Ever wonder whether you’re the only seller experiencing a drop in eBay sales? Well, wonder no longer…because ShelfTrend’s new Recent Sales Report can help you get to the bottom of why your sales seem to be bottoming out!
There are lots of reasons for a slowdown in eBay sales.
It’s important to dive in and find out what is going on. Maybe there are just less buyers on eBay for your product right now. Maybe there was a change to eBay’s Best Match algorithm, so not as many buyers are finding your listing. Perhaps your price is too high. Or (worse yet), perhaps your product is losing its appeal.
It all adds up to lots of lost sleep while you fret and fume over the question of what’s causing eBay sales to drop.
But ShelfTrend subtracts those worries from the equation. All you have to do is search by keyword, category, competitor, or product identifier. Then ShelfTrend’s Recent Sales Report will show you the Last 7 Days, Last 30 days, and Month to Date sales for the Top 100 Listings as ranked by Best Match: number of items sold, revenue, and pricing.
ShelfTrend‘s eBay sales data is super-easy to use and understand, too.
Using ShelfTrend’s eBay data is super easy and helps you know why your eBay sales have slowed down!
ShelfTrend boils down the complexities first, doing the analysis for you and presenting you with the results. You don’t even need a spreadsheet!
The information in this report is extremely revealing. ShelfTrend’s Recent Sales Report makes it as easy as 1-2-3 for you to:
Compare your own eBay sales to those of your competitors.
Learn how you could improve your listing, pricing, or even your product to regain lost sales.
Identify who and what is dominating search results and sales. Detailed sales analytics for brands, products, and competitors give you an idea of emerging trends and what’s hot on eBay right now.
Evaluate the overall market.
Use the interactive chart — which charts sales volume, sales revenue, and median price — to understand whether the market is experiencing growth, or if everyone is in the same boat with having a drop in sales.
You can search, sort, and filter — e.g., by listing format or condition — to drill down further.
This enables you to uncover critical insights that could change the way you source, price, and sell.
You can also download Recent Sales data as an Excel spreadsheet to glean even more detailed metrics, including item specifics, buyer location, and — soon — product variant. It’s an invaluable tool for assessing the performance of your products and your competitors.
But wait, there’s more! When you sign up for ShelfTrend and run the Recent Sales Report, you also get ShelfTrend’s other reports:
Top 500 Live Listings Report
New Listings Report
Supply Demand Report
When you run these reports together for the same keyword search, category, or competitor, you get a wonderfully well-rounded, real-time perspective on what’s really happening on eBay — not what you guess or hear rumors is happening.
The story behind this ecommerce market data company is both interesting and inspiring.
ShelfTrend was founded by former eBay executives Anojan Abel and Lisa Wong, who worked closely with sellers. Between the 2 of them, they had nearly 20 years of experience with the platform. Their epiphany came when they were asked to figure out why one seller had seen a recent decline in sales over recent weeks, despite not changing anything about their listings.
The seller suspected that the drop in sales might be due to a change in eBay’s Best Match search algorithm.
If your eBay sales have slowed, do you know why?
But a closer analysis of sales data revealed that in fact, a competitor had snuck in and begun listing similar products at lower prices. Because the seller had no easy way to spot this change in the marketplace, they missed critical activity within their category. The result? A huge disruption of their business!
Realizing that even the most seasoned sellers could be caught off-guard when they’re flying blind, Anojan and Lisa created ShelfTrend to help sellers stay on top of their sales.
They’ve got live marketplace data for more than a billion listings in thousands of categories from over 20 eBay countries. Their goal is to arm sellers with the analytics they need to make data-driven decisions about listing and selling on eBay — and to help them stay ahead of their competition.
Now, thanks to ShelfTrend’s suite of marketplace reports, you can identify, research, and monitor your competitors and their selling activity.
You can also analyze market movements to uncover emerging new products and competitors or gauge shifts in demand.
In addition, ShelfTrend lets you benchmark your business. You’ll know where you stand among sellers of similar products, and you can look for opportunities to improve your search ranking, drops in listings, or price changes.
Furthermore, ShelfTrend helps you find profitable niches by highlighting supply gaps vs. buyer demand.
ShelfTrend quickly identifies what IS selling on eBay!
Look at it this way: You can spend hours on eBay marketplace research and not be able to see the forest for the trees. Or you can let ShelfTrend do the work for you and get actionable results, including their new Recent Sales Report. Try ShelfTrend’s Basic Plan for free at ShelfTrend.com.
Take action with ShelfTrend to reignite your eBay sales!
eBay sellers turn to Pinterest for it’s sales power.
It is a fruitful and profitable social media platform for eBay sellers. That is because your Pinterest pins live on for a very long time. This means that the time and effort you spend posting there will pay sales dividends for weeks, months, even years to come. Your pins done correctly will continue to direct buyers to your online products for a long, long time. So, your time spent pinning what you sell, is time well spent.
According to digital marketing agency Omnicore , there are more than 250 million Pinterest users worldwide.
There are 250 million pinners worldwide!
