Holiday shoppers are rushing into retail stores and jumping online to get the gifts they need right now!

Use my 3 hot Holiday sales tips to attract eager customers your way and score sales NOW!

Are you ready?

#1 Hot Holiday Sales Tip – Offer Free Or Paid Expedited Shipping!

Whether you’re selling on Amazon, Etsy, eBay and/or your own website, don’t miss out on crucial Holiday revenue by neglecting to offer expedited shipping.

Why not offer the upgrade in shipping service free for your higher price items and wow your customers?

For lower price items with a few simple clicks of the mouse you can include a paid shipping service upgrade for shoppers that want their items fast. Many sellers neglect to offer shipping upgrades and lose sales to other vendors. Snag extra Holiday sales by offering your shoppers a choice of shipping services. My video shows you how to quickly add shipping choices on eBay. The process is very similar on Etsy.

How To Score EXTRA Holiday Sales at NO cost to the Seller!

How To SCORE Sales NOW eBay sellers at NO extra cost to you.Learn how in under 5 minutes!Make sure to get my FREE VIP Insider Newsletter!—->

Posted by I Love To Be Selling – Kathy Terrill on Saturday, December 10, 2016

#2 Hot Holiday Sales Tip – Check Your Prices!

Focus on the items you have chosen as your top Holiday gift items. Regularly check the price(s) of your item(s).

Check Prices On The Web!

Check Prices On The Web!

Be sure and also monitor relevant prices on the worldwide web.

There are times when pricing a product $1 less can get you the shoppers you’re looking for. Don’t lose crucial Holiday shoppers because you’re not checking prices across multiple platforms on the web. Shoppers know how to use Google search to locate and buy from the seller offering the best value.

#3 Hot Holiday Sales Tip – Keep Sourcing And Listing Holiday Products!

Keep an eye on brick and mortar retail stores when you’re out and about.

Many Big Box retailers are slashing prices deeper and deeper as Christmas and Hanukkah approach.

Be alert to grab great inventory you can list quickly and score sales now and into 2017!

#4 BONUS Holiday Sales Tip –  Maximize Your Facebook Business Page To Gain Shoppers!

Facebook continues to be a top resource for sellers who want to quickly and effectively promote their inventory. Don’t miss sales by not fully optimizing your Facebook Business page.

Get the results you want for your Facebook Business page with the Ninja tips I have for you in The Ultimate Guide To The Facebook Business Page For Sellers Mini Course.


The Ultimate Guide To A Facebook Business Page For Sellers!

The Ultimate Guide To A Facebook Business Page For Sellers!


Offering shipping upgrades, monitoring prices all across the web and continuing to source hot inventory will get you the Holiday sales you want NOW sellers!

Add the proven tips in my The Ultimate Guide To The Facebook Business Page For Sellers Mini Course  sellers, and you’ll have a Facebook Business page that drives eager Holiday shoppers your way for even MORE sales at this crucial time!

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