia; movies; sporting goods; tech devices; and so much more. Even power tools, for DIY moms!

Remember, too, that Mother’s Day gift items don’t necessarily have to be new.

If Mom collects anything, whether it’s vintage or contemporary, pre-owned treasures will be cherished additions to her collection.

Environmentally conscious moms also like the idea of keeping useful items out of the world’s landfills, so think gently worn and/or vintage clothing and estate jewelry. These categories will appeal to retro-minded moms as well.

And since it’s difficult right now to shop brick-and-mortar retailers, make it super easy for customers to shop with you! Pick out your perfect Mother’s Day items and put them into a specially created Mother’s Day Gifts category in your eBay store; then showcase your curated listings on social media, especially Facebook (which is hot-hot-hot right now)

Download my free guide What Sells on Mother’s Day, and start racking up sales. And if you’re a mom yourself, I wish you the happiest of Mother’s Days, full of loving elbow bumps and virtual hugs.

Even six feet apart or from opposite sides of a Facetime or Zoom screen, families can still be heart to heart!

Hot Mother's Day products on eBay!

Freebie guide for hot Mother’s Day products on eBay!

Your Facebook Business Page Is An eBay Sales Driver!

Your Facebook Business Page Is An eBay Sales Driver!

A Facebook business page is a sales driver for eBay sellers.

Facebook Business Page for eBay Sellers!

Your Facebook Business Page is an eBay sales driver!

eBay sellers if you’re ignoring a Facebook Business page, you’re ignoring your shoppers. Facebook is on fire these days.  With the vast majority of the world’s population in quarantine due to the global corona virus pandemic, it’s become a virtual lifeline. You’re probably spending more time there yourself!

As no less an authority than The New York Times recently noted the upsurge of Facebook traffic. “Now, stuck inside their homes and isolated from their families and friends, millions of Americans are rediscovering the social network’s virtues. That has lifted usage of Facebook features like messaging and video calls to record levels and powered a surge in traffic for publishers of virus-related news.”

In fact, Facebook is experiencing a surge in traffic, period.

What does that mean for you — and your business on eBay? It means you need a Facebook Business Page, stat! It’s absolutely free and will pay off big-time, even after the corona virus pandemic is over. You can set up your Page with just a few clicks, so what are you waiting for? Get started ASAP!

Or maybe you already have a Facebook Business Page. But you haven’t done much with it, and/or you aren’t seeing much traffic. This is your chance to change all that eBay seller.  So strike while the iron is hot — hot — hot. Even if you don’t have an eBay store, you can use a Facebook Business Page to drive traffic to your listings.

“But Kathy,” you say, “I know I should set up a Facebook business page…but then what do I do with it?”

Well, for starters, you need to post to your business page on a regular basis, Try for at least once a week, more as time allows. But don’t just post about items you’ve got listed. Nobody wants to see a steady stream of product posts. If all you’ve been doing is sharing links to your listings and/or various store categories, it’s no wonder you haven’t gotten many visitors, let alone return visitors.

When all you do it post your products, you are seen as “spam”.

You are social media noise, rather than a fun and interesting seller! All you’re saying with non stop product posts to Facebook is “Buy my stuff! Buy my stuff! Buy my stuff!” It’s boring at best, as well as potentially counterproductive. Remember, it’s called SOCIAL media, not selling media. So be social! A good guideline to follow is the 80/20 rule. That means about 80 percent of your content should be social, while the other 20% can be about selling.

To help you get your new (or newly revitalized) Business Page off the ground, check out my free downloadable guide Sales Power Tips for Your Facebook Business Page. It’s packed with proven, easy-to-implement tips that really work.

So stop spamming your friends and family by sharing eBay links on your personal Facebook page.

eBay seller don’t spam your customers on Facebook!

An occasional selling-related post there is fine — for example, if you list a particularly interesting or unusual item — but your business really needs (and deserves) a Facebook page of its very own.

Want more shoppers? Set up your Facebook Business Page, and start posting! Just be sure to keep it social about 80% of the time.

And don’t forget to download your complimentary copy of my free guide Sales Power Tips for Your Facebook Business Page.

Now…let’s get social with our eBay customers!



eBay Sellers Thrive During COVID Pandemic!

eBay Sellers Thrive During COVID Pandemic!

At times like this eBay sellers look to thrive not just survive.

eBay COVID-19 sales tips

eBay sellers – thriving during the COVID-19 crisis!

eBay sellers look to thrive economically during this COVID -19 pandemic. Here are my top tips to keep your online sales business strong during these tough times.

COVID-19 is a harsh reality for all of us right now.

It’s not just here in the USA; it’s global. COVID-19 impacts all eCommerce sellers worldwide. Sellers from Amazon, eBay, and Etsy to Poshmark, Shopify, and Walmart all feel CO-VID-19.