Half of them live in the USA, and 2 million of them save shopping pins every day. So, that’s a lot of prospective buyers!
But there’s recently been a big change in how pins work.
Seller used to be able to edit the address (URL) of their pins to direct traffic to a category in their eBay store, or to a search within their eBay store, once a one-off item sold. This was very helpful for sellers of unique items.
But that’s no longer the case.
When you pin to Pinterest with either Pinterest’s browser extension or eBay’s Share button, the address leading to the exact item is displayed to shoppers. That’s great if you’re selling multiple quantities of something, but not so great for sellers who have only one of an item. Here’s why: Once your item sells out, if a Pinterest user clicks on your pin, eBay will redirect them to similar items. For example, if your pin was for a red shirt, eBay shows them other red shirts.
But eBay doesn’t necessarily redirect the Pinterest user to your items; they direct them where eBay thinks best for eBay!
You’ve done the work, but you don’t reap the sales ad traffic benefits.
So what to do? First, build a pin . It takes about 5-10 minutes to learn how to do so; once you get the hang of it, it’s a snap. Basically, you upload your photo, then write a title and description. But for the URL, instead of the listing’s web address, put your nearest eBay store category’s URL or the link to a search in your store. If you don’t have an eBay store, then your best bet is to use the URL for your seller ID.
Sellers, you deserve the sales from your social media work. Check out my YouTube, so you don’t lose sales because of this new change to Pinterest. Then get busy pinning!
Over and over sellers say the hardest part of selling is getting their inventory listed quickly and accurately. With the Sellhound App, enter a dream come true for sellers. Sellhound is an eBay seller’s best friend and selling assistant. Furthermore, Sellhoundis a way to list, that all you do is take photos of your items. Sellhound then researches and writes descriptions for you.
eBay seller Suzanne Wouk and her team of fellow sellers created SellHound. It is now released as an iPhone app (Android version coming soon). SellHound is an eBay seller’s best friend. It is your virtual selling assistant.
So, what do you do?
SellHound is an eBay Seller’s best friend!
You snap pics of your item. SellHounddoes the rest. It researches comparable items across multiple marketplaces. Then SellHound creates an awesome listing. Your listing is sent in an email to you. Approve and/ or edit your listing. Once accepted by you, the listing is submitted to eBay.
The approval feature is handy.
You can have a helper do your pictures with the SellHoundApp. The listing doesn’t go live on eBay, until it’s approved. So, you’re in control all the along the way. SellHound automates your work flow, giving you more time and more listings!
Unlisted inventory is money staring at you.
Additionally, think of the adage,”If it’s not listed, it can’t sell!” SellHound solves that dilemma for you.
Fetch, their popular price comparison search tool, is built into SellHound’s smartphone apps. That means you can use Fetch as your go to research tool. When you are shopping thrift stores, yard sales and or doing retail arbitrage, in seconds Fetch shows you the sold price for comparable items! And did I mention that Fetch is a free service? Cha ching sellers!
And, it’s not just eBay sellers who are impressed by SellHound.
Right now, for a limited time all of SellHound‘s capabilities are free to users.
Yup, that’s right, FREE! Suzanne and the rest of the SellHound gang value your feedback and really want you to give SellHounda workout. Get those death piles of unlisted inventory listed. While you’re listing with SellHound, let them how it’s working for you!
To that end, they’ve come up with an incentivizer to help get you motivated: SellHound’s “Show Us Your Stuff!” campaign.
Use SellHound’s new mobile app to list an item on eBay; then email that listing’s URL to alicia@sellhound.com. SellHoundwill feature your listing on their website and in their social media. It’s a win-win, because you get extra marketing exposure for your item while helping SellHound to tell the story of what they do.
In closing, sellers, gone are excuses for unlisted inventory!
SellHound is that extra pair of hands you’ve wanted Now is the perfect time todownload SellHound from the Apple App Store. Android users, you’ll have it soon too. Remember, for a short time only, all for SellHound‘s features are available to you for no extra cost. Now truly is the perfect time to kill off your death piles once and for all!
eBay sellers welcome to an Early Seller Update for 2019.
There’s a lot of good news in the update plus two BIG changes. The overall theme to sellers is “Get it sold.” However, as always, eBay giveth, but eBay also taketh away. To begin, grab my complimentary tip sheetto remove the guessing of what impacts you and your eBay business.
So, let’s start with what eBay gives sellers.
Beginning in November 2018, a limited number of sellers could send “Offers to watchers” for items listed with Best Offer. As of today, items no longer need to be listed with Best Offer in order for you to send an offer, and “Offers to Buyers” is being rolled out to all sellers in Seller Hub.
Sellers can send Offers To Watchers, regardless of whether the item is a Best Offer Listing!
My experience so far is that about 1 out of 10 buyers accept my offer. Yet you, the seller, are in charge. YOU send the offer and set the price. This function is rolling out during the month of March, What your seller hub!
On your “Active Listings” page, hover over Price, Quantity or Custom Label, then click on the pencil icon to edit that field. This new functionality has been in beta and is rolling out sitewide, saving you precious time. Well done, eBay!
