Maximize eBay Guaranteed Delivery For Holiday Sales!

eBay’s new shipping program Guaranteed Delivery  launched to all eBay buyers as of November 2017.

eBay states that Guaranteed Delivery offers shoppers millions of items.

First of all, here is how to use Guaranteed Delivery to maximize your Holiday sales this year.

How to use Guaranteed Delivery to maximize your eBay Holiday sales this year. #eBay

Here is how to use Guaranteed Delivery to maximize your eBay Holiday sales this year.

Furthermore, the Guaranteed Delivery program is not available to all sellers right now. I spoke with Greg Ross-Smith Sr. Product Marketing Manager – Delivery Experience, eBay. Greg says sellers not in Guaranteed Delivery are wait listed. Noteworthy is that wait listed sellers will get access to Guaranteed Delivery in 2018.

So, sellers ask,” Kathy how do we know if we’re in right now?” In your eBay account go to “Account Setting” and then locate”Site Preferences”. Next, find your “eBay Guaranteed Delivery Setting”. So, you are wait listed if the Guaranteed Delivery setting is not in your Site Preferences. Know if you are opted in by clicking HERE, and select the opt in for Guaranteed Delivery.

Most of all sellers, use Guaranteed Delivery to maximize your sales.

So, go through your items for sale. Offer same and or one business day handling time. Furthermore, provide a returns policy and click immediate payment required. Best Offer listings are eligible for Guaranteed Delivery, when a shopper clicks immediate payment at full price. Furthermore, Guaranteed Delivery has two versions. The Handling Time Option is a fit for most small – medium sellers

Requirement of eBay shipping labels waived for the Holidays.

First of all, this is great news for multi channel sellers using ( affiliate link I make a small commission) and other third party shipping services.

With the toggle option, only items in eBay’s Guaranteed Delivery Program are shown.

So, shoppers using the Guaranteed Delivery toggle option, only see items in the Guaranteed Delivery Program.

Product search benefits with Guaranteed Delivery.

Customers search by how fast they want their items to arrive with the Guaranteed Delivery filter. Shoppers view a one to four day arrival time for their packages. So due to shipping options Seller’s listings show in more customer searches. Include these shipping choices with the Bulk Edit tool. Business Policies is another way to add multiple delivery options. So, with adding shipping options sellers score more views, impressions, clicks and sales. Greg Ross-Smith states that Guaranteed Delivery does not effect Best Match search.

How many sales do I have with Guaranteed Delivery?

You have a Guaranteed Delivery Dashboard. Here is how it works.

Wait listed sellers, keep your Holiday sales strong. eBay is publicizing how fast buyers get items. You can do the same. Talk about how quickly you mail purchases in your social media. Share customer feedback about the speed of your shipping.

Use my Top 10 Holiday Sales Success Social Media Tips , to increase sales results with your Christmas social media.

List using shipping upgrades. Offer customers a variety of shipping options for their purchases. Get busy on social media. Spread the word about how fast you ship.

eBay’s Guaranteed Delivery program brings hundreds of thousands of  Christmas shoppers to eBay. More shoppers is good news for all sellers!

The Short Cut To Killer Sales On eBay!

What is the short cut to killer sales on eBay? The answer, find what customers want. So, list products in a manner that eBay and internet search will find them. Next, enjoy watching the money pour in.

Running a profitable business on eBay starts with finding and selling the right items.

First of all, selling in demand items is not enough in the competitive world of eCommerce. Successful products must be listed in a manner that search engines find the items.

Research is key for sales success!

The short cut to killer sales on eBay has two parts. Find and source products consumers want. Next, list inventory so that search engine discover your items. In addition, list using research. Know what search engines like. Optimize your product listings. Optimization gets your listings found and sold.

How do you find in demand products?

For sales success, research four ways. First, listen to friends on the internet. What clothing styles, electronics, home decor items etc are mentioned? Furthermore, do your friends plan to buy an item soon? While you’re in a retail store, watch what people put in their shopping carts. The third way to research hot products is to search eBay by types of merchandise. Analyze sold data with the Advanced Search function .