To begin, there is good news. Financial aid is available to help you get through this crisis. eBay has launched several initiatives. More potential resources are included in the recently passed Federal stimulus package. I don’t want you to miss out on anything, so let’s take it from the top.

eBay store subscribers received  50,000 free listings in March. And eBay Store sellers get another 50,000 this month (April). Don’t forget to activate this generous offer via the link in the Promotional Offers section of your Seller Hub Overview page.

Non-store subscribers get 200 additional free fixed price or auction listings for April; get details and activate the offer here.

Furthermore, eBay is supporting eBay sellers in other ways, including special seller protections.

Starting with your March 20th evaluation and running through your June 20th evaluation, your Seller Performance Standards will not be negatively impacted for 90 days. For details, check eBay’s  announcement, “Protecting Your Seller Performance Through COVID-19”.

Additionally, eBay is in close communication with major shipping carriers. This includes USPS, UPS and FedEx. Sellers were updated April 3rd via an eBay announcement titled “Advising You About Shipping During COVID-19”.

eBay created a dedicated COVID-19 Community Hub. eBay Main Street launched a special page of COVID-19 Small Business Government Support Resources. For more details, read “Helping Each Other Through COVID-19 in the Ways That Matter the Most” on the eBay Announcements page. Keep an eye out for future announcements.

If your eBay sales are down right now, do your best to pivot quickly. Source, list, and sell items that are in demand right now, download my free tips eBay and COVID-19 A Seller’s Guide!

Covid-19 and eBay

eBay and COVID-19 A Seller’s Guide!

Now let’s look to see what’s available for eBay sellers!

There are State and Federal programs to assist all small business owners. This includes all online sellers on sites such as eBay, Amazon, Shopify, Walmart, etc. Check eBay Main Street’s COVID-19 page. eBay’s Government Relations Team provides up to date links to Federal, State, and international programs.

Moving on to the recently approved COVID-19 Federal stimulus package. This legislation features unprecedented coverage for unemployment. There are benefits for unemployed workers.
Also there is coverage for contract workers who lost their jobs or had their hours cut due to COVID-19.

As an eBay seller, did  you suffer work loss because of the corona virus? Explore whether or not you qualify for benefits. They are administered by individual states. So check out the links for your state on eBay Main Street’s COVID-19 Small Business Government Support Resources page.

Congress passed extensive loan and grant programs for small businesses suffering losses due to COVID-19.

These funds will available through the Small Business Administration (SBA) in conjunction with local banks. Check SBA’s Coronavirus (COVID-19): Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources for details.

These SBA loans and grants are welcome programs. But it can take awhile to actually receive your funds. If you’re in the same boat as many sellers, you may need money now. Payability is one company that offers highly effective financial options for qualifying online sellers. This could be especially useful if you’re in eBay’s Managed Payments program. Payability is also very useful for Amazon & Shopify sellers.

There are several ways Payability can help you can increase cash flow and liquidity.

Instant Access provides next-day marketplace payouts. Instant Advance lets you get 75%-100% of your monthly marketplace revenue in one lump sum (up to $250,000).

Yes, this is indeed a challenging time in many ways.

So take a good hard look at your own situation. What helps you and your business right now? 

Unemployment qualifications changed. Benefits have expanded. Could this help you and/or your workers? Are any SBA offerings a good fit for your business? If you need funds quickly right now to cover bills or pay for inventory, consider the speed, ease, and convenience of Payability.

A healthy cash flow is critical to the success of your online selling business. Payability offers a lifeline  at this critical sales time whether you sell on eBay, Amazon or on your website.

So analyze your choices, and then act.

In closing, move forward even during these difficult days. Don’t let COVID-19 break your business’ stride!


eBay Seller Events Continue Across USA!

eBay Seller Events Continue Across USA!

eBay continues its long history of live eBay seller events in 2020.

eBay Seller Events 2020!

eBay Seller Conference Events In 2020!

Rather than one large eBay Open event this year, eBay is rolling out a series of smaller, local Upfront events. This news is met with mixed feelings from the eBay seller community. Sellers are grateful to have live eBay events for sellers across the United States. But many sellers bemoan eBay not offering one big “blow out” event.

If you don’t know the history of eBay live conference events, let me enlighten you.

Once upon a time, from 2003-2008, there was an annual eBay event known as eBay Live! At its height, this legendary city-hopping conference attracted thousands of fervent eBay sellers. eBay Live! conferences occurred several times in one calendar year at key locations across the United States.

eBay Live! was a large conference that attracted hundreds if not thousands of sellers and staff. A key feature was workshops  running on multiple tracks. One could  also hang out with eBay staffers in the Pinks Lounge, named for eBay employees’ pink-lined discussion board posts. There were always “added attractions” at eBay Lives. At one, attendees could line up to have a book signed by then CEO Meg Whitman.

In the Expo Hall sellers discover useful third-party tools and services while collecting vast quantities of swag.

Attendees proudly sport eBay-branded apparel, eBay-colored hair, headgear, and accessories. A sudden burst of “pin music” alerts you to find the nearest eBay employee and claim another of that year’s series of collectible pins. Also eNotes, eBay’s own all-employee a cappella singing group, might turn up next to you in the Expo Hall.