Get all the details in this video, eBay Gives And eBay Takes Away.
Starting in March, you’ll also be able to download Order Reports from your Manage Orders page as a CSV (Excel) file, including a new field showing sales tax collected and remitted on your behalfby eBay.
Furthermore, massive Inventory updates are going live.
eBay is still emphasizing product-based shopping, but with a focus on item specifics rather than listing via the catalog. This is a HUGE change for the eBay platform. heads up sellers. This means eBay is laser focused on Item Specifics for Product Based shopping. Item Specifics are now more important than ever for eBay and Google search!
With the change in catalog listing one Bay, your item specifics matter!
In March, for Electronics, Home & Garden, Health & Beauty, and Musical Instruments, the current “New – Other” item condition will become “Open Box”. In the Business & Industrial category, “New – Other” will become “Used – Like New”. This clarification helps both buyers and sellers.
Now for some GREAT news: From the Basic level on up, store subscribers will soon get a complimentary subscription to Terapeak!
So, here’s what eBay is taking away: Good ‘Til Canceled (GTC) will now be the only duration option for fixed price listings. For auction listings, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-day durations are still available.
The reason for this change basically boils down to SEO. It can take up to 30 days for items to be indexed by Google and other search engines. Short-term listings may not be picked up.
There are other disadvantages. Short-term listings can lead to buyer frustration when a shopper finds a listing that interests them, but it’s gone when they go back for a second look.
Additionally, links in your social media posts for short-term listings go dead — and if a buyer clicks on that link, eBay will redirect them to another active listing!
If you still prefer short-term listings, you have 2 choices:
Every 30 days or so, end your GTC listing, tweak it, and relist.
Keep your GTC listing live, and simply revise it.
The second option keeps social media links live and retains views, watchers, and sales history. The latter gives you a boost in search every time another multi-quantity and/or multi-variation item sells.
In closing, the bottom line is, eBay is giving sellers more data and tools for driving conversion, but less listing options.
Sellers once again its time to listen up about eBay’s structured data initiative.
To begin, eBay CEO Devin Wenig kicked off the structured data conversation at the eBay 20 conference in 2015. Furthermore, he’s been talking about it every year since the eBay Open. It’s also been a crucial part of every Seller Update. Additionally, it is increasingly mandated in categories, as eBay moves toward a product-based shopping experience.
So, what is structured data?
So, what exactly is structured data?
Simply put, structured data is any type of data with predefined attributes. That includes product identifiers such as UPCs, ISBNs, and MPNs. It’s standardized information that enables shoppers to more easily find specific products.
Also, structured data makes it easy to check your competitors’ prices. So if you have SKU-based inventory, it’s time to look at repricing tools. Few eBay sellers use repricing tools. There are lots of Amazon repricing tools, but for eBay, not so many.
Enter the eBay professional repricing tool, StreetPricer.
Founded by Cardy Chung, a top seller on eBay,StreetPricer is a professional repricing tool that can give you a legitimate edge over your competition. You control the repricing; StreetPricerworks at your command. Pricing your item right is crucial to boosting sales and profit!
When you shop online, what would you normally do?
You decide what you’re going to buy, and then you shop around for the best price from a seller with a good online reputation. Customers buy on price; we know that. I am amazed by sellers who list their items at unrealistic prices. What are they thinking? Setting the right prices is so easy to do, but so often overlooked.
Simply, competitive pricing equal more sales.
Using StreetPricer to compete, means more sales!
Time and again, you’ve been selling an item…and suddenly, sales slow down or come to a complete stop. Then, you check your competitors’ pricing! Oh no…Once the price is set properly, it starts again, right?
So, consider what is your best business strategy.
Look at your margins. Watch your cash flow. Do regular sales with a sightly lower profit make sense for your business? With StreetPriceryou set the parameters for the tool. You are in charge.
I asked Cardy Chung, “Is this a race to the bottom?”
His answer is “absolutely not!” He explained, “We’ve all had the experience of competing with foolish sellers who brought your prices right down to the floor 2 months ago. Then find he’s been out of stock for 3 weeks, and we’re still listing our items at that foolish price! If your competitors move their prices up, you want to be the first one to know about it. StreetPricer lets you do that!”
Cardy explained, “With the vendor data I have seen at conferences, the number of “ups” vs “downs” in repricing is usually 50-50. It’s a matter of constantly responding and optimizing the pricing according to market. ”
There are some repricers out there that claim to do Amazon and eBay.
Keep in mind it’s wise to pick software that’s designed for eBay, not Amazon. Lots of Amazon repricers claim they can reprice on eBay, too, but they struggle to deal with eBay’s unique way of organizing its search, item specifics and catalog data.
In closing, if you have a SKU based inventory and not using a repricing tool, you are losing sales.
Streetpriceris the ideal repricing tool for eBay sellers. It understands and responds to the uniqueness of the eBay marketplace. Don’t race to the bottom, rather maximize sales. Armed with StreetPricer you’re competitive and know when to raise your prices. Now that’s music to a sellers’s ears!
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