The fourth way is to use Terapeak. Terapeak is a professional research tool with three years of sold data. Look at items you want to buy with Terapeak Product Research 2.0.  Next, analyze Terapeak’s data. So, does your product sell year round?  In addition, how fast does the item sell? With Terapeak, investigate hot selling products. Collectibles typically sell slower than other merchandise. Know how long you’ll hold an item before it sells. An unsold item is cash tied up. Buying fast selling merchandise keeps the money flowing.

So, now it’s time to source products.

Buy inventory at thrift and consignment stores. Also shop yard sales, retail stores, online sites and wholesalers.

Once bought, its time to list and sell.

Optimized listings get your products found by search and sold. Furthermore, your title is crucial to get your inventory sold.

Your title and your pictures are what shoppers see first. In addition they are important to mobile shoppers. Use eBay search to help you write a killer title. So, start typing in the words that describe your product.

Think like a buyer to get sales.

Look at your item. What terms describe it? eBay staff spoke at recent events on title length. Titles that use 75 characters or more of the 80 allotted characters get more sales.

My YouTube shows you how to write awesome titles.

Use four or more clear crisp pictures with a white background.

In addition, listings with four or more pictures are best. You can create a listing with up to twelve pictures. Image recognition is being used in search. Due to image recognition search, clear crisp pictures are a must. Click HERE for effective tips for pictures for your listing.

So, the short cut to more sales?

Take the time to research what shoppers want to buy.  Spot trends by listening to friends. Be alert when shopping in retail stores. Gain a clear picture of how fast inventory sells with Terapeak . Time spent researching inventory saves you money and frustration. While listing, let eBay search help you create keyword rich titles. Write titles that are 75 or more characters. Use four or more clear pictures in your listing. Maximize every nook and cranny of your listing to stand out in search and get sold.

 Finally, use all the insider information in my hit guide The Secret To eBay Search For Sellers.

Maximize every nook and cranny of your eBay listing to stand out in search and get sold.

Now, you’re set for your sales to take off!

Sales will take off!

eBay Sales Power Has Arrived!

eBay sellers are always looking for more sales. So, the question is how to best accomplish it.

eBay sellers always want more sales!


All of eCommerce selling is very competitive. Furthermore, it’s getting more competitive daily. It’s all about getting found in search. So, better search results gets your products seen by more shoppers. More shoppers looking at your items, means more sales. With a faster turn over rate you make your money faster.

eBay has a program that gives it’s Store owners and Top Rated sellers an edge in search and sales. It is Promoted Listings.

Sales power is here with Promoted Listings for single quantity items!

Promoted Listings is eBay’s paid search initiative. So, previously only multi quantity items were boosted in paid search service.  As of 8/10/2017 single items, except Motors fulfillment, are  eligible for this popular program. Qualifying sellers control what and how they promote their listings using Promoted Listings.

Store owners and Top Rated sellers can create Campaigns through Promoted Listings. Sellers include a few or all their eligible listings. Sellers only pay a Promoted Listings fee if the shopper clicks the item through the promotion and buys the exact item within 30 days of the initial click. Any other items that the shopper buys, benefits the seller with no additional sales fee over the usual listing and final value fees.

So, to use Promoted Listings, go to your Marketing tab in Seller Hub. Click Promoted Listings. Then select  “Create A New Campaign” Creating a campaign is the process of selecting listings to be promoted.

Niche each Promoted Listing Campaign.

The reason for tightly grouping Campaigns is that by putting similar items into the same Campaign, it’s easier to analyse data and results. When Campaigns are set up over several categories, you can still get sales but it’s a more time consuming process to evaluate the effectiveness of the Campaign’s results.

eBay recommends that sellers chose the Prevailing Rate when setting up a Campaign. This is the price to get the best search result for the item selected. If the seller has very tight margins it is totally acceptable to select a lower rate. Realize a lower rate will mean the item will not be boosted in search as frequently. A lower search rate can still be effective for sellers. Sellers can also bump the rate they are charged up a bit over the prevailing rate.

It’s worth it to experiment and see if a slightly higher rate brings better sales results. Here is a Youtube from eBay on how to set up a Campaign easily and quickly for Promoted Listings.

