Attending networking events is great for entrepreneurs and eCommerce sellers.
When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved and think of arriving a day early and or leaving a day late so that you’re fresh and alert for the seminar.

When considering events that you’ll travel to, you’ll want to keep in mind any time changes involved
Depending on the budget you have, you might consider finding out if there are free shuttles and/or shuttle services to and from the hotel of the event so that you don’t need to rent a car or pay for a solo cab ride.
Once you’re at your meeting make sure you bring a sweater or light jacket and wear comfortable shoes as often there is a lot of walking to and from seminar rooms and temperature changes in the meeting rooms.
Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of the event speakers. Then google them! Yup google them.
Read their blogs, listen to their youtubes and or read a book they’ve published. What is their area of expertise? Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker if you’re able.

Whether the conference networking event you’re attending is local or a distance away you’ll want to grab a list of speakers.
Think about questions you’d like to ask the speaker.
Lastly be sure an bring lots of business cards to hand out. I also find the smartphone app camcard very usual to scan business cards into my smartphone.
Link to free Business Card Scan App camcard
So with some preparation you’ll save money, have an idea of the content of the seminar and what questions you want to ask and be prepared to network for your business and have fun and be comfortable doing it!