Eager sellers turn to me and say “Kathy, help me! I don’t know how to be social on social media! I just know how to post my products!”
I hear you entrepreneur, I hear you!

Help, I don't know how as a business to be social on social media!

Help, I don’t know how as a business to be social on social media!

To be effective on social media just remember no one wants to listen to endless promotions. Don’t most TV viewers mute commercials or fast forward through them?

You don't want to muted  and ignored by customers!

You don’t want to muted and ignored by customers!

As a successful online seller you want to find great content that engages and entertains your customers so they look forward to your posts, not mute them.

One fast and easy way to find trending topics daily is on your Facebook page! When you’re on Facebook look to the right of your main feed and you’ll find all kinds of stories on numerous topics!

You can use this free and hot trending information that’s happening in the moment to craft posts for your followers on your Facebook business page, Twitter feed, Google Plus and more!

These posts on events happening now can have the effect of bringing customer traffic your way!

In under 3 minutes I show you how to do this on this You Tube video!

Copy and pastes links to the stories you chose on your chosen social media platform. You can use this strategy for your Facebook Business page, Twitter account, Google Plus and/ or with a picture on Instagram and add a few hashtags!

You can also use this strategy tying events happening now to your products. Soft sell, engaging product posts linked to stories current in the news will make you an interesting entrepreneur and source of trending information rather than annoying retailer.

So, entrepreneur, are you ready to be interesting?

Ready To Be Interesting?

Ready To Be Interesting?


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