The Promoted Listings dashboard shows your Campaign(s). Sellers have data on their overall impressions, click and sales for all their Promoted Listings Campaigns. In addition eBay sellers can access the statistics for each Campaign. Campaign results will vary. For instance, Campaign 1 has a a 1000-1 ratio for impressions to clicks, for Campaign 2 it’s 2000-1. If you note a very high number of impressions with no clicks, it’s worthwhile to analyse the listing(s) for  price, quality of photos and keywords. Used this way Promoted Listings is an awesome tool to flag under performing items.

Equip yourself with my Promoted Listings Guide to get awesome sales results. Click HERE for instant access.

Complimentary Promoted Listings Guide!

eBay’s Promoted Listings boosts your listings in eBay search for great visibility and sales.  Using it, you are set up with a powerful dashboard to gauge and monitor your sales success. You have strategic data to make powerful changes to your listings to increase your sales.

eBay’s sales powerhouse Promoted Listings has arrived. Get on board now and ignite your eBay sales!

Amazing Online Summer Sales Tips That Work Now!

So, if you’re having a slow Summer sellers, now is the time to re-group. Let’s turn slow sales into awesome sales.

You need to take action to increase your Summer sales now.
Here we go!
If your online sales are terrific, good! Keep doing what you are doing.
But, if you are like many sellers, experiencing a slowdown in Summer sales, let’s get to work and turn your sales around.

#1 Mistake Sellers Make That Slows Summer Sales!

Check prices!

Check prices if your sales are slow!

Have you checked the price on your product? Have you looked at it with a Google search on the web and not just the site you sell on?

Yes folks may pay a bit more on Amazon if they are Amazon Prime, but if it’s $5 cheaper on eBay, shoppers may head over to eBay to buy the item. The reverse is also true. Shoppers look at eBay, Amazon, Walmart, Jet, Etsy and Poshmark and a whole host of websites with a few taps of their finger or click of their mouse. They are sites that find the cheapest price for products for shoppers. In hard to find collectibles where your item is unique you are less subject to this. As a collectible seller, for you it’s a matter of doing your price research using tools like Terapeak, #ad  so you value your item correctly.

For more common items especially items with barcodes and MPN numbers, if your item is sitting and not selling, look at the price all over the web.

Often a price change of $1 can open the flood gates to more Summer sales! The internet is like the stock market. prices go up and down. When you listed your item the going price may have been XX and 2 weeks later it has dropped as other sellers have come onto the market. Big Commerce did a study  on what shoppers look for. Over 80% of shoppers say price is very influential in their purchase selection.

#2 Mistake Sellers Make That Slows Summer Sales!

Check your keywords in your title!

Is the brand, color, size and important aspects of the item in your title?

Titles are more and more crucial to getting sales online. That is because so many shoppers are on mobile.

On a mobile device your customer is looking at your picture and title on eBay, Etsy, Amazon or Poshmark. Online shoppers make the majority of not all of their shopping decision solely from your title and picture(s). This YouTube will show you how to use eBay search to write titles for your listings that will help in both eBay and Google search.


#3 Mistake Sellers Make That Slows Summer Sales!

Forgetting To Think Ahead!

I was working with a private client this past week. I reminded them to start to set up their social media for back to school. They remarked, “Really?” My response was, “Yes!” Back to school may not start where you are til late August or September, while other parts of the USA start in late July. Look to your products now and decide what you put front and center for people that are shopping for back to school now! With my free Ultimate Guide To Back To School Inventory list you’ll be ready to increase your Summer sales everywhere you sell! Click HERE for yours!

Check prices, check your keyword selection and get busy anticipating the next selling season and you’re on your way to more Summer sales everywhere you sell!
Let me know how these tips help you below.

Increase Your eBay Sales This Summer!

eBay sellers have been coming to me for weeks asking, “Kathy, how can I increase my Summer sales?” Are you ready for the answer?  The answer is, “Work smart”. Here’s how.

First of all, consider what do people buy in the summer? If you can’t think of anything, then jump on social media. Read what your friends are talking about. So, are they discussing graduation, job hunting, gardening, travel, new films coming out or weddings? Take notes on what they are discussing.

To do these activities, what do people need to own? Write a list. Look for these items when you’re shopping at yard sales, auctions, retail stores and outlets.

What sells on eBay in the Summer?

Next, go through your unlisted inventory. Do you have in demand Summer items sitting in your unlisted pile of inventory? List those items now.

Sort through products you’ve already listed. Do you have products that shoppers would want for Summer activities?

Feature those products now to your Summer shoppers. Don’t forget to promote your Fall-Winter items for your international shoppers and for people traveling to colder climates during the summer. Just as Christmas sell year round, so do Winter clothes!

If you have an eBay store you have an awesome tool to increase Summer sales. It’s the order discount tool, Promotions Manager.

Using Promotions Manager, you can attract summer shoppers to your eBay store and keep your sales strong all summer long.

So, there are essential keys to using Promotions Manager successfully.

Make sure to group similar items together in your Promotion. Creating a Promotion that includes men’s shirts with women’s shoes is unlikely to succeed. A much better choice would be two Promotions. One Promotion for men’s clothing separate from another Promotion for women’s clothing. For collectibles consider grouping items of a similar color or period. Even if the Promotions all offer the same order discount, you want to create separate Promotions for each category of products.

Grouping Promotions with similar items, increases your likelihood of a shopper using your discount.

Group similar products you’re selling on eBay to increase sales.

Once you have your listings in mind for your Promotion, check what your average shopping cart size is. Look at your sales for the past 90 days. On average how much do customers buy from you? Do they typically spend $30, $50, $60 or more?  Whatever the typical dollar amount is, you want to select a discount that encourages shoppers to spend more with you, while you still make an acceptable profit.

A discount under 20% is not going to get anybody’s attention.

Look to discount 20% or more. eBay staffers state that there is data showing shoppers love order discount offers. With this in mind create an appealing offer of 20% or more and score sales!

In addition, Promotions Manager can be combined with Promoted listings for more sales. I detail this strategy in The Secret To Boosting Sales On eBay.

An added benefit to using Promotions Manager is that your items will be offered to more shoppers by eBay.

There are other  items that are shown to shoppers in addition to what you have in your Promotion, but your Promotion will be displayed frequently to consumers. I explain this, and show it to you in this YouTube.

Don’t settle for a Summer slow down in your sales on eBay this Summer.

Fight back, going the extra mile with product research and attractive order discounts. Be determined to have strong sales ALL Summer long!

eBay Active Content Made Simple!

As of June 1 eBay is turning off Active Content.What does that mean to sellers? First of all, let’s start at the beginning.

So, what is Active Content?

What is Active Content?

Techopedia explains it here. Therefore, it is is Java Script or Flash. In older style listings it was used for popular scrolling galleries, cross selling widgets and apps.

Years ago colorful listings with moving parts were considered desirable. That has changed with the modern emphasis on mobile shoppers.

So, to be “Mobile Optimized” or “Mobile Friendly” sellers need lean pared down listing to get sales.

Java script and Flash lead to listings loading slowly. This leads to frustrated shoppers, abandoned searches and shopping carts.

Active content hurts the mobile shopping experience.

Since eBay announced it’s intention to deactivate all Active Content, third party applications are working quickly. They are free of Java Script and Flash.  HTML and CSS are fine to use but Java Script and Flash are not. Contact your third party service providers and ask about their products.

Let’s break it down. What should a successful eBay seller do?

eBay emailed sellers  information on this topic several times in the past year.

With this tool, you’ll discover any Active Content in your listings:
Using the Isdntek testing tool, test a few of your products.
If you discover Active Content, as you have time remove it. It will be deactivated by eBay June 1. Deactivating the content does not remove it from your listing. It makes it inactive. The “dead” content should have no effect. It’s in your listing but it’s not doing anything. The dead content will not effect the loading time of listings.
Jim “The Griff” Griffith discusses this during this April 2017 Facebook Live for eBay For Business

I explain how to edit your listings quickly in this YouTube, How To Easily & Quickly Remove Active Content From Your eBay Listings.


eBay listings are more mobile friendly and safer.

Mobile friendly is ALWAYS good for sellers!

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