Keynote addresses typically commence with a performance by eBay’s all-employee house band. The band originally was known as Negative Feedback and later as Twisted Lister. Sometimes Griff joined them on piano. So let’s just say, music was everywhere at eBay Live! events.

eBay Live! culminates with a gala with a red carpet entrance for all!

Sellers walk the eBay Live! red carpet through a vociferous clapping tunnel of applauding eBay employees. After an amazing dinner, sellers dance the night away to big-name musical entertainment. Entertainers like Kool and the Gang, the B-52s, or Weird Al Yankovich  perform at eBay Lives. Weird Al’s hit parody “What I Bought on eBay” was greeted with thunderous applause complete with an audience singalong. All of this was at the 2003 eBay Live! gala in Orlando.

Sadly, these mega-conferences ultimately became unsustainable for the company.

The last eBay Live! events happened in 2008. But the following year, a call-in to eBay Radio lamenting the demise of eBay Live! sparked the founding of the inaugural  eBay Radio Party & Conference (eRPC). And a new era  of eBay seller conferences was born with the eBay Radio Party & Conference!

eBay Radio Party & Conference with eBay Radio’s producer Lee Mirabal at the helm, kept the spirit of eBay Live burning brightly.

So while eBay turned from organizing and running the mega conferences of eBay Live!, eBay Radio Party & Conference picked up the torch! Though a smaller conference, eBay Radio Party & conference brought together awesome eCommerce speaker line ups. It also showcased such fun features as a Best eBay Outfits contest. I myself was honored to be first a Mentor as part of eRPC’s informative Mentors Corner, and later for two years a presenter. Other eRPC innovations included networking lunches. At these lunches attendees shared Dutch treat repasts with speakers, sponsors, and eBay employees.

Nothing beats the learning of sellers talking to sellers!

The eBay Radio Party & Conference ran from 2009-2015. During those years, eBay did experiment with smaller regional conferences known as eBay: On Location. These took place in cities across the country. Sellers were grateful for the events albeit on a much smaller scale compared to eBay Lives of days gone by.

In September 2015, eBay celebrated the company’s 20th anniversary with We Are Twenty!

Held in eBay’s home town of San Jose, It was attended by some 1000 sellers. We Are Twenty had much of the energy of eBay Live! events from the past. It was wildly successful. Handing out $100 eBay gift cards to all registrants was a great way to kick off the event! It included a large array of eBay staff speakers speaking to eBay’s past and eBay’s future. Of course it included a great event party.

So in 2016, eBay brought back a series of large conferences with eBay Open.

Held in Las Vegas during the third week of July from 2016 through 2019, this annual seller celebration incorporated key eBay Live! traditions such as the beloved clapping tunnel. Presentations by key eBay executives anchored eBay Opens. Plenty of workshops of hot seller topics were available. 3rd party vendors and teams of eBay staff were readily available in the event’s Expo Hall. eBay Radio was on hand broadcasting live!

Though not offered across the country as eBay Live! had been, sellers greeted the annual eBay Open mega events with great enthusiasm. It was great to have an outstanding venue, speakers, workshops and expo hall with vendors. And sellers loved the closing event party!

2019 also saw the introduction of eBay UpFront. Intimate local events in a smattering of cities nationwide. eBay UpFront features a presentation by key eBay team leaders. After the executive presentations, there is  round-table discussions with various key eBay teams, and lots of yummy treats.

Like eBay Live! before it, eBay Open fell victim to its own success and became unsustainable for the company.

So there will be no eBay Open in 2020. But, eBay will continue its seller outreach by doubling down on one-evening eBay UpFronts.

Twice as many are scheduled for 2020. 10 Upfronts are in cities from coast to coast. Check out the entire schedule at ebay.com/SellerEvents. If there’s an eBay UpFront anyway near you, I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to get face time with eBay team members.

Though not the same as the large eBay Open and eBay Live events, eBay Upfronts are packed with great content. Attending sellers gain access to top level eBay executives and staff. And nothing beats the energy of several hundred eBay sellers under 1 roof!

We’ll miss the glitz and glamour of eBay Open, which was wonderful while it lasted.

On the upside, sellers don’t have to take several days off from business to travel to a large conference.  Nor will sellers incur the expenses of a business trip to Las Vegas. As for how we’ll celebrate the quarter-century milestone of eBay’s 25th anniversary, we will just have to wait and see!

In closing, I’ll be at eBay UpFront in both Tampa and Weehawken.

eBay Upfront 2020

Are you coming to eBay upfront?

If you’re there, please come on over and say hello. I can’t wait to hear the great eBay staff speakers. The presentations are sure to be loaded with choice nuggets of information. As is always the best part of any eBay event, I look forward to meeting up with old friends and making new ones!

I applaud eBay for continuing live seller events. I encourage sellers to support eBay in its Upfront evenings.

Who knows, if each eBay Upfront sells out, perhaps we’ll see bigger events in the near future?!




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