It’s 7 Days Til Thanksgiving Is Your Business Ready?

It’s 7 Days Til Thanksgiving Is Your Business Ready?

It’s seven days til Thanksgiving and that means, drum roll please it’s eight days to Black Friday!

Your Holiday products are on your stores shelves and they are listed on your website and ecommerce selling platforms.

Do you have a social media planner ready to go to promote your products and help your customers find you?

The Holidays are here! Can shoppers easily find your products on the internet?


If you don’t, now is the time to grab pen and paper or your favorite online app for notes and count ahead.

Seven days from now is Thanksgiving, seven days from tomorrow  November 21 is black Friday and seven days from Monday November 24th will be Cyber Monday December 1, 2014.

If you are on an auction platform like ebay you can use these dates to plan auctions or short term fixed price listings to attract customers.

On all selling platforms Amazon, etsy, ebay and your own website you’ll want to leverage and plan your social media posts so that customers can readily find your products from the thousands if not hundreds of thousands waving at this year’s Holiday online shoppers.

Make a list of your Holiday items and decide when and how and where each item will be promoted.

Make your list now of your items and which Social Media Platforms You Plan To Use!

What’s best for that item your selling and it’s customer demographic?

Will you be posting on Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and or Instagram?

You can create a schedule on an excel spreadsheet or do what i do and set one up using Google Calendar which is free! With Google Calendar you can even pick colors for the different Social Media Posts!

Regardless of whether you’re using excel, or Google Calendar or another planner now is the time to think through your  promotions for the fast approaching Holiday Black Friday Weekend!

Here’s a link to an ebay radio show segment I did with these and more great fast and free tips to help make this your best Holiday Selling Season ever!
Get planning now and 2014 can be your best Holiday Selling Season ever!

Guest expert on ebay radio discussing Black Friday is just 10 days away! 11/2014

How Do I Create Great Content For My Social Media Posts?!

People will ask me “Kathy how do I get great content for Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram and the myriad of  social media platforms out there?

One way that I find effective is what I call “cross posting” and this is how I do it.

You have a product that you’ve pinned to Pinterest. I’m using my Tony The Tiger Coffee Mug as an example.
Tony The Tiger Mug On Pinterest

I then write a post on Facebook about this mug. I simply tweaked the copy already on the Pinterest Pin description and posted it on my ebay store Facebook page with a link to the pin.

Tony The Tiger Mug Pinterest Pin Post On Facebook Business Page

I find shortened links are the most effective on Facebook Business pages so I get a shortened link by using the free tool Bitly.

Bitly’s Website

By pinning my Tony The Tiger Mug on my Facebook Business Page with fun content about Tony and Kellogg’s I’m creating engaging content and letting my Facebook followers know about my Pinterest presence and the colorful mug at the same time.

Pinterest Pins are useful in this same manner on Twitter and Google Plus. I could easily post a picture of the pin to my Instagram account.

So, by “cross pinning” I’m creating great content simply and easily and using it effectively on many social media platforms and as a bonus I’m encouraging followers on one venue to join me on another in a very social and pleasant manner!

So the question remains, Do you remember Tony The Tiger?


How To Increase Sales And Size Order For Your Holiday Sales!

According to a recent blog post from Socially Stacked over 40% of shoppers will begin their Holiday Shopping in November!

So, as a savvy entrepreneur and business owner the question is how do you get these shoppers to spend their money with you?!

The answer is offer shopping discounts!

Look at your inventory and institute discounts if customers buy more than a certain dollar amount so they have a reason to spend their money with you and not your competitor!

If you have an ebay store there is an awesome free tool available to you that will put discounts in place for you called Promotions Manager. With this tool you can offer dollars off, a discount and or buy 2 get 1 free order size discounts. You set the criteria for the discount and the inventory that is available for your customer to purchase to gain the savings. The seller controls the details of the offer. You can offer a variety of discounts to your shoppers within different categories in your ebay store and or you can do an offer for your entire store like buy more $200 merchandise ( and include all your inventory) for 10-20% off, $20 off etc.

Here is  short video I did on how to easily set up a great sales discount on ebay using Promotions Manager.

So,  since 40% of shoppers will start spending their money next month it’s time to get ready with great discounts to bring these customers your way so that your 4th Quarter is your best ever!

How To Get More Followers For Your Social Media Posts!

Social Media posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus and Instagram for you as an entrepreneur and seller are yes about your business and products but do keep in mind social media postings are social!
They are a great opportunity for you to share content that is engaging, informative and depending on what you offer your customers fun!
Yes fun!
Have fun with your content, it will show!
Find great recipes, fashion trends, tips on using your product lines, seasonal tie ins ( have you posted anything about Fall, Fall leaves, home decor, home maintenance, baking, cooking,Halloween, Halloween parties, Halloween costumes, Fall hay rides, pumpkins, picking the perfect pumpkin and or pumpkin carving) yet?
Why not enjoy the Fall with your followers! 
You’ll both have a better time and you will build your customer base and followers!
So think Fall and have fun!

How to get a fast easy source for e commerce inventory!

Many non professional sellers sell personal possessions and unused gifts online on the internet in the month of October to raise cash for their family’s Holiday and Christmas spending.

If you as a professional online entrepreneurial seller need a good source of low cost inventory October is a great month for you to shop on ebay, Amazon, etsy, Bonanza and Addoway to buy goods selling below their Holiday re-sell value.

This is an online version of the practice of inventory sourcing called Retail Arbitrage.

What is your area of expertise?

Do you know what sneakers, DVDs, women’s clothes, men’s clothes, children’s toys etc sell for?

Keep an eye on the various internet sales sites for when inventory is priced  low and buy stock for your business to sell during the peak shopping season of Thanksgiving to New Year’s!

Remember the adage, “Buy low, sell, high”?
Well now is the time to be buying low online to sell high later!

It’s time to get shopping